The Farmer Girl Gets Rich

Chapter 2579: Cheeky begging for food

When I arrived at the gate of Qingyuan, I saw a carriage parked there. The people in the carriage were sitting there and looking up at the sky. They didn't know how long they had been waiting! The people in the carriage heard the sound of horses' hoofs and turned their heads hurriedly. When they saw the driver sitting in the carriage, their eyes brightened.

He opened the curtain and shouted inside, and saw the person inside the curtain walk out. Huo Di jumped out of the carriage and walked towards Gu Xiaowan's carriage.

"King Nanling?" Ahmad and Azuo drove the carriage, and naturally they saw Fengchi and Xiao Yuanyao. They were a little confused. They didn't know why Xiao Yuanyao appeared here.

Gu Xiaowan was also a little surprised when he heard the movement outside. What is he doing?

"Princess Anping, this king has been waiting for you for half a day, are you still not getting out of the carriage? It's freezing cold, I'm going to freeze to death!" Xiao Yuanyao said aggrievedly.

He finished the hot pot at Fujinlou today. He originally wanted to go back to the post house. After thinking about it, he didn't go back, so he went back to Qingyuan and waited until now.

Gu Xiaowan opened the curtain and looked at Xiao Yuanyao, who was disguised by the beard without that face. This time it looked better, but the look in his eyes was completely unobstructed because of the absence of heavy hair.

This is a deep-hearted person, terrible!

Gu Xiaowan thought about it this way, with a twelve-point response, got out of the carriage, blessed her body slightly, and asked alienatedly, "I don't know what is the important thing about Nanling King's visit to the humble house today?"

Xiao Yuanyao said aggrievedly: "What? This king is coming to Qing Dynasty, this is about to leave, can't it not be possible to visit Princess Xia Anping?"

Of course it works!

Gu Xiaowan nodded and replied: "That is Anping rude, it should have been Anping to say goodbye!"

Xiao Yuanyao looked helpless: "This king is afraid that the princess will not go. No, this king just came in person. Why, does Anping Princess invite me to go in? This kind of hospitality makes this king very sad. what!"

Xiao Yuanyao said that he was helpless and aggrieved, but Gu Xiaowan knew that he must have her own calculations in his heart. Although she refused, she thought that this was the Nanling King. He now has a candidate for the princess of his marriage, not to mention that he is already The princess of Qin Ziye, forgive him for not doing anything.

Furthermore, this is his own residence, with Ah Zuo and Ahmad by his side, he should not bully himself! Thinking of this, Gu Xiaowan stretched out her hand and said, "King Nanling, please!"

Xiao Yuanyao also stretched out his hand: "Princess Anping, please!"

The two walked towards the gate at the same time, all the way to the main hall. Gu Xiaowan asked King Nanling to sit down. At this moment, someone came to ask for peace: "Subordinate Yun Xiang, see Princess Anping!"

Gu Xiaowan looked at him. He was a man in his fifties. Although he was thin, he was also shrewd. If she remembers correctly, this person, he gave himself a pulse last time, but later he bit him. The tongue was relieved of the poison, and the doctor was not allowed to act."Hello Doctor Yun!" Gu Xiaowan said.

Yun Xiang didn't expect Princess Anping's memory to be so good. He was a little surprised, hurriedly arched his hands, and stood beside Xiao Yuanyao.

The hall is very large, and the lingering in the room is a faint fragrance of tea, and there are some other smells that linger on the tip of the nose and linger.

Yun Xiang smelled the smell and thought of being in Fujinlou today. When he left, he also smelled it, so he smiled and asked, "Princess Anping just came back from hot pot today?"

When Gu Xiaowan heard this, she hurriedly sniffed her clothes. There was indeed some hot pot smell, and she said: "Doctor Yun has a really sharp nose. I really had hot pot in Fujinlou today!"

"What a coincidence?" Xiao Yuanyao said hurriedly when he heard it, "I am in Fujinlou today, why didn't I see you?"

How could I see that they must be in private boxes. The soundproofing of the boxes is good, and as soon as the door is closed, who can see who can be seen, he said, “Anping doesn’t know. The King Nanling is also in Fujin Building. It is a pity that Anping is going to be a treat for today’s meal!"

What Gu Xiaowan said was just a polite remark. After all, it was over. She really didn't know that he was in Fujinlou. Otherwise, she would have paid for a meal!

Xiao Yuanyao chuckled and smiled, "What are you sorry? I didn't invite you at noon. Isn't it going to be dinner soon?"

Gu Xiaowan turned her head to see Xiao Yuanyao, and saw Xiao Yuanyao laugh out loud: "I heard that the dishes at Jinfulou, Fujinlou, and Gu Ji’s barbecue were made by Princess Anping herself. I wonder if this king can do it. With this honor, before leaving the Qing Dynasty, it is no regret to be able to taste the dishes prepared by Princess Anping herself!"

After speaking, Xiao Yuanyao looked at Gu Xiaowan with burning eyes.

Gu Xiaowan also looked at Xiao Yuanyao, and immediately understood what he meant.

He wants to eat the food he made. If he wants to eat it, it must be in Qingyuan!

Gu Xiaowan was unwilling to keep him, and said: "Since that's the case, it's easy to handle, otherwise, please ask Nanling King to move, let's go to Jinfulou together!"

Xiao Yuanyao didn't expect Princess Anping to agree so quickly. He was a little surprised. Although he wanted to eat in Qingyuan, she agreed to let herself eat, but it was a different place, so he wouldn't have any more to say, this Anping The princess has a very strong temperament. If you refute her again, I am afraid that she will have no food!

Xiao Yuanyao couldn't help but sneered at the thought that he would look forward and backward for a woman's words. On the face, he replied solemnly: "Princess Anping arranged, how can this king not follow the reason? As long as you can eat the food that Princess Anping personally cooks, it doesn't matter where you go!"

Before saying a few words, seeing that it was late, everyone went out again, got in the carriage, and went to Jinfu Tower.

Li Fan had long received the news from Qingyuan that it was Princess Anping and King Nanling who were going to Jinfulou for dinner. Li Fan rushed to vacate the best emperor's box and also vacated the master. come out.

On Princess Anping's side, one person couldn't be too busy, and he couldn't believe those little guys, so he simply called the master to help Princess Anping.

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