The Farmer Girl Gets Rich

Chapter 2605: Make you uneasy

Gu Xiaowan sneered on the side: "Really? The Ming prince always advocated war expansion. In the past, it was because the first emperor was suppressing it. Then he gave up. And for so many years, the Qing Dynasty had already overwhelmed Nanling. Shang surpassed Nanling, and if Prince Ming succeeded in his attempt to usurp the throne, do you think that Prince Ming will remain in the Qing Dynasty? There are so many minerals in Nanling. Prince Ming will really shake hands with Nanling? Xiao Yuanshan, you Don't be fooled by the people next to your pillow. Since they can think of this trick to frame Xiao Yuanyao and help you ascend to the throne, they can naturally pull you down, annex Nanling, and make Nanling disappear!"

The aura on Xiao Yuanshan's body suddenly lingered, he stood up all of a sudden, Shu Min was squeezed away, and was squeezed to the ground.

The only people who entered the cell were he and Shu Min. Shu Min fell to the ground all of a sudden, and no one helped him. The sullen aura on Xiao Yuanshan's body made Shu Min unable to react.

The fierceness and viciousness in Xiao Yuanshan's eyes made Shu Min only feel like she was walking around a ghost gate!

Gu Xiaowan's mouth is really amazing.

When she was about to die, she still made Xiao Yuanshan wary of herself.

Just as Shu Min wanted to plead, he saw Xiao Yuanshan suddenly looking back at her. The alert and disgust in his eyes made Shu Min suddenly feel that Gu Xiaowan's few words made herself detested by Xiao Yuanshan!

How can this be!

"Wang, the concubine loves you, how can you trust Gu Xiaowan's words and not believe in the concubine? The concubine followed you all the way to make your marriage for the centuries of Nanling and Qing Dynasty. Don't worry, as long as my father is king When you become the emperor, the iron smelting and forging technology will definitely be brought to you!" Shu Min said hurriedly.

Shu Min was busy showing her loyalty, but Gu Xiaowan sneered when she saw Xiao Yuanshan's movements.

This Shu Min claimed to be the person next to Xiao Yuanshan's pillow, but she didn't even know what this person was like!

Xiao Yuanshan is a very suspicious person, and what Gu Xiaowan said just now is tantamount to planting a seed that has already taken root and sprouted on Xiao Yuanshan!

No matter how Shu Min explained, Xiao Yuanshan would have a thorn in his heart!

Xiao Yuanshan finally returned to Nanling, how could he let Shu Min ruin all his plans?

He wants iron smelting and forging technology, and he wants it in Qing Dynasty!

Thinking of this, Xiao Yuanshan didn't care about Shu Min, who was paralyzed on the ground. Two steps forward, across the fence, he could still see the ruthlessness in his eyes: "You give me the technique of forging iron, and I will let you go! Let you go out of the palace safely!"

When Shu Min heard this, she suddenly raised her head and said clearly that this Gu Xiaowan was for her!

But now, she didn't dare to say one more word, for fear that she would annoy Xiao Yuanshan.

Seeing Xiao Yuanshan's concession, Gu Xiaowan stood up Shishiran, and also came to the fence, looked at Xiao Yuanshan's sullen eyes, and said unwillingly: "You let me out now!"

Xiao Yuanshan was threatened, and his fierce eyes became more and more vicious: "Let you go out? What if this king disagrees?"

Gu Xiaowan smiled, without seeing any weakness: "I don't care, I'm just alone, but compare with Nanling's foundation and your big plans, which one is more important, you weigh yourself!"

After speaking, without looking at Xiao Yuanshan, he walked directly inside.

Xiao Yuanshan knew that he was being held, but he had no choice but to say: "Okay, this king will let you out! However, you must be in the Nanling Palace with someone to monitor you. Don't think about going out until you have used the iron forging technology. !"

As long as you leave this dark prison, Gu Xiaowan turned her head and revealed a pale smile: "Deal!"

Xiao Yuanshan let his confidant come in, blindfolded Gu Xiaowan, and took her onto the sedan chair. After walking for some time, the sedan chair finally stopped.

Gu Xiaowan had been silently carrying how long she had been walking, and bypassing several corridors. Before the blindfold was removed, the light in front of her made her eyes a little dazzling.

When everyone in the room went out, there was the sound of locks falling outside, and in this room, Gu Xiaowan looked around, except for a bed, a table, a chair, and a small room to wash, there was nothing left to spare. The decoration is simple but beautiful.

I couldn't see anything outside, it seemed that I could hear the wind blowing and the leaves brushing the ground.

The room is so small that you can almost see all the sights here with a glance!

This Xiao Yuanshan was wary, and he found himself a place like this, which was much better than the previous cage, but with heavy guards outside and sealed doors and windows, Gu Xiaowan was nothing more than an underground cage to an underground cage!

Wanting to know information from the outside world is no different from reaching the sky!

I thought that Shu Min had personally admitted Shu Hao's conspiracy, or that Da Qing was already in chaos at this moment, and this was just right, in order to calm Da Qing, brother Yi Zhi could only not come to rescue her temporarily!

Shu Min and Xiao Yuanshan are really good at calculating!

She was not discouraged, took the hairpin from her head, and secretly re-recorded the number of days in a hidden place on the wall. She couldn't sit here and wait for death, she had to think of a way to get out!

At this moment, in Zaifu Mansion, Xu Chengze supported his chin with one hand, and tapped gently on the table with one hand: "You mean, Wang brought someone from the underground cell back to Buyu Pavilion?"

Buyu Pavilion is on the mountain, very hidden. Later, Nanling had many concubines committing crimes, and some of them were not able to enter the cold palace, so they were sent to Buyu Pavilion!

In that place, the people waiting around were all dumb, and even the guards at the door were dumb, and there was no sound at all. The prisoners detained there will eventually collapse because they are isolated from others and cannot hear any sounds, and then admit their mistakes!

Xiao Yuanshan, who did he send there?

As soon as this person left, another person in black also flashed over and reported another matter.

After Xu Chengze listened, his eyes suddenly sharpened, and he commanded: "You stare so well, don't let the king get a little accident."

The man in black flew away and disappeared.

Xu Chengze thought about the person in Buyu Pavilion, and only when he saw this person could he have a chance to ask who he was!

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