The Farmer Girl Gets Rich

Chapter 804: Tail up to the sky

Excited but angrily, Gu Fangxi threw all the bunks, covers, pillows, and other things on the ground. Gu Xiaowan watched Gu Fangxi's behavior and hurried forward: "Auntie"

"This is all he used, I am too dirty, don't want it, don't want it!" Gu Fangxi shouted hysterically.

She felt too dirty, too dirty, it was the smell left by the smelly man.

And my body, clothes, the whole corner of the room, everywhere, everywhere.

Gu Fangxi was going crazy. She looked everywhere, touched everywhere, and wanted to throw all these things away. She didn't want to see these things again.

These things, as long as they are in front of her, will remind her of those humiliating past.

"Aunt, aunt, don’t be afraid, don’t be afraid! I have burned all the things in this house and replaced them with new ones! Nothing, we don’t need anything related to that person. Starting today, our family Live a good life together, you will never be beaten or bullied again. Here, it's like being in your own home!"

"Woo" Hearing this sentence, Gu Fangxi's tears couldn't stop streaming down, holding Gu Xiaowan's hand, and said sadly: "Since my father and mother died, I have no home anymore. In the old house, I was a money-losing guy who stayed at home and refused to marry. I was a maid at the one who killed a thousand knives, a tool for him to vent his desires. Where can I have a home?"

Gu Fang was crying with joy.

She had a family when her father and mother were there. After her parents died, she never felt the warmth of home for so many years.

Now, in Gu Xiaowan's house, she really feels the warmth of home.

The pain Gu Fangxi said caused everyone present to wipe their tears quietly.

"Woo, aunt, don't cry, don't cry" Gu Xiaoyi put her arms around Gu Fangxi's legs, and burst into tears.

Gu Xiaowan's tears also flowed down, looking at Gu Fangxi, she said firmly: "Auntie, in your whole life, I will take care of you from Gu Xiaowan!"

Gu Fangxi cried bitterly and hugged Gu Xiaowan's sadness.

"Aunty, let's not live in this room anymore. I have a lot of rooms here, and everything in it has been prepared. Choose which room you want to live in!"

Gu Xiaowan persuaded.

The same is true. After having a bad experience in a place, you will have bad memories of all the affairs of that place.

Gu Xiaowan had no intention of letting Gu Fangxi continue to live here. She also planned to clean up everything in it.

It just so happened that there was a slum at the east end of the city. It was filled with poor people who didn’t have enough to eat and didn’t wear warm clothes. She packed all these clothes and bedding, and gave them to the poor people tomorrow. .

Aunt Zhang laughed and cried. Seeing everyone was wiping tears, she smiled and persuaded: "Well, this is a happy event, don't cry, don't cry, let's go to dinner now! One night, none of us Eat!" After everyone came to the lobby, Gu Xiaowan saw the bowls and chopsticks Liu Qingshan had just used and the plate of chicken he had eaten, and told Ahmad, "Throw everything away."

Ah Mo took the order and left everything far away. From now on, in this Gu Garden, there will be no more memories of Liu Qingshan.

Tomorrow, I have to take my aunt to do a few things, and change everything inside and out.

Gu Xiaowan had a plan in her heart and greeted everyone after the meal.

After dinner, Gu Xiaowan, Aunt Zhang, and aunts worked together in the kitchen.

Although the family's conditions are getting better and better, everyone is still the same as before, doing what they can do by themselves, and never pushing everything to Ahmad.

And Aunt Zhang, in order to integrate into this family, she also recruited everything she could and could do.

In the kitchen, watching Gu Fangxi follow Aunt Zhang diligently, doing this and doing that, and adding a few words from time to time, it made Aunt Zhang involuntarily remember the past.

"I remember, before, you followed me and asked me to teach you how to do this and that. Sister-in-law still remembers that the first piece of veil you made was the one that your aunt guided you to embroider, Fangxi, do you remember? ?" Aunt Zhang said with a smile, saying that in the past, there seemed to be many good memories.

Gu Fangxi smiled and nodded, and said: "Naturally remember, sister-in-law!" He was also smiling at first, but he didn't know what he thought of, his eyes dimmed and he was lonely.

As if thinking of something distressing, Gu Fangxi immediately lost his voice.

Seeing Gu Fangxi's appearance, Aunt Zhang looked a little embarrassed, scolded herself secretly in her heart, smiled and moved the topic elsewhere: "Fangxi, don't you like embroidery, now, you can be with Xiaoyi!"

After hearing this, Gu Fangxi raised his head in surprise: "What? Does Xiao Yi embroider?"

"Fangxi, don't look at Xiao Yi's age. She is recognized by Ruyilou and Jixiang Cloth Village's proprietor as having embroidery talents, and she will learn it soon!" Aunt Zhang said proudly, her triumphant look seemed to praise her. It's one's own general.

Seeing Aunt Zhang praise Gu Xiaoyi so much, Gu Xiaowan smiled and said: "Auntie, don't praise too harshly. Look at your praise, this girl's tail is going to the sky!"

"Sister, I don't have a tail!" Gu Xiaoyi hurriedly looked back when she heard her sister tell her that she was raising her tail.

The little face flushed anxiously, and after listening to what she said just now, the people in the kitchen laughed.

Gu Xiaoyi couldn't figure it out anxiously. Her sister said she had a tail, but she obviously didn't!

The happier people smiled, the more anxious her face became.

Pulling Gu Xiaowan's clothes eagerly, she asked eagerly, "Sister, I really don't have a tail!"

"Haha" everyone burst into laughter again.

Gu Xiaowan held back her laugh, and smiled when she saw her sister's anxious red face: "That's the sister playing with you. For example, um, you are proud of you!"

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