The Farmer Girl Gets Rich

Chapter 867: No humanity

The prison!

It's not that Qian Laosan has never been in a cell, but I heard that Gu Xiaowan was going to send them all to the government office in Ruixian County. Thinking about it, I felt a little scared!

"Which of you three said first, who said more, who said good, I can give you some nice words in front of Mrs. Liu at that time, so that you can stay in jail for a few days!" Gu Xiaowan smiled, like They were chatting with their family members, but Qian Laosan and Liu Qingshan were a little hairy in their hearts.

Especially Qian Lao San, he knew that Liu Qingshan was Gu Xiaowan's uncle before, so he wouldn't take him too much. But I was different. I was an outsider, and I had offended her once before, thinking about how to make a contribution quickly.

So Qian Laosan took two steps forward and said first: "I said I said"

Hu Ba didn't fall either. He took two steps to rescue him. He climbed in front of Gu Xiaowan and shouted: "Girl, I say, I say everything."

Then the two of you, with one word and one word, explained all the things that happened clearly and plainly. Even Liu Qingshan, Qian Laosan, and Hu Ba said something on what occasion, They are all clear.

Gu Xiaowan listened in the sidelines, asking for two sentences from time to time, Liu Qingshan still quibbleed a few words from time to time, but under the attack of Hu Ba and Qian Laosan, he had to admit.

Until Qian Laosan and Hu Ba explained all the causes and consequences of this incident, Gu Xiaowan nodded. Gu Ningping on the side finished writing at this time and sent it to Gu Xiaowan: "Sister, this is when they just said. I wrote it down and asked them to sign and detain it, and I would regret it when the time comes!

Gu Xiaowan nodded approvingly: "Well, it makes sense!"

Then I looked at what Gu Ningping had written, and it was basically what Qian Laosan and Hu Ba said just now: "Read it to them, and sign it if you agree!"

Unexpectedly, although Gu Ningping is a young child, he still has a lot of brains. Now let them admit all their sins. The province will say something in the court tomorrow, and some will not.

After Gu Ningping read it, Qian Laosan and Hu Ba signed all the words in order to get Gu Xiaowan's good words, and they wrote down the facts, these words!

Seeing that both Qian Laosan and Hu Ba had signed, but Liu Qingshan on the side didn't do anything.

The old three Qian and Hu Ba saw that Liu Qingshan did not sign, nor did they speak. They were anxious, for fear that Liu Qingshan dragged the two of them, each of them cursed: "Liu Qingshan, this is what the three of us did. You sign it soon!"

Liu Qingshan didn't sign for life or death, so angry Hu Ba pointed at Liu Qingshan and cursed: "A fool, Liu Qingshan, dare to do it or not, you are still not a man!"

Hu Ba scolded Liu Qingshan as not a man. If he was such an insult, Liu Qingshan still looked like a dead pig who was not afraid of boiling water. He would not put Hu Ba's words in his ears at all.

In my heart, Hu Ba and Qian Lao San wanted to eat their meat and drink their blood!

I sold myself all!

Liu Qingshan hated him to death, and looked at Hu Ba without any good expressions: "You want to die, I won't stop, but you don't drag me to death!"

Gu Xiaowan winked, and Liu Qingshan was bewitching people here again: "Amad, take them down first, Liu Qingshan, don't think you used to be my uncle, you can deny it!"

Qian Laosan and Hu Ba were a little worried at first, but when they heard Gu Xiaowan's words, they immediately relaxed.

It's no wonder that Liu Qingshan didn't admit it when he did it. The feeling is that he still thinks he is Gu Xiaowan's uncle.

At this moment, all except Liu Qingshan are from Gu Yuan.

Aunt Zhang looked at Liu Qingshan, and said mercilessly: "Liu Qingshan, Hu Ba and Qian Lao San have hired all of your affairs, you can say it quickly!"

Liu Qingshan didn't say a word, and stared at Aunt Zhang with cold eyes. There was not a good word in his mouth: "You stinky lady, what's your business? I'm not stealing, it's not your home. You are here. This family is just a servant who waits on people!"

"Liu Qingshan, stop! Aunt Zhang is not a servant, she is our family!" Gu Fangxi said loudly at the moment.

Liu Qingshan sneered, and said maliciously: "It's just a subordinate, Fangxi, what are you doing so excited!"

"Liu Qingshan" saw that he was being molested by Liu Qingshan again, Gu Fang's joy came up again, but he didn't know what to say.

She was so angry that she could only curse: "Liu Qingshan, you must die!"

