The Farmer Girl Gets Rich

Chapter 795: Xiao Zhensheng, a childhood sweetheart

"I remember once, when your aunt secretly hid two pieces of oil cake in her arms, and was discovered by Cao, it was like swiping your aunt with a wooden stick. She also said that your aunt was eating inside and out, towards outsiders, then What you said, how ugly, how ugly. Finally, the pie was confiscated. Not long after, your aunt married this Liu Qingshan without taking care of the family!"

Aunt Zhang lamented: "Your aunt used to be handsome. If it weren't for your grandfather's death and filial piety for three years, she would have married Xiao Zhensheng in the village. Alas, it's just a pity that your aunt is not full yet. During the three-year period of filial piety, Zhensheng was arrested and sent to serve as a soldier. For so many years, there has been no news, and I don't know if he is dead."

It turned out that so many stories happened to my aunt!

"Why did the aunt agree to marry Liu Qingshan? Liu Qingshan is a dozen years older than her aunt!" Gu Xiaowan asked in surprise.

"I don't know. By the time we found out, your aunt was already on the sedan chair, and everything was too late!" Aunt Zhang sighed: "Your aunt used to have a very good relationship with Xiao Zhensheng. Although Xiao Zhensheng is an orphan, Hardworking and hardworking, and the leader is also beautiful, although he is a little poor, but he has a solid heart, he is a good man worth entrusting the rest of his life! What a pity!"

Women of this era, some women are doomed to a lifetime of sorrow from the moment they are born.

Unmarried from the father, married from the husband, and the husband died from the son, the whole life is attached to the man, how sad!

When Gu Xiaowan entered Gu Fangxi's room again, she saw Gu Fangxi lying on the table to rest again.

Seeing Gu Xiaowan coming in, Gu Fang immediately jumped up from the chair in shock, looking at the visitor with horror, and when he found that it was Gu Xiaowan, his eyes were filled with joy.

Gu Xiaowan didn't miss the change in the fundus of her eyes, and her heart was like a scratching.

Auntie looked so frightened just now, did she think that the person who came in was Liu Qingshan!

Aunt, I'm so afraid of Liu Qingshan!

Seeing Gu Xiaowan and Aunt Zhang came in, Gu Fangxi showed a smile and twitched the corners of his mouth, but it was uglier than crying.

"Xiaowan, sister-in-law, you are here!"

Four to five years, in his twenties, this time should have been Gu Fangxi's best years, but now it looks like he has lived for more than thirty years.

Looking at her distressed, Gu Xiaowan stepped forward excitedly, took Gu Fangxi's hand, and shouted guiltily: "Auntie"

Gu Xiaowan just took Gu Fangxi's hand, and didn't use much strength, but she still saw Gu Fangxi shrink back.

Gu Xiaowan was so smart, seeing her like this, she immediately pulled up her sleeve to look.

Gu Fangxi wanted to push Gu Xiaowan away, but it was too late.

One of his own hands was completely exposed in front of Gu Xiaowan.

When Aunt Zhang saw it, she also stepped forward and opened her other sleeve.

There are green, purple, and red marks everywhere on the two arms, and the original color is no longer visible on the entire arm.

"Aunt, what is going on?" Gu Xiaowan asked in surprise.

But seeing that Gu Fangxi's eyes were dodging and suffering, she was about to break free, and explained, "It's okay, I just knocked it by accident!"

"Fangxi, you are still trying to excuse Liu Qingshan's scumbag! This was clearly pinched and beaten!" Aunt Zhang roared, eyes full of pain.

Some of those imprints have faded, maybe some time has passed, but some are still scary purple and red, which are obviously new in the past two days.

This Liu Qingshan, when he arrived at her, he was still beating his aunt!

"Aunt, talk! Does that Liu Qingshan often beat you?" Seeing Gu Fangxi not speaking, Gu Xiaowan was anxious, and grabbed her.

"Xiao Wan, it's really okay, I really knocked these wounds accidentally!" Gu Fangxi dodged his eyes twice, still insisting not to say.

"Gu Fangxi, your hands are already like this. How do you want us to believe that this was accidentally knocked? Where did you knock to make the knock like this? I'm so anxious to die with Xiaowan!"

Aunt Zhang's temper also came up. Looking at Gu Fangxi's closed mouth and not saying anything, her face was dark and he was pulling the old man. Don't guess, Gu Fangxi's injury must have been caused by Liu Qingshan.

Gu Fangxi and Liu Qingshan have been in Gu Yuan for so long. Apart from eating, Gu Fangxi never took the initiative to walk outside. They stayed in the house all day long and did not move. The people in contact all day except Liu Qingshan, there is no one.

The upper part of this arm was pinched. Who else was there besides Liu Qingshan!

The discerning person saw it immediately, but Gu Fangxi still refused to say a word. Now that the matter is up, she is still shielding the scum, thinking of this, Gu Xiaowan's forehead is a fire!

"Aunt, don't you tell me? Okay, I'll report to the officer! I'll sue someone for abusing women!" Gu Xiaowan didn't want to confuse with Gu Fangxi. She left this sentence and started to walk outside.

When Gu Fangxi heard that Xiaowan said he was going to report to an official, the whole person panicked. He grabbed Gu Xiaowan and said in horror: "Xiaowan, don't go, don't go. If you go, I will be killed by him. Yes! I will be killed by him!"

Gu Fangxi didn't say who he was, but besides Liu Qingshan, who else would there be!

"Auntie, does Liu Qingshan often beat you?" Gu Xiaowan was just scaring Gu Fangxi just now. Now seeing her terrified look, Gu Xiaowan feels distressed.

Gu Fangxi didn't speak, tears immediately fell like a broken string.

The look of pain and despair made people look uncomfortable.

"Auntie, I have Jinchuang medicine in my room. I will bring the medicine and apply it to you." Gu Xiaowan touched a tear and said distressedly.

"No, no, if he finds out, he will be beaten again!" Gu Fangxi said to stop him: "If I applied the medicine, he would definitely suspect that I had told you!"

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