The Farmer Girl Gets Rich

Chapter 903: Calamity present

But Gu Ziwen and Gu Xintao were okay. When Gu Chuanlu was detained, they took some silver couples to Rui County and visited Gu Chuanlu.

Gu Chuanlu didn't eat much suffering because he had money for the cell boss!

But I hated the Sun family to death.

After four months, he was released from prison.

When I learned that I had been fired from the Shunxin restaurant, I was going to peel her skin and eat her meat!

At that time when Gu Chuanlu was just released from prison, the Sun clan was serving with trembling, fearing that he would make a mistake, and in exchange for a good fight!

After Gu Chuanlu came out, the Shunxin restaurant was gone, and the family had no source of income. Fortunately, Gu Xintao finally got some money out this time, and Gu Chuanlu felt better.

Boasting Gu Xintao's filial piety.

Sun listened, not to mention how uncomfortable it was.

In the past four months, she almost sold out all her jewellery dowry and barely managed to maintain the family's livelihood, but Gu Xintao did not take out a copper plate. After her father came out,

When Sun thought of this, he only felt that his mouth was as bitter as he had eaten bitter gourd, but there was no bitterness to tell.

Gu Chuanlu had silver, and the relationship between Gu Xintao and Jiang Yuan was good, and occasionally cheated a little from Jiang Yuan, and he was able to live.

Gu Chuanlu is not in a hurry to find something to do at the moment. He has only one plan in his heart, to avenge him, and to return all the disasters of the four months in prison to Gu Xiaowan.

At this time, Liujiazhen is not very peaceful.

There was a three-month drought at first, and there is still no rain.

This is something that Liujiazhen has never had in decades.

Because Liuji Town relies on the river, even if it doesn't rain, there is still a river. The lives of the people are not affected in any way.

But this time it was fine. It hadn't rained for three months, and the river was about to see the river bed.

The alive fish and shrimps were almost dead, except for the last bit of water, which was unsustainable.

There has never been such a situation in Liujiazhen, and a recent rumor has made everyone panicked, and their hearts have been raised in their throats.

Liujiazhen has a catastrophe!

Because they took in the disaster star and annoyed the heavens, even God would not let them go.

Let the whole Liujiazhen be buried together.

This is not groundless.

On the way from Liujia Town to Ruixian County, there is a steep mountain with a temple called Yunju Temple.

The temple was halfway up the mountain, covered by jungle, and it was surrounded by clouds and mist on weekdays, looking like a fairyland.

I heard that there was a monk in that monastery called Daoxin, who was able to reach the heavens and the earth, and was an eminent monk of Dao.

When you believe men and women went to worship Buddha on the mountain, they asked Master Daoxin why Liujiazhen hadn't had a drop of rain for three months.

Hearing that Master Xin pinched and counted, his face suddenly reappeared, saying that Liujiazhen had a calamity, which angered the heavens. Now the gods punish it, and even the entire Liujiazhen is also punished. When everyone heard it, their expressions changed drastically.

Although Liujia Town said it was big or not, it was not too small. After all, there are thousands of people!

Which is the disaster star? Where is the disaster star?

When I asked Master Daoxin, the master mysteriously said that it was a secret that cannot be revealed.

What secret?

People are dying, it's a secret!

Does God have to want the entire innocent Liujiazhen people to be buried with the catastrophe!

Everyone begged Master Daoxin to tell the whereabouts of the disaster star, but Master Daoxin closed his eyes and refused to say any more.

This matter is getting hotter in Liujia Town.

Everyone is talking about you and me, the situation is getting worse, and everyone has different opinions about who the disaster star is.

However, Master Daoxin does not say who is the disaster star, who dares to mess around!

In the end, Liu Jiazhen sent a few representative figures, collectively went to the government office and found Lu Tao. When Lu Tao said about it, it turned out that there was a catastrophe in Liu Jiazhen who was causing trouble. The town is dry and rainless, and life is about to die.

Lu Tao immediately said that he must invite Master Daoxin down to eliminate the catastrophe for Liu Jiazhen.

Gu Xiaowan was not in the town, but because she was in Jinfu Tower every day, she also heard a lot of rumors.

Gu Xiaowan always had a bad feeling when he heard that a monk said that it would not rain in Liujia Town for three consecutive months because of the disaster.

On the other side of Lu Tao, after arguing with the people, on the fifteenth day it was dark, so he cleaned himself, dressed in casual clothes, came to the foot of the mountain, knelt down and climbed up the mountain.

When the people saw that Lu Tao was so pious, they didn't have a word in their hearts that had originally criticized him.

Everyone said that Lu Tao is a rare good official!

Lu Tao knelt down nine times, went to Yunju Temple, and found Taoxin.

After a lot of hard work, I said something.

Regarding the lives of the Li people in Liujia Town, he knelt in front of Master Daoxin and invited him to Liujia Town to catch the catastrophe.

Master Daoxin saw that Lu Tao loves the people so much as a son, thinking that he is also a Buddhist, and he must also consider the lives of the people, so he agreed.

The people of Liujia Town were at the foot of the mountain, watching Lu Tao take Master Daoxin down the mountain with a respectful look, the people were about to cheer.

I saw Master Daoxin wearing a robes, a look like I am the world, and when everyone saw it, they felt that he was a master of Dao.

When we arrived in Liujia Town, Master Daoxin said that there was a catastrophe in Liujia Town, but he might be there. He could only walk with a few strong people on the streets of Liujia Town.

Said to be able to find the breath of the disaster star on the street.

The yang energy on those brawny men is heavy and can resist the hostility of the calamity star.

Everyone was convinced of Master Daoxin's actions, and some of the courageous also followed behind, wanting to see what this disaster star looked like.

Walking one street, another street, the steps of Master Tao Xin never stopped.

And when he reached the Jinfu Tower, Master Daoxin suddenly hurried, and quickly came to the door of Jinfu Tower.

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