The Farmer Girl Gets Rich

Chapter 875: Scold Gu Chuanlu

"Isn't it, their family has done something like that to Gu Xiaowan before, and they don't hold it accountable. With such a broad mind, a girl's family is really impressive!" One of them sighed and looked at Gu Xiaowan. At that time, there was a deep appreciation in my eyes.

The person next to him could not understand what he was saying, and felt that there was a story in it. In front of Gu Chuanlu, he asked the bottom line: "What's the matter? What's the matter? Why haven't I heard of it!"

"You haven't heard of such a big thing?" The man chuckled, looked at the person who was interrogating with contempt, and continued: "A few years ago, this Mr. Gu's wife faked the government office. Clerk, I want to seize this girl's field!"

"Huh? So shameless? Tsk tsk, he is still a talent!" Some people who knew, and those who didn't know all whispered.

At this moment, Gu Chuanlu only felt that his old face was completely ashamed. He gave Gu Xiaowan a fierce look where no one saw Gu Xiaowan, and then immediately changed his expression, looking like an elder, and said lovingly: "It's delicious, delicious, Xiaowan has this heart. I'll tell you auntie them when I go back. If they have time, they will come over!"

"That's the best!" Gu Xiaowan said with a smile, and then said with a bit of regret: "It's just a pity that all the sweet potatoes in Shunxin Restaurant are sold, otherwise you can really make these things!"

"Haha, Xiaowan, what are you talking about? What is made by Jinfulou, how can other people do it!" Gu Chuanlu said haha, looking like he would not, but in this large public Speak out next, that didn't cut his money!

Not to mention, others will say that they have plagiarized Jin Fu Lou's efforts at Shun Xin Restaurant.

Having said that, they can no longer launch this jade pillow!

However, all the big guys craned their necks and waited for his answer.

Gu Chuanlu knows that as long as Jinfu Lou has new products for so many years, they will send a friend or trusted person to Jinfu Lou to have a taste, and then they will cook in that way or taste when they return. This is how I came here.

Jin Fu Lou was hit by fire, and the profit was full. He Shun Xin Restaurant could keep up with the wind, fooling outsiders, or those of ordinary family background, and he could also get some soup to drink.

Although shopkeeper Wang and Gu Chuanlu already knew that they had done this, the reputation in Liujiazhen was very bad, but who can be to blame!

They do not plagiarize Shunxin restaurants, and there are other restaurants that do plagiarism.

In this whole world, there is not only one restaurant in Jinfulou!

"Uncle, Xiaowan wants to tell you! Needless to say, you really can't do this in a restaurant!" Gu Xiaowan said firmly.

Gu Chuanlu's face twitched, but he still pretended to be calm: "Xiao Wan, what do you mean!"

"This sweet potato is a foreign product. If I hadn’t gotten some seedlings in the early years, I’m afraid I wouldn’t know that there is such a thing. The guest official also said just now. He asked all his friends, whether it’s Liu I’ve never seen anything like this in my home town, or in Ruixian County. I think, this kind of thing is still a bit rare. However, just now the guest official said no, it doesn’t mean that the uncle has never seen it before, or otherwise , How did the so many sweet potatoes in your store come from!" Gu Xiaowan still had a smile on her face, but her words were unpredictable.

Gu Chuanlu didn't understand it for a while, and asked, "What do you mean?"

"Uncle, I don't mean anything! Such a good thing has been sold cheaply by you guys. It's a pity!" Gu Xiaowan finished speaking with a look of regret.

As if pitying Chuanlu!

As for the sentence just now, Gu Chuanlu truly heard what it meant: "Gu Xiaowan, you mean I stole your things?"

"I didn't say that. How could Shunxin Restaurant do such a thing!"

"I bought the sweet potato from a trader who travels north and south. You don't know where this kind of thing is found, but it doesn't mean that others don't know it." Gu Chuanlu said fiercely.

"That's natural!" Gu Xiaowan saw the irritation in Gu Chuanlu's eyes. It seemed that he really didn't know that the sweet potato belonged to him! Gu Xiaowan sighed in her heart, her expression extremely calm.

"Humph" Gu Chuanlu flicked his sleeves and took a few steps forward. Gu Xiaowan consciously stood aside, leaving the way to Gu Chuanlu. Before leaving, she did not forget to greet loudly: "Uncle, come here often!"

Come often?

Don't kill the king's treasurer!

Gu Chuanlu was accidentally stirred by the threshold when he went out, and he staggered a step before he stood firm. The funny appearance made the people in the restaurant roar with laughter.

Some people with status and financial resources will go to Jinfu Lou for dinner. Unless Jinfu Lou has no place, they will go back and choose Shunxin Restaurant.

Originally, Gu Chuanlu was considered a person of good reputation in Liujia Town.

However, since Gu Chuanlu's wife was jailed twice for two incidents, the eyes of the people around Gu Chuanlu changed.

Why did Sun go to jail?

That is something that everyone in Liujia Town knows well.

One time because she wanted to occupy Gu Xiaowan's field, and the other time because she stole something from Mrs. Jiang.

What I did both times was faceless and skinless, and it had already been spread all over Liujiazhen.

Who would give him face!

Gu Chuanlu staggered out the door and ran to the Shunxin restaurant. When he arrived at the shopkeeper Wang's wing, he saw that the shopkeeper was pointing at Sanghuai.

When Gu Chuanlu entered, the guy seemed to see a life-saving straw.

"Get out!" When the shopkeeper Wang saw Gu Chuanlu coming back, he roared. The guy immediately responded and ran out.

"Gu Chuanlu, tell me what you are doing. You are such a good niece. If you didn’t get her to our restaurant, you let her go to Jinfulou. That’s not the right thing to do with us. ! After planting so many sweet potatoes, I never thought that you, the uncle, also worked in the restaurant!"

The shopkeeper Wang pointed to Gu Chuanlu's nose and cursed.

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