The Farmer Girl Gets Rich

Chapter 853: Someone likes Xiaowan again

Zhao Xun is quite long, with a Chinese character face and a slightly burly figure. The length is quite ordinary.

However, because of the high lintel of the Zhao family, Zhao Xun has a noble aura that is hard to ignore.

At a glance, the Hong clan secretly promised!

Hong Shi tried his best and finally hooked up with Zhao Xun.

Hong's family is also a little blessed.

He is beautiful and gentle, which is in contrast with Zhao Xun's wife.

Mrs. Zhao is a suspicious and neurotic person, living with such a person, Zhao Xun seems to be in jail.

Zhao Xun is such a proud person. When his parents were alive, they had never been so disciplined.

Later, when he met the Hong clan, Zhao Xun felt that his love had come.

For the Hong clan, Zhao Xun turned against his wife and became a concubine and annihilated his wife!

Fortunately, for so many years, I have come here in peace.

Thinking of the past, Hong's face was blushing.

I was curious about that surname Qin, but at this moment, I don't know what the surname Qin really is.

I could only think about it in my heart, and asked sideways: "Yun'er, tell your mother, which family is the brother Qin in your mouth?"

"His family moved from the village and built a house on the outskirts!" Gu Xiaowan's house is well done, and there are many plots. Naturally, the Hong family has also heard of it from nearby places, and heard that it is a house. The teenage girl, whose parents died early, made such a big family business by relying on her little baby.

I heard that the house was very grandiose.

When Hong heard it, his eyes lit up: "Is he from that family?"

Zhao Yuner nodded: "Well, I went to see it today, but it's a pity that he is not at home"

Having said this, Zhao Yun'er lowered his head discouragedly, with a look of disgust!

When Hong heard that he was from that family, he nodded in satisfaction: "With such a big house and so many land, the family should be pretty good too!"

Hearing that his mother was satisfied with Brother Qin’s wealth, Zhao Yuner smiled triumphantly: "Mother, you don’t know, I also heard that Brother Qin is now the treasurer of Jinfulou! With his father’s power in Liujiazhen, From now on, Jinfu Tower will belong to Brother Qin!"

Zhao Yuner thought triumphantly, that Jinfulou was the largest restaurant in Liujiazhen. If Brother Qin really became the shopkeeper of Jinfulou, then she would be the lady boss in the future.

People are respected by their predecessors, and there are countless money to spend!

When Zhao Yuner said this, Hong's eyes widened: "Really?"

If this is the case, then this family surnamed Qin is no ordinary wealth!

"Mother, why did I lie to you!" Zhao Yuner said when he saw the Hong clan in disbelief, and suddenly smiled: "Mother, do you know the female accountant who Li Fan paid a lot of money?" "I know, I'm afraid that everyone in Liujia Town knows that, and everyone knows that there is a female accountant in Jinfu Building!"

Zhao Yuner stayed in Jinfu Tower for a long time just to see Qin Yizhi, and other things did not fall.

Asked Qin Yuzhi's details.

However, the people she asked were only known later. Naturally, they only heard that Qin Yizhi is a distant relative of the Gu family and came to help Gu Xiaowan here!

Gu Xiaowan always said the same to the outside world!

All the inquiries, naturally included Gu Xiaowan's affairs!

When Hong heard this, he asked with joy, "How is that girl?"

"It's okay! It's pretty good-looking" Zhao Yuner hadn't finished speaking, and looked at the Hong clan and said teasingly: "Mother, are you looking at that girl?"

"You silly boy, what do you know! That's a baby bump!" Hong's expression looked surprised, excited as if he found a jade from a pile of stones!

"What baby, isn't it just a girl who still wants to marry in the future!" Zhao Yuner said disdainfully, as if she had not thought that she was also a girl.

"You child, what do you know! Even if she is married, she still has to take her to her husband's house!" She has a monthly salary of more than ten taels of silver in Jinfulou!

If this is Jie'er who marries her in the future, Jie'er won't be starved to death without doing anything!

Not to mention that girl has so much family business!

Hong's abacus for his son!

When Zhao Yun'er heard this, it was the same reason. If his sister-in-law would make money in the future, it would be easy to ask for some money from time to time.

What's more, Brother Qin is still that girl's brother!

If you want to say that, if you marry Qin Yizhi in the future, you will be her sister-in-law. From this point of view, you are her sister-in-law again. That is a double marriage!

When Zhao Yuner thought of this, she couldn't help but applauded the Hong family: "Mother, what are you waiting for? Why don't you go and propose to your brother for such a good thing!"

"Stupid boy, what's the hurry, wait for your father to come back, and calculate with your father, ah" Hong Shi was excited and said with a smile.

"Mother, if you tell your father, what should he do if he doesn't agree? After all, the girl's lintel is not high, she is still a village girl from the village! I'm afraid Dad might think of her family's wife I don’t agree if it’s too low!" Zhao Yuner is now wishing that her brother could marry that Gu Xiaowan

"Yes, Yun'er, what you said makes sense!" It's rare for the Hong clan to hear what Zhao Yun'er said reasonable!

"However, mother, it's okay. If Dad doesn't agree, it's okay to let that girl be a concubine!" Zhao Yuner said disdainfully.

Thinking of the girl's cold face when he first went to Gu Yuan, Zhao Yun'er was very angry!

I wish she would be a concubine when she got married, and the provincial wife would be a real wife, and he would also salute her.

Hong Shi had his own plan in his heart!

After looking at Zhao Yun'er, he had a care!

The Hong family was very excited, thinking that after Zhao Xun came back, he would discuss this matter with Zhao Xun.

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