The Farmer Girl Gets Rich

Chapter 861: Hu Ba

When Gu Xiaowan saw it, she smiled and said, "I just wanted to ask. My family also runs a restaurant. Looking at the business of the Shunxin restaurant because of the steaming gold, I wondered whether my restaurant can also share a piece of the pie. , We thread the needle and we will find you."

Gu Xiaowan's politeness seemed to really want to buy this steamed gold and make his restaurant business better.

When Hu Bayi heard it, he immediately relaxed his vigilance, and said with a smile: "The girl is a step late, I have sold out all this stuff!"

After hearing this, Gu Xiaowan looked regretful: "Oh? Really? Are all sold?"

"Isn't it, Shunxin restaurant seems to be expecting this thing to run out of flames. I want it all!" Such a generous buyer is really rare!

Huba rubbed his hands and said excitedly.

He just acted as an intermediary once, and he made dozens of taels of silver.

Seeing Hu Ba's excitement, Gu Xiaowan had something in her heart: "Brother Hu, I have an unrelenting request. I don't know if you are willing to agree to it!"

"Girl, let's talk about it, the girl is so beautiful, you Hu Ye are too embarrassed to refuse, isn't it!" That Hu Ba energetic is used to staying on the Fengyue field, opening his mouth and shutting up is the grandfather's, the dog can't spit out Ivory comes.

It sounds disgusting.

Ah Mo's brows on the side were frowning and the mosquitoes were almost dead.

If it wasn't for this person to know something, he would really gag this person's mouth.

"I want to buy that thing too!" Gu Xiaowan said categorically.

Hu Ba heard this but hesitated: "But the things are gone! They are all sold out."

"Master Hu, I won't ask who you are looking for. As long as you can get some of it for me, if you give me a thousand catties, I will give you ten taels of silver. What do you think?" Gu Xiaowan Stretch out two fingers.

As soon as Hu Bay heard this, he was stunned immediately, and he was a little trembling when he spoke, "What is the ten taels of silver?"

Hu Ba quickly calculated in his heart.

One thousand catties is ten taels, five thousand golds is fifty taels, and ten thousand golds is one hundred taels!

My mother, that old third Qian gave himself thirty taels of silver.

I knew it earlier, it should be sold to the girl in front of me!

Hu Bayi looked regretful, slapped his thigh, and strangled his wrist: "Hey, girl, I knew I should go to you."

When Gu Xiaowan saw that Hu Ba had taken the bait, she smiled inwardly, but she didn't show it at all on her face: "My restaurant is a place where ordinary people would patronize. How would Master Hu notice my little shop? Goods, of course I wouldn’t think of us! It’s just that although our shop is small, we still have some money in our hands. I just want to take advantage of this momentum to expand the restaurant, just by taking advantage of Dongfeng to make a lot of money."

Gu Xiaowan's words seem to be true, but if you chew carefully, there are many loopholes in Gu Xiaowan's words.

But that Hu Ba actually believed it.

It seems that people really die for money and birds, Hu Ba has already been blinded by the generous revenge that Gu Xiaowan promised just now, and he couldn't guess the loopholes in Gu Xiaowan's words.

"Yes!" Hu Bayi heard everything, and believed everything, and immediately said three things in a hurry!

"Okay, that's it!" Gu Xiaowan saw that Hu Ba was completely convinced, she took out fifty taels of silver from her pocket and handed it to Hu Ba, and said with a smile in Hu Ba's stunned expression: "Believe this thing. It’s not something easy to get. In order to show my sincerity, these fifty taels of silver should be regarded as my deposit."

When Hu Bayi heard it, Xi's eyebrows were raised, and he hurriedly took the silver from Gu Xiaowan's hand, as if he was afraid of disbelief, he even took a bite in his mouth. Seeing the bite moved, he smiled. Just like a flower: "Okay, okay, okay, girl, I will definitely help you make this happen, rest assured, rest assured!"

"Well, since that's what I said, let's be so happy. If you have news, go to the auspicious cloth house in the town to find me!" Gu Xiaowan said with a smile.

"Is the girl just looking for you?" Hu Ba suddenly thought of something, looked at Gu Xiaowan, and said with some uncertainty, as if she felt that Gu Xiaowan was a little girl, afraid that others would not believe it.

Gu Xiaowan understood what Hu Ba meant when she heard it, and said with a smile: "Yes Hu said. It should have been my father who came to see you today. However, his old man went to Ruixian to buy goods today. Ask my cousin and me to come over. My family name is Zhang, and everyone else calls me Dad Zhang. If someone asks you who wants the goods, I am afraid that others will not believe me. If you ask who wants it, you will Say it's my dad! When it saves, people don't believe me as a girl, and you save your efforts in vain!"

Then when Hu Bayi heard that everyone had told his family's affairs, how could he not believe it, he immediately nodded.

"Okay, okay, okay! Girl, don't worry, I will answer you before sunset tomorrow at the latest!"

"Okay, the sooner the better!"

Gu Xiaowan sneered when she saw Hu Ba's leaving figure excitedly. Ah Mo followed that Huba.

The stone drove the carriage and went up to the town.

In order to prevent Hu Ba from being suspicious, Ah Mo drove the carriage around the west of the city several times before passing through the town and returning to Gu Yuan.

On the carriage, Stone asked, "Miss, will he be hooked?"

"This Hu Ba must have taken the bait, but someone else might be." Gu Xiaowan's eyes are cold, maybe that Hu Ba will say everything.

If he said, Liu Qingshan would definitely be wary, maybe, everything will be empty by then.

"Just look at that Hu Ba, is he interested in this hundred taels of silver?"

On Ahmad's side, there was an exciting news.

Hu Ba went to see the old third Qian overnight, and then left in the middle of the night. When I left, it was almost bright.

But from that Hu Ba's face, there is no exhaustion at all, but it seems like the joy of success.

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