The Farmer Girl Gets Rich

Chapter 2601: Rebellion

When Gu Xiaowan saw Xiao Yuanshan again, she had already drew a positive character on the wall of the cell. It has been five days since she was locked up here!

Xiao Yuanshan, dressed in luxurious clothes, saw Gu Xiaowan sitting in the cell and leaning on the wall with his eyes closed and rested. He couldn't help but laughed and said, "Princess Anping is so elegant, she is still in the mood to close her eyes and rest!"

Gu Xiaowan was in the cell, only restricting his personal freedom, eating well, drinking well, not seeing the sun, and his skin became paler! Perhaps because in this environment, there are many people worrying about it, and Gu Xiaowan is thinner than before.

A pale little face, those zircon-like eyes, became more beautiful and dusty!

Gu Xiaowan just glanced at Xiao Yuanshan, Xiao Yuanshan was stopped by those eyes. He didn't expect this woman to have such sharp eyes, and immediately smiled: "Min'er told me that in Daqing At that time, she has always been defeated by you. Sure enough, you woman, with sharp eyes, is not a good person to deal with!"

Gu Xiaowan laughed, her tone was extremely ironic: "Have you never heard a word? Evil does not suppress the righteousness. Some people always think of harming others and have bad intentions. How can they succeed?"

This is to say that Shu Min's heart is not righteous, always thinking about harming people!

Xiao Yuanshan sneered, sitting in the armchair, everyone who should go down too, and the two began a conversation across the cell.

"Princess Anping is a person who knows current affairs. When she enters my Nanling, she should know that you want to go back to Daqing and want someone to rescue you. It is impossible! This king has already learned the news, and Shu Tianci has brought it with you. A lot of elite Jinyiwei came to rescue you"

"What are you talking about? You said the emperor is him" Gu Xiaowan interrupted Xiao Yuanshan's words incredulously.

Xiao Yuanshan nodded: "Yes, he came to rescue you. Tsk, this Qing emperor is really an infatuated species. I would rather give up the Qing Dynasty and come to rescue you. But if he knows, this trip It will make the Qing Dynasty change the dynasty, I don't know if he still can't give up!"

"What do you mean?" Gu Xiaowan looked at Xiao Yuanshan, and saw him grinning viciously at herself: "Isn't Princess Anping brilliant? Why, I haven't figured it out!"

Gu Xiaowan looked at Xiao Yuanshan in shock, calculating all these plans in her heart, thinking of someone!

"Shu Hao! You and Shu Hao joined hands on purpose!"

"It's so smart, no wonder the dog emperor Shu Tianci likes you so much. Tsk, if you are not Min'er's big enemy, this king really wants to marry you into the palace with you. Such a smart woman, this king is still number one. See you again!"

Gu Xiaowan looked at Xiao Yuanshan with a sneer in front of her, thinking of all this, her voice began to shake: "Shu Min, is she crazy? She is from the Qing Dynasty!"

After hearing Gu Xiaowan’s words, Xiao Yuanshan burst into laughter suddenly: "Princess Anping, do you think everyone is like you? Princess Anping, let’s make a deal together! As long as you are willing to tell this king, this king, the technology of forging iron. I will promise you and send you safely to Daqing! I will never let Min'er hurt you!"

"You dream!" Gu Xiaowan almost gritted her teeth and said such a sentence.

Xiao Yuanshan was not annoyed: "Dreaming? Princess Anping, when you arrive in Nanling, life or death is in the hands of this king. This king will give you a few more days to think about it. It is death or life. It's just a moment of your thoughts! You tell me the iron-smelting forging technology, you can save a life, besides, the Qing Dynasty also has it, we are just on the battlefield, continue to fight each other."

After listening to Xiao Yuanshan's words, Gu Xiaowan smiled: "No wonder Xiao Yuanyao was able to be the King of Nanling, but you can't. How can you be a king who ignores the world for your own selfish desires!"

Xiao Yuanshan was furious after hearing this: "You say it again! If it wasn't for your fiancé, how could this king lose to Xiao Yuanyao, and why he was so embarrassed? This king will also tell you that Qin Ziye is also on his way, and you Wait, this king must let him come back and forth!"

After speaking, Xiao Yuanshan lifted his foot and left. Gu Xiaowan felt a glimmer of joy when he heard that Qin Ziye was also coming, but after hearing that Xiao Yuanshan would be killing Qin Ziye, she slumped weakly on the ground.

He came to save himself, but why, he didn't want him to come so much?

Shu Tianci is also out of the palace, and what kind of conspiracy will Shu Hao do.

For the first time, Gu Xiaowan felt that she had died in Nanling, and she was not afraid of it, but she didn't want anything to happen to them!

One is because of love, and the other is because of the people of the world.

Shu Tianci is a good emperor, with a heart of the world, diligence and love for the people, but Shu Hao

For the throne, he was willing to form an alliance with Xiao Yuanshan, disregarding the people and the people of the Qing Dynasty. How could such a despicable villain defend the country of the Qing Dynasty.

Gu Xiaowan learned of this message, and seeing this dark cage, she felt weak and frustrated. How can she reveal the message to them?

At this moment, Qin Yuzhi was carrying an elite hidden guard, day and night, daring to go to Nanling.

However, a news from Daqing at this moment made him in a dilemma.

Shu Tianci also left the palace at this moment, and now, only the queen mother is sitting in the palace! There is no emperor in the palace, how can a weak female stream respond, and there is a news from the capital that there is a large group of people, almost tens of thousands of people, quietly approaching the imperial city.

These people didn't know where they came from, but when they approached the imperial city, there was only one possibility. Someone wanted to take advantage of Shu Tianci's absence to seek the usurper, and only Shu Hao could do this!

"Master, what should I do now?"

Qin Yizhi had already walked half the distance, almost hurriedly dared. It only took two days to walk the road that ordinary people can walk in five or six days. Look at the direction of Nanling and look at Daqing’s. direction. A mouthful of blood poured out of Qin Yizhi's chest!

"Master" Awei saw Qin Mozhi vomiting blood and hurriedly called for a military doctor.

But Qin Mozhi knew what he was doing.

He waved his hand: "I'm fine. You took half of the hidden guards to Nanling secretly, looking for an opportunity to find the girl's whereabouts. Don't be stunned, you must ensure the girl's safety!"

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