"Haha, I haven't heard of it. Good people don't live long, and they are a thousand years old. Who knows, you die first, or I die first!"

After said, Liu Qingshan said depressedly: "I will let people get rid of such a good wife, Gu Xiaowan, don’t think you have two money now, you are very capable Now, thirty years in Hedong, thirty years in Hexi, I don’t know what will happen to you in the future? It’s just a girl movie, such a big family business, it’s impossible for you to put it in your hands and let outsiders fail."

There is a feeling that you don’t give me this property, it's cheaper for outsiders.

"Liu Qingshan" Gu Xiaowan felt amused when seeing Liu Qingshan's appearance as expected.

"My property, even if I don't give it to others, I won't give it to you!" Gu Xiaowan said with a smile: "Who are you? Now, you have nothing to do with my Gu family. You can at most be with me. The Gu’s connection is only my aunt’s ex-husband."

Liu Qingshan was completely angered: "What do you want? Don't deceive others too much!"

Gu Fangxi saw that Liu Qingshan had done something wrong, and he was still talking here without shame, and he was very sad: "Liu Qingshan, you are still not a human being! This matter obviously happened because of you. Now, you are like us. I owe you so much."

"Gu Fangxi, don't be proud, don't you just follow a wealthy niece? You are a crippled flower and a willow, do you think there are still men who want you?" Liu Qingshan said cruelly.

When Gu Fang heard this, he took a few steps backwards without falling.

Staring at Liu Qingshan. The blood on his face seemed to have been drained in an instant, and his face was pale, looking at Liu Qingshan, his eyes were full of anger.

"Gu Xiaowan, don't be happy too early. If you dare to send me to the government, I will come out one day. I will never make you feel better. Don't be proud of you, Gu Fangxi. I will let you be under me one day. , Cry father and mother!"

Seeing Liu Qingshan talking more and more outrageous, Gu Xiaowan slapped on the table and stood up.

At this moment, the cold temperament on his body has become a fascinating master of hell, and people dare not to underestimate or offend!

Liu Qingshan really felt death at that moment.

He was a little startled, he looked at the little girl before him in astonishment.

Obviously he was still so young, but at this moment, he really felt the overwhelming oppression and chill from the girl's body, making people feel like falling into an ice cave, completely cold and unable to get up.

Gu Xiaowan's eyes were cold, looking at Liu Qingshan, who was shivering and trembling, and no longer said a word, she lightly opened her lips: "Ama, tie up all his hands and feet, and throw them into the pigsty behind. Take it tomorrow morning. The government! Let Mrs. Liu make the case!"

what? Liu Qingshan was stunned when he heard that, let him go to the pigpen?

Also **** all hands and feet?

Liu Qingshan realized that the danger was coming, and immediately begged for mercy: "Girl, no, no!"

Where is the place for people to stay in the pigsty, and it’s just a night away, it’s terrible to think about it!

Although Liu Qingshan is a gangster, he is a gangster with cleanliness.

There is no life for the prince, but the prince's disease has happened!

Everything is coveted to be clean, tidy, and clean. If he lives in the pigpen this time, it will kill him!

Liu Qingshan refused, but Gu Xiaowan had decided to let Ahmad take him down as soon as possible.

Seeing that Gu Xiaowan had already decided, Liu Qingshan had nothing to do. His whole bones fell apart and he was dragged away by Ahmad.

He knew that if he really was imprisoned in the government office, it would mean that there was no free body.

Liu Qingshan kicked and kicked, and said grinningly: "Gu Xiaowan, Gu Fangxi, you two women, it's not good to die!" Then he didn't hear the ugly words of Liu Qingshan, and perhaps his mouth was blocked by Ahmad. Up.

At this moment, only three women, Gu Xiaowan, Aunt Zhang and Gu Fangxi were left in the lobby.

Gu Fangxi's face was pale, and Gu Xiaowan quickly stepped forward to comfort him: "Auntie, don't be sad, this Liu Qingshan is not a thing, let's not listen to him."

Gu Fangxi started crying loudly and took Gu Xiaowan's arm, tears like broken beads, falling on the back of Gu Xiaowan's hand: "Xiaowan, what did auntie do in her life, how could she marry this? A cheeky man!"

Yes! Gu Fangxi did what sin, or Gu Chuanlu did it!

Gu Xiaowan didn't know how to comfort Gu Fangxi, so she could only hold her and pat her back to comfort her: "Aunt, not afraid, not afraid, but we have nothing to do with him anymore, not afraid, not afraid!"

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