The Farmer Girl Gets Rich

Chapter 2572: Mortality

Today, the most discussed issue is how Nanling King took Shu Min to leave. Shu Min is the princess of a country and the cousin of the emperor. Xiao Yuanyao is going to marry the princess. Shu Tianci has spoken, saying that he will now enshrine Mingdu County. The master is Princess Mingdu, and she lifted her identity a bit.

Shu Hao had nothing to say.

Then it was the matter of marriage arrangements. Shu Tianci did his best to give King Nanling and Princess Mingdu the greatest dignity, and Shu Hao had nothing to say.

Until the end, when talking about dowry, Shu Hao had a lot to say.

"The emperor, the ministers have something to tell. The Princess Mingdu is for the century-old diplomatic relations between the Qing Dynasty and Nanling, and she invites her to kiss Nanling. After she and the pro-Nanling, for the face of my Qing Dynasty, and for the future dignity of Princess Mingdu, the ministers courageously , I want to ask the emperor to buy more dowry, it can be regarded as full of the love of the daughter for a moment!" Shu Hao knelt on the ground, said gratefully.

Naturally, Shu Hao would consider this, and said: "I had this intention already, Ming Wang, get up, Ming is my role model for the Qing Dynasty, I will marry her gracefully, and I will definitely not let her be here. Nan Ling lost half of his face."

After agreeing on the marriage matters, there is nothing more to do. The early morning ended, and Shu Tianci sat Yu Hu to go to the Queen Mother.

As soon as he arrived at the queen dowager’s palace, when he saw Awei beside Qin Mozhi, Shu Tianci was a little surprised: "Is the regent too?"

A Wei hurriedly saluted: "If you return to the emperor, the prince will talk to the queen mother inside!"

Shu Tianci nodded and walked straight in. There was a faint voice. After Shu Tianci entered, he saw the empress dowager's expression of joy, holding something in her hand, and seeing Shu Tianci, he smiled and said: " But Qiao'er, the emperor is here, just in time, the emperor went to the Qintian Supervisor and asked, to see which of these days is a good day for rejoicing, just so, give the regent and Princess Anping a marriage!"

Hearing the four words of Princess Anping, Shu Tianci only felt that his scalp was numb. He suddenly raised his head and looked at the big red paper in the hand of the Queen Mother.

It should be her life's eight characters!

Yes, she wants to get married, and she wants to get married too!

Shu Tianci's complexion couldn't help but looked ugly. He lowered his head slightly, for fear that the people present would see his gaffe, he hurriedly said, "Okay, your minister obeys! Then send someone to the Qintian Supervisor to say hello!"

Seeing that the emperor had agreed, the queen mother smiled and said to the regent: "Looking at you now, you will soon have a home. My heart is about to let go, but after all, you are not young anymore. It is time to settle down. Anping is a good girl. If you bully her, the Aijia will never spare you lightly!"

Qin Yizhi arched his hand and said earnestly: "Thank you, the queen mother, the minister will never lose her in this life. If you violate this promise, the heaven will die!"

Destiny is extinct!

Shu Tianci lowered his head and smiled, wondering whether he should be happy or sad. Someone treats her well, isn't it? But why, but that person is not him?

He didn't dare to stop and said, "Mother, give your birthday horoscope to your elder minister. It is a good day for your elder minister to find someone at the Qintian Supervisor!" The Queen Mother gave Shu Tianci what she was holding, and Shu Tianci took it. He didn’t look at it and didn’t dare to look at it. She squeezed the thing directly into her palm and said, “Queen, son Leave it first!"

Qin Yizhi got up, folded his hands and said: "Queen dowager, Weichen also resigned!"

The queen mother nodded: "Go back! Midnight, if you are free, let Anping go to the palace to accompany Ae's family. Ae's family likes her very much!"

Qin Yizhi nodded: "The minister obeyed!"

Shu Tianci bowed, and then retired. Qin Yizhi walked behind him. When the two of them went outside, Shu Tianci's footsteps became faster and faster. He ignored Qin Yizhi behind him and went to Yuhu. He went straight away without saying a word to Qin Yizhi from beginning to end.

Qin Yizhi was not upset either. He knew Shu Tianci's thoughts, but that was his person. He frowned slightly when he looked at Yu Hu who was going away.

Unknown to him, A Wei said, "Master, are we going out of the palace?"

Qin Yizhi nodded: "Leave the palace and take the girl to the mansion to take a look. Also, all the matters that make people start preparing for marriage!"

Although Qin Tianjian hasn't calculated the date yet, he wants to get things done as quickly as possible. In this case, all those who covet her can only sigh with excitement.

He is a little selfish, but in front of love, no one is generous!

Yu Hu walked quickly, and when Shu Tianci was on the way up, he whispered to the father-in-law Qi on the side: "Go faster!"

Although Grandpa Qi didn't know the reason, he saw the regent who came out immediately behind him. He was blessed and hurriedly said: "The slave sees the regent!"

Yu Hu had already got up, and Father Qi only saw Qin Yizhi nodding to himself, and immediately trot to follow. Yu Xun left quickly, and within a short while, disappeared into the long corridor.

Shu Tianci's palms were all sweaty. He looked at the red paper in his palms and was taken aback, then hurriedly took out the things, for fear that the sweat in his palms would soak the red paper.

When he saw that the writing inside was intact, his hanging heart was released.

There are two lines written in it, one line is Qin Ziye, followed by his birth date, and the other is Gu Xiaowan, followed by her birth date.

The fonts of the two lines were different. He looked at Gu Xiaowan's line, the handwriting was neat and graceful, and the small letters of hairpins were just like her people, fresh and refined, making people never forget.

He almost obsessively looked at the line of words on the red paper, hot tears dripped on the big red paper drop by drop, fainting the red paper, fainting the black ink, he saw that the handwriting was blurred. He was busy wiping with his hands, and he was afraid that he would damage the things in his hands if he tried too hard, he could only hold back his tears, and carefully wiped the paper dry, then folded it again and put it back in his arms. .

After all, tears came out of his eyes, and he whimpered silently. Father Qi was outside the sedan chair, and when he heard the suppressed cry inside, his heart was also twisted.

After the Qin Tianjian took the birth date, it was a good day soon, on the 28th of the next month, the 28th of the twelfth lunar month.

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