The Farmer Girl Gets Rich

Chapter 2597: Xiao Yuanshan

This person is not Xiao Yuanyao, Xiao Yuanyao may be thinking about acquaintance with her, can let her make a life, but this person is Xiao Yuanshan, the person who competed with Xiao Yuanyao for the throne of Nanling, is a more cruel person than Xiao Yuanyao.

Xiao Yuanshan pretends to be Xiao Yuanyao, and when he returns to Nanling at this moment, he will definitely go with Xiao Yuanyao's identity. When he marries Princess Mingdu, he will accept himself as the side princess. Then when the time is right, Xiao Yuanyao will be seriously ill. He has no children, so Xiao Yuanshan is the only one who can inherit the throne!

Although the two are fighting for the throne, it does not mean that they can hand over the mountains of Nanling to someone who is not Xiao! And here, the man who followed Xiao Yuanyao's plan was the Ming Palace.

So, Xiao Yuanshan has already come before, or is it only now?

Gu Xiaowan considered many reasons in her mind, and finally concluded that Xiao Yuanshan must have appeared after the carriage left the Qing Dynasty! After all, in the capital, he had a lot of inconveniences, but this person was able to fool Xiao Yuanyao's guards and hide Xiao Yuanyao. It was impossible for Xiao Yuanshan's people alone to do it!

Who is helping Xiao Yuanshan?

Gu Xiaowan was thinking about it, but suddenly a charming voice came from outside: "King"

It's Shu Min!

Xiao Yuanshan didn't seem to be anxious at all. He glanced at Gu Xiaowan, and suddenly cut his elbow down, and Gu Xiaowan fell asleep again.

This pushed the hidden grid back. The small hidden grid finally fell into the darkness again. Gu Xiaowan's eyes opened slowly. Just now, she just pretended to be unconscious.

Before the Ming Palace fell into a coma, she saw the familiar and no longer familiar person, that is, herself. Someone turned into her own appearance, and now, Xiao Yuanshan turned into Xiao Yuanyao's appearance easily, then, who can see come out?

Shu Min got into the carriage and looked at Xiao Yuanshan and said affectionately: "Wang, how long will it take to reach Nanling? Chen concubine, this bone is about to fall apart!"

Shu Min knew if this wasn't the real Xiao Yuanyao?

Listening to the movement outside, Gu Xiaowan wrinkled her brows into Sichuan.

what the **** is it? She was calculated by Yihong. She remembered that before she fell into a coma, she had clearly seen another herself. Some people are using substitutes to impersonate themselves, so that their own people can't tell them for a while.

When they found out, they might have already entered Nanling. This handwriting must have been made by Xiao Yuanyao and the people of Ming Dynasty!

But now, why is Xiao Yuanyao missing again? How could it become Xiao Yuanshan?

"Love my concubine, wait, we will be here soon! In one day's time, our people will wait for us outside the city gate. When we arrive at Nanling, everything will fall to the ground!" Xiao Yuanshan hugged Shu Min , The two are tightly attached to each other, extremely ambiguous.

Gu Xiaowan couldn't see it, but could feel the movements of the two at this moment. She was shocked for a while, Shu Min turned out to really adore Xiao Yuanyao?

No, there is something wrong here!

"Is she awake?" Su Min asked suddenly after the two of them rubbed each other.

She naturally refers to Gu Xiaowan. Xiao Yuanshan shook his head: "No, your medicine is really amazing! I don't know how long it will take to wake up!"

Shu Min smiled and said, "That's the medicine Song Ci prescribed. One shot can make people sleep for seven days and seven nights. Haha, Wang, Xiao Yuanyao won't let me be the princess, you won't let me be the princess?"

Gu Xiaowan was surprised, Shu Min knew that this person was not Xiao Yuanyao!


Could the inner ghost be Shu Min?

Xiao Yuanshan fully agreed: "Of course, you are my princess. If you want to blame, you must blame Xiao Yuanyao for ungratefulness. He said that he helped him and let you be princess. Who knows, he actually fell in love with Gu Xiaowan. Don’t worry, even though I am not a gentleman, Xiao Yuanshan still speaks for words. Let you be a princess, you must be princess, Gu Xiaowan, I keep it, if I get the iron-forging technology, how would you punish me? She can!"

"What Wang said is true? Whatever punishment can be done?" Shu Min asked excitedly.

Xiao Yuanshan nodded: "Of course, a gentleman can't chase a horse with a word. You are the only princess in this king's life!"

Xiao Yuanshan’s words made Shu Min very happy, she nestled into Xiao Yuanshan’s arms, and offered her red lips: "Wang, you have to talk and count. When you get the iron smelting technique, Gu Xiaowan will live or die. It's mine!"

Xiao Yuanshan was originally a pervert. Now that there are beautiful women in his arms, how can he sit without chaos, but this is on the carriage, and the people outside are Xiao Yuanyao's people, Xiao Yuanyao is not a person who admires beauty, and he is with Shu Min I've always been quite satisfactory, and I can only pinch a few hands on her reluctantly. After the addiction has passed, Shu Min let go: "Okay, go back to your own carriage, if you get caught Those Yun Xiang saw it, and I'm afraid it's not good!

Naturally, Shu Min also knew that, hurriedly got up, tidyed up her clothes, and said goodbye.

A few days ago, there was a heavy rain, and it was at that time that Xiao Yuanshan sneaked into Shu Min’s carriage, and then the two of them met inside and outside, but without any effort, Xiao Yuanyao was attracted by the medicine. I went to Shu Min’s car. The car was brought by Shu Min from the Ming Palace. The hidden compartments in it were even more than those in Xiao Yuanyao’s carriage. If you put a person in it, it’s a dowry box. Can't tell.

Moreover, Xiao Yuanshan and Xiao Yuanyao are brothers. Although they are a little bit different in age, since he came out of the Qing Dynasty, Xiao Yuanyao has always been wearing a beard and a wig, and his voice and breath are almost the same. Therefore, everyone around him is almost the same. Did not see it.

Moreover, even if he shows people in his true colors, he will definitely be invisible to others!

But the Anping princess recognized him without saying a few words.

It's amazing!

Xiao Yuanshan's eagle eyes stared sharply at the secret grid, and a strong killing intent flashed through his eyes. Get iron smelting and forging technology as soon as possible, this person can't stay!

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