The Farmer Girl Gets Rich

Chapter 2575: Weird fragrance

Yun Xiang glanced at Feng Chi in surprise, then Feng Chi nodded, as if saying: You guessed it right, it's that person!

My dear, Yun Xiang’s face, I don’t know if he should be surprised or amazing, or if he feels scared, he really wants to pry Princess Anping’s brain apart to take a look and see what is inside. What's wrong!

Feng Chi continued: "This Princess Anping is full of treasures. It's incredible! I don't know how so many capable people in the Qing Dynasty. Just an Anping Princess is worth a thousand troops!"

is not it? The technology of smelting iron and forging in people's minds, the weapons of the Qing Dynasty are now cutting Nanling weapons just like cutting vegetables. Nanling is at stake!

"Wang, what should I do?" Yun Xiang said worriedly.

Xiao Yuanyao naturally thought of it. He had a plan in his mind, but knew that he couldn't say it here at this moment. He could only say: "Say so much what to do, eat first! When you are full, come and think of a solution!"

The three of them had their heads to eat again. They had a hot pot for more than half an hour. When they were outside, the whole Fujin Building was overcrowded, with voices and white gas from the hot pot everywhere, and Xiao Er shuttled between positions. The figure of Fu Jin Building, the business is very good!

The three were about to go downstairs. When passing by a box, Yun Xiang suddenly stopped, Feng Chi walked behind and asked, "Doctor Yun, what's wrong with you?"

The tip of Yun Xiang's nose seemed to be filled with some smell, but he felt that the smell of hot pot was everywhere in this building. How could he smell the fragrance of flowers? It seemed that a certain kind of seasoning had petals in it, which made it smell.

Yun Xiang quickly raised his foot and walked forward, leaving Fujin Tower.

As for the box that Yun Xiang just paused in, the one sitting in it was Gu Xiaowan in the top position. Next to her was Aya, as well as Li Fan, Xiao Shengzi, Gu Fangxi, Su Mang, Gu Xiaoyi and Shen Wenjun. There are other people in the family, the whole table is full of seats, the table is full of food, and everyone eats heartily.

Gu Xiaowan looked at the cauldron in front of her. Some of her hands were not that long, so she got up slightly to reach for the spoon in the pot. Suddenly, Gu Xiaowan had an idea and said to Xiao Shengzi, "Xiao Shengzi, I will go later. You draw a picture there, you take the picture to the official kiln and the blacksmith shop, to make a small stove and pot, it is so small, everyone can put one in front of it, and it will look like this kind of big table in the future, fixed You can punch a few more holes in the upper part of the position, and insert the small stove into it like this, so that the table is big and it is convenient for everyone to pick up dishes!"

Princess Anping had a new idea again, Xiao Shengzi responded hurriedly: "Hole, I'll do it right away!"

Li Fan smiled and looked at Gu Xiaowan. Li Fan also knew about her, but the master didn't announce it. She didn't tell him, and he just thought he didn't know it!

"It's been so many years now, you all have grown up, and Uncle Li is getting old too!" Li Fan said with a smile and stroking his beard. It was almost ten years after that. Ten years ago, Gu Xiaowan was still a child, a lean and impoverished child. After a while, she seemed to become the myth of the entire Qing Dynasty!

"Yes, we are all old." Gu Fangxi also said with a smile.

Gu Xiaowan gave Gu Fangxi angrily and said, "Where is my aunt? I was waiting to be a sister in the same year. I have been a sister for so long, but I haven't raised a tiny baby doll yet!" Gu Fang's face flushed with shame. Fortunately, he was hot in the wing, and I didn’t know if it was shameful or hot. Su Mang smiled and pulled Gu Fangxi’s hand under the table. Just don't let go.

Gu Fangxi gave Su Mang a shy look, and the two interacted affectionately. Gu Xiaowan saw it in her eyes, she was happy in her heart, and aunt was happy!

Gu Xiaowan didn't go on with this little bit of big milk doll. Gu Fangxi had a thin face and would not go on. Everyone laughed, and the matter passed.

Aya eats slowly, Gu Xiaowan has always cared about him, this child really makes her feel distressed.

When she got up in the morning, the outside was already white. She came out of the bed and felt very cold, so she shouted: "A Zuo"

Zuo pushed the door open and saw Gu Xiaowan getting up, and said, "Girl, there is a lot of snow outside!"

After speaking, I came to dress Gu Xiaowan. Hearing that there was white snow, Gu Xiaowan was a little excited and wanted to go out and take a look. After putting on the clothes, the water coming from Zuo end was a bit cold, Zuo said, "I'll add some hot water!"

Gu Xiaowan said, Zuo opened the door, and saw a person standing at the door, holding a copper basin, and hearing the sound of the door opening, he looked up at her.

"Young Master Ya, why are you here?" Zuo shouted.

Gu Xiaowan also came over, seeing that it was Aya, and was a little happy: "Aya, are you here?"

"Hot water!" Aya called out to her sister, and then handed the copper basin to Zuo. Zuo saw the hot water in the copper basin and knew it was for the girl, so he hurried in, and Gu Xiaowan pulled him in.

He kept holding the copper basin, and his hands were a little cold. Gu Xiaowan hurriedly took his heater to him, and kept rubbing his hands: "How long have you been standing outside? Why are your hands so cold!"

Aya looked at Gu Xiaowan seriously, and said the second sentence: "Sister, you have lost weight!"

Can you not lose weight? In the palace, I didn't live a good day with peace of mind. It was either Shu Min or Xiao Yuanyao, anyway, every day in fear. Fortunately, all this was finally over. Xiao Yuanyao chose someone to be with his relatives, and with his brother Yizhi, no one would dare to bully her!

She said with some excitement: "Don't be afraid, my sister will grow back in the next few days. My sister is very happy now. You can eat, drink, chop, beat and sleep. Don't worry, Aya!"

The two brothers and sisters were talking, and Zuo mixed hot and cold water on the side. Seeing the affectionate appearance of these two people, I didn't know, he thought they were real brothers and sisters.

Gu Xiaowan herself couldn't tell why. Seeing Aya, her heart felt a mess. Perhaps like her younger brother, she truly regarded her as his own brother.

When the thoughts returned to the table, everyone had eaten and drank enough, Gu Xiaowan and others said goodbye, Xiao Shengzi sent the people to the gate, everyone got into the carriage, the carriage slammed away, and returned to Qingyuan!

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