The Farmer Girl Gets Rich

Chapter 2588: Yihong is looking for her

Now that Shu Min is expensive as a princess, Tan Yushu Fufu greeted her with peace. After Shu Min waited for her to invite Ann, she went forward to help her and said with a smile: "They are all my own sisters, where are so many from? Shocking gift!"

Gu Xiaowan smiled but said nothing: It's your own sister, and you still let others salute.

However, she did not say that Shu Min is a face-saving person, and she doesn't want to go to war with her today!

Shu Min took Gu Xiaowan's hand, and everyone was blessed again: "See Princess Anping, see Princess Huguo"

It was a good flattery, and Shu Min took Gu Xiaowan to sit down, and everyone gathered around, smiling and waiting to see the makeup added by Princess Anping.

When they saw the makeup of Princess Anping, everyone looked plain and flattery.

How could Gu Xiaowan give excellent things? She had already inquired about before she came. She added some weight to what those boudoir ladies gave before, and they bought all the ordinary things on the market.

Shu Min looked at the makeup and smiled: "Thank you Anping, thank you Yushu"

She originally thought that Gu Xiaowan would not give makeup, or she would only give a very bad thing, but she was very generous, and although the gift was not brilliant, it was heavy, and Shu Min couldn’t show her any mistake. , Can only give up!

Today, I was here to add makeup. After Gu Xiaowan gave the things, she sat aside with Yushu, watching the ladies who came to give the makeup, and said a few words of flattery, and then left. Gu Xiaowan didn’t want to stay either. Tan Yushu said: "Let's go first too!"

Tan Yushu nodded, and when he was about to leave, Shu Min saw them getting up and hurriedly shouted: "Anping, Yushu, you guys, wait, I have left this group of guests, I have much more to tell you!"

This is to keep them from leaving.

Gu Xiaowan and Tan Yushu looked at each other and could only sit down again.

Sure enough, after sending the group of young ladies who came to add makeup, Shu Min walked over with a helpless expression: "I'm sorry, there are too many people today."

"Then there are naturally too many people. This is your day of joy!" Tan Yushu said.

Gu Xiaowan also nodded: "It should be so, we are bothering you!"

"So what's the interruption?" Shu Min smiled: "I'm about to leave the capital and go to Nanling. I don't know when and how long will I return to Daqing. Think about it for not letting you go!"

There was a touch of reluctance on Shu Min's face, and Gu Xiaowan just thought she hadn't seen it.

Can meat-eating tigers become vegetarian?

If Gu Xiaowan were to choose, she would rather believe that her master would change to a vegetarian diet than that Shu Min would let her go.

Shu Min hated herself for being so cruel, even her husband and son could be treated so cruelly, how could she easily let go of her own thorn in her eyes and flesh?

Gu Xiaowan thought it was impossible, Tan Yushu also thought it was impossible, and she looked at Shu Min, who was reluctant to give up, and her eyes were filled with surprise and unbelief.

Seeing their expressions were faint, Shu Min knew that if she continued speaking, they would not be moved. Thinking of this, Shu Min simply stopped acting, and said: "Let’s stay and have lunch today before leaving, our three sisters, If you leave tomorrow, you won’t know that you will see each other in the year of the monkey. I will let go of all the grievances and hatreds of the past. You really consider me to be good sisters, so stay and have a meal with me and give me a ride!"

After that, Shu Min got up and left: "There are still a lot of guests coming to add makeup, so I won’t accompany you. If you want to leave, I won’t stop you. If you don’t leave, just wait for me. I sincerely apologize to you!"

Shu Min left after speaking, Gu Xiaowan was not polite, anyway, she added makeup and had all the etiquette she should have. She was really unfamiliar with Shu Min, and there was no need to stay.

This person has a deep scheming, who knows whether it is pros or cons to stay.

She is now unwilling to talk to Shu Min, and only hopes that she will save some face for herself on the last day, so she took Tan Yushu's hand, got up and left.

The two were about to leave the palace. At this moment, a maid suddenly walked over. When passing by Gu Xiaowan, she whispered: "Princess, the princess has something to ask for you!"


Gu Xiaowan looked at Shu Min, who had already gone far, and then at that maid. The maid hurried away, as if she was really just passing by.

Yihong is the one she bought, and now it is used by her. At this time, Yihong is looking for herself. Is it true that something is wrong?

Gu Xiaowan hesitated, and Tan Yushu also said, "Sister, go or not?"

She only thought for a moment, then said: "Let's go, follow up."

Although the maid’s steps were fast, she was struggling, not too fast. Gu Xiaowan and Tan Yushu hurried to keep up. The maid knew that there was someone behind her. Although she was fast, Gu Xiaowan could always catch up.

Because as long as you are at the end of the corridor, you can see the figure of the maid, which seems to be guiding her.

No one was seen along the way. Gu Xiaowan followed the maid through Jiuqu Corridor and several yards, and finally came to a yard.

The maid looked back and saw that Gu Xiaowan was following, but did not wait, she nodded, then raised her foot and walked in. Gu Xiaowan looked at the courtyard, dignified and luxurious, looking exquisite and luxurious from the outside, it seems that Yihong I live in this yard.

She is now favored by Prince Ming, and it is understandable that she can live in such a yard.

Gu Xiaowan followed in. The maid stood at the door of a house. Seeing Gu Xiaowan coming, she hurriedly said, "Princess, the princess of my house is waiting for you inside!"

Gu Xiaowan glanced at the maid, and saw that the maid lowered her eyebrows. There was nothing wrong with her. She was thinking about whether to enter. The door was opened and Yihong's voice came from inside: "Princess, it's me! "

Sure enough, it was Yihong. Gu Xiaowan was no doubt confused. She raised her foot and walked in. Tan Yushu also followed in. She saw that the maid stopped her: "The princess, wait a minute. The princess on my side has something important to discuss with the princess, please The princess waited for a while!"

Tan Yushu is a little nervous: "Sister"

Gu Xiaowan knew that she was worried about herself, and said, "Don't worry, I'll be out soon!"

Tan Yushu nodded and waited obediently outside.

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