The Farmer Girl Gets Rich

Chapter 906: Zen Master Hui Yuan

Seeing that no one came forward to catch Gu Xiaowan, Master Daoxin was accused by Gu Xiaowan. He had already lost his disguise, he had torn off the skin and revealed his true colors.

"You demon girl, you dare to slander Poor Dao, it's damned!"

"Master Daoxin, there is a saying in Buddha's language, saving one's life is better than building a seventh-level Buddha. The most opposed by true Buddhists is a dead word!" Gu Xiaowan retorted.

Deliberately bite the words of the real Buddhism very seriously.

It's like saying that this letter is not really a Buddhist man.

Sure enough, the letter's face immediately turned red. Pointing to Gu Xiaowan, the flesh on his face was squeezed into a pile: "You, you," I couldn't say a word for a long time.

The onlooker who said that Gu Xiaowan was possessed by a ghost just now saw this situation and immediately shouted: "This demon girl, dare to slander our master, burn her to death, and burn her to death!"

Some people around heard him say this, and several people immediately followed up and started booing: "Wonder, Witch."

Gu Xiaowan saw that among the onlookers, making a noise for the person in front, and taking a few people around him, they all followed.

The appearance of those few people didn't look like people who were passing by.

Gu Xiaowan stared at them a few times, but she didn't have any impression at all.

The other onlookers did not say a word either. They first looked at Gu Xiaowan and then at Daoxin. Some softened and stopped talking, but some people who had offended Gu Xiaowan followed the yelling demon girl.

The corner of Gu Xiaowan's mouth was lifted, and she looked at the group of people coldly.

Daoxin saw that Gu Xiaowan stopped speaking, thinking she was scared, her eyes turned, and the beads in her hand kept turning, shouting loudly: "Dear benefactors, Amitabha, the catastrophic poor Dao has been found. The woman in front of me The donor is the catastrophe, I don’t know how you plan to punish!"

How to punish?

Didn't he already say that he would burn her to death?

"Master, you can be punished as you say you want to be punished, as long as you give me peace in Liujiazhen!" Lu Tao said respectfully.

Immediately afterwards, the people just now picked up to agree.

There was also the sparse crowd behind, all agreeing to burn Gu Xiaowan to death.

Seeing that the public opinion had been determined, the Taoist master Amitabha gave a cry and looked at Gu Xiaowan. There was false compassion in his drunken eyes: "The demon girl, today the poor Dao wants you to live, and the people are a peaceful Liujiazhen! "

"Master really intends to burn me to death?" Gu Xiaowan said faintly, her eyes clear and not weak.

"You are a demon girl. Only by burning you can you get rid of the calamity!" Master Daoxin said, "It turns out that the fire only drove away part of the evil spirit from you, but it was precisely because of the evil spirit on your body. If it’s not clean, it gives other evil spirits a way out, plus your birth date, you will undoubtedly die today"

Daoxin looked at Gu Xiaowan fiercely, and he wanted to kill her.

Gu Xiaowan was laughing the whole time, with a faint smile on her lips.

It seems that Daoxin and the people present said that the person who was going to be burned was not like her. Before the words of the Taoist letter were settled, I heard a compassionate voice from behind the crowd: "Amitabha, the monks take compassion as their cherishment, and do not do all evil, all good will be practiced!"

The voice is clear and full of breath.

Everyone looked back and saw a man dressed as a monk in his sixties, with a short white beard, a simple monk robe, a simple dress, a benevolent face, clear eyes, a sagacious vision of the world, and a world-famous person. mercy.

At this time, someone recognized this person, Jiang Huainan's eyes widened, a little guessing, but incredible!

It's him?

Is it him?

How could it be him!

Everyone was shocked, looked at the monk, and then at Daoxin.

For some reason, Daoxin looked like a fake monk in front of the monk.

They involuntarily gave way to the monk, and saw that the monk seemed to be stepping on auspicious clouds. Although he was old, he was steadily walking, showing no signs of oldness, with a gentle smile on his face, and a wise look in his eyes.

Gu Xiaowan looked at it just now, and the monk's temperament was not at all different from this letter. There was a sense of immortality and bones all over his body, and he was even more aware of the suffering of the world.

After a glance with Ahmad, he saw Ahmad's face with surprise.

Then he whispered beside Gu Xiaowan: "Girl, this is Zen Master Huiyuan! It's an eminent monk!"

When Gu Xiaowan heard that, Ahmad wouldn't tell lies, saying that he was a high-ranking monk, so he was really a high-ranking monk, so he immediately walked down the steps.

Ah Mo followed and walked down. When Gu Xiaowan saw Master Huiyuan, she immediately invited him: "Master!"

He was respectful, more courteous and courteous than before.

"Where did you come from the monk!" Dao Xin saw a monk coming over, his temperament was even more unmatched, his face was a bit ugly, and he pointed at Zen Master Hui Yuan and cursed.

"Hugh is rude!" Then, Jiang Huainan squeezed in from the crowd. When everyone saw it was him, they all automatically gave in, "Master Jiang, it's Master Jiang!"

As soon as Gu Xiaowan heard that it was Master Jiang, she looked in the direction where the voice came from, and saw a man in his forties who was dressed in luxurious clothes and shrewd eyes squeezed through the crowd and came over.

This luxurious clothes looked a bit standout among such a crowd.

Gu Xiaowan looked at him coldly, and saw that Jiang Huainan came to Master Huiyuan, knelt down with a puff, and shouted respectfully: "Master Huiyuan!"


Zen Master Huiyuan?

Seeing that letter with his mouth open, he