The Farmer Girl Gets Rich

Chapter 2541: I choose Princess Anping

"Someone has chosen? Then what does he insist on asking the princess and his relatives?" Lihua whispered.

After she said this, after looking at Lingxi, she saw shock in each other's eyes.

"Could it be that he fell in love with Anping?"

At this moment, at the Jinluan Temple, Xiao Yuanyao stepped onto the seat under Shu Tianci, looked at the excited Manchu civil and military officials, and said: "The Qing emperor, this king came to the Qing Dynasty and gave a lot of horses , Weapon and there is a mountain of unknown, and now with iron smelting technology as the bride price, the Qing emperor is also invited to complete the Nanling Tomb, to complete the century-old friendship between Nanling and the Qing!"

After he finished speaking, he took out a notebook from his arms and said: "The Qing emperor, this is the technique of iron smelting. If you make an order now and agree to the princess and marry me, then this iron smelting technique will be given to the Qing emperor with both hands immediately!"

Seeing the iron smelting technology in the hands of the Nanling King, the faces of the civil and military officials all showed joy, and they all took the iron smelting technology in exchange!

"The emperor, please agree! This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity! The emperor, for the sake of the Qing Dynasty's Jiangshan society, and for the peace and harmony of the people, I hope you will think twice!"

"The emperor, I think I have been in the Qing Dynasty for so many years, the weather has been good and the country is safe, but I have always suffered a lot of grievances among countries because of the inability of iron smelting technology. Now that the king of Nanling is so sincere, he hopes that the emperor can agree. This is not only Nanling. The king's request, and it is also the request of the tens of thousands of people in the Qing Dynasty. The Qing Dynasty and Nanling have been close for a hundred years, the emperor, it is within your thoughts!"

Shu Tianci looked at Xiao Yuanyao and sneered in his heart when he saw that he was determined to win.

Want Princess Anping?

A woman I can't get, do you want to get it?

Now that you have the courage to want it, you are afraid that you will not have the life to go back! Not to mention that you are out of the realm of the Qing Dynasty, even if you return to Nanling, someone will level your Nanling!

Thinking of this, Shu Tianci showed a sneer: "What you mean is, if I don't accept this iron smelting technology and do not agree to the princess and my relatives, I will be a sinner of the Qing Dynasty?"

There was a moment of silence above the main hall, and the already shady palace is now even more chilly. The ministers only felt chills in their backs. They really meant this, but who else would dare to say such things in person? I saw Shu Hao suddenly stepped forward and knelt down: "The emperor, the veteran, I have to say a word. When the first emperor was alive, he spent so much effort in smelting iron and forging, just for My Qing’s weapons can be as hard and durable as Nanling, but after so many years, my Qing’s iron smelting and forging technology is still lagging behind. Compared with Nanling, it’s even more vulnerable. If it weren’t for our country’s strong manpower, so many years. In many battles, how can my Qing Dynasty compete with Nanling, who is an elite weapon? Now, Nanling wants to be with my Qing Dynasty for a hundred years, and even offers iron smelting technology personally. Why can't it? The emperor, Nanling sincerely and sincerely with me The marriage of the Qing Dynasty and the conclusion of a one-hundred-year covenant, this is a great thing that is beneficial to our Daqing rivers and mountains, and is conducive to the settlement of my people. Why can't we accept it? King Nanling also personally admitted that the princess will be the queen of Nanling in the future, and she will give birth. The descendants will be the future heirs of Nanling. With such an honor, Nanling is so sincere, but I was reluctant to even a princess in the Qing Dynasty. The emperor, Nanling sincerely signed the agreement, you must not chill Nanling's heart, chill me The hearts of tens of thousands of people in the Qing Dynasty chilled the hearts of tens of thousands of soldiers in the border areas of the Qing Dynasty. They fought in the border areas and had been away from home for many years. Which one does not have old people at the top and small people at the bottom. They serve me After giving up their lives, now they have the opportunity to have no war for a hundred years. They can go home to support their parents and raise their wives and children. This is a great thing! The minister said that the words are not sound, but I hope the emperor will think twice and think twice!"

Shu Hao knelt down, and a lot of hundreds of officials behind him also knelt down. On the entire Golden Luang Temple, a piece of Wu Ya's head was pressed down, Shu Tianci wanted to laugh, he wanted to laugh very much!

He looked at King Nanling, and finally said something: "I will let Princess Lihua be married!"

I saw King Nanling's face changed suddenly, and his sharp eyes burst out with a sharp light, which met Shu Tianci's eyes in the air. Neither of them moved away. They just looked at each other like this, and neither of them gave up!

At this moment, the princess Lihua, who was listening to the movement outside, suddenly heard these words and couldn't help it anymore, shouting: "Brother Emperor, I am not going, I am not going to make a marriage, I am not going!"

Seeing Lihua suddenly rushed in, Shu Tianci saw it, got up from the dragon chair, and shouted: "Stop the princess! Drag her out for me!"

But it was too late, the princess Lihua rushed in from outside, ran directly to the Golden Luang Temple, and knelt down with a thump: "Brother Emperor, I don't want to make a marriage, I don't want to, I don't want to marry him!"

Shu Tianci sat back in a daze, seeing Lihua clamoring in the hall, and his heart surged with strong anxiety. At this time, I only heard Xiao Yuanyao sneer and said: "Qing emperor, you can see that Princess Lihua is not willing to kiss me Nanling, then I am naturally not chosen by anyone in Nanling. Even so, this king does not want Princess Lihua. This king chooses Princess Anping!"

At this time, there was an uproar in the hall. The only Shu Hao who knew the truth, hung his head and smiled triumphantly, while the ministers whispered to each other and were discussing why the Nanling King didn’t want a princess who was serious and serious, but wanted one. The princess brought up from the peasant girl has no royal blood at all!

The princess Lihua is not stupid. She seems to have guessed something. From the beginning, she entered the Jinluan Temple. Xiao Yuanyao deliberately said that to herself, which seemed to be preventing her from entering the Jinluang Temple. , She couldn't help it, and then rushed in, in front of so many civil and military officials, saying that she would not go to marry after death!

Xiao Yuanyao said at this moment that he did not choose himself, but chose Princess Anping. He seemed to start from the beginning. What he wanted to choose was Princess Anping, and his appearance was nothing more than to give him a ride on the boat, and this boat would let the emperor brother Have to push!

Therefore, from the very beginning, Xiao Yuanyao was calculating himself!

But how did he know that he would come to the Golden Luang Temple? How could he know his actions?

Lihua felt that this Xiao Yuanyao was terrible. She couldn't help but stretched out her hand to point towards Xiao Yuanyao, but saw that his face was cold, like an ice stone cast in thousands of years. When she looked at herself, the biting cold eyes almost froze Lihua!

This man is not only scary, but he is unfathomable!

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