Qin Yuzhi put his sword on the ground forcefully to support his body from moving back!

There was a lot of pain in my chest.

It hurts, it hurts!

When Shu Hao's second wave of people came to attack, it was late at night. They took advantage of the darkness and when the city gates were changing shifts, they almost burned half of the sky and lit up the entire night.

"The enemy is coming, the enemy is coming"

Countless arrows flew from below, and the soldier on the gate, without any struggle, was shot, turned over and walked down the gate.

Standing in a dark place, Shu Hao saw the panic above the city gate, he let out a sneer: "Qin Ziye, I see how long you can last, Daqing is mine, and you still support the little emperor. What support!"

Xiao Dezi on the side smiled and said: "What the emperor said is reasonable, if not, how about we come and win without fighting?"

"Win without a fight? Why don't you win without standing?" Shu Hao asked while looking at Xiao Dezi.

"Naturally, you don't need to spend a single soldier, let the opponent surrender!" Xiao Dezi finished speaking, and said a few words in Shu Hao's ear.

Shu Hao nodded with satisfaction: "Yes, yes, it makes sense!"

Xiao Dezi smiled: "The emperor, will your subordinates do it?"

"Go, go! If you can do nothing, why not do it?" Shu Hao smiled triumphantly!

Above the city gate, some people went up and some people fell down, and there were screams everywhere!

Qin Yizhi was leading the people, fighting hard, and suddenly heard a voice from the other side: "Everyone knows that Daqing is now the emperor of the surname Shu, and we are fighting now for the person surnamed Shu. Fighting over and over, it is your life, why should you take your own life to give to the people of the Shu family? All people, if they can surrender, Lord Ming will not be blamed, if we don’t surrender, we are 80,000 people, you are nothing but a mere trifle. Twenty to thirty thousand, do you think you can survive tomorrow morning?"

The fighting stopped and the fighting stopped. The voice did not know where it came from, but it was clear but powerful: "If you surrender, your original position will not move. If you don't surrender, the dead will be your fate, and you will die. Do you think it's worthwhile to die or die for the Shu family?"

The soldier on the city gate, look at me, and I look at you, Qin Mozhi stared at the direction of the sound with almost wolf-like eyes.

Distracting the military, Shu Hao would still use this tactic!

One of Qin Yi took the bow and arrow that had robbed the person next to him and drew the full moon. The arrow shot out with a whistling sound in the dark night.

But the person who was talking about money hiding in the dark, let out a scream, and then there was no more sound.

auzw.com Then, I heard Qin Yizhi yell loudly: "To confuse the military's mind, the crime is to be blamed! My emperor inherits the general rule, and Shu Hao, you are just usurping the throne and seizing power. Same? Rebellion is a big crime. You are the sinner of the Shu family and the sinner of the Qing Dynasty. How come the same?"

Shu Hao looked at Qin Ziye, who was standing above the city gate and continuing to carry his sword to fight the enemy courageously, biting his teeth with hatred.

"Qin Ziye, Qin Ziye" Shu Hao gritted his teeth and said.

Liu Maozhu on the side stepped forward and said: "Master, if we continue to fight like this, it will not benefit us at all. Everyone has been transferred to attack the city gate, but if there is a large army at our back, we will suffer from enemies on both sides. , It's dangerous!"

Shu Hao sneered: "We have an army of 80,000, and there are only 20,000 in this city gate. Once we break in, we will win."

"But" this city gate was extremely difficult to attack. Qin Ziye personally played, and gave the soldiers endless confidence. If this continues, let alone two days, even if it is given two more days, it will be difficult to take the city. The door broke.

The more time it takes, the greater the probability that the Qing Dynasty will come to support troops. At that time, if both sides are attacked, let alone an army of 80,000, it will be 800,000, and it will not withstand such a waste!

Liu Maozhu wanted to tell Shu Hao about the powerful relationship, but now Shu Hao stared at the people on the wall with bloodthirsty eyes and couldn't hear anything.

He waved his hand and said loudly, "Carry on me, and send another five thousand elite troops. Tonight, I must attack the city wall to this king!"

The soldiers rushed forward and saw more and more soldiers under the city wall, Qin Ziye's brows were frowned.

"Master, what should I do now? With so many people, if this continues, the city gate will not last long!" The blood stains on Su Mang's body were all left over from the battle with others just now!

"It must be supported!" Qin Yizhi said fiercely: "Only by supporting it, the army is about to come!"

Hearing that the army was about to arrive, all the soldiers rekindled their enthusiasm. When Shu Hao saw soldiers falling from the city wall one after another, there were shouts and screams everywhere, which was even more frightening.

"Hehe, Qin Ziye's deceptive skills are really amazing. Twenty thousand people have kept him for so many days!" Shu Hao sneered, "Liu Maozhu"

"Subordinates are"

"Pass the letter to the Song family, saying that as long as Qin Ziye surrenders, this king will let go of all the people in the capital, as before, there will be no change, and also, tell Song Qiheng, let him give this king Open the city gate!" Shu Hao said with a smile.

When Liu Maozhu heard this, he was overjoyed: "The prince is going to start chaos from inside the capital?"

"He Qin Ziye can confuse people, and so can this king. Anyway, people from the Shu family are emperors. Every plant and tree in the capital will not move. The people in this capital are just like that. In any case, this king will not move anything. The people can live the good life they had before, do you think they will agree to Qin Ziye's continued guarding of the city gate?" Shu Hao said: "If the defeat is stubborn, this king will kill you without mercy!"

Liu Maozhu was busy passing the order.

Song Liantian quickly got the news. Now that the city gate has fought for two days, they are safe in Beijing. Song Liantian is not worried at all. After all, who is the emperor will not involve him.

Now that he received a letter from Shu Hao, he suddenly burst out laughing after seeing the words on it.

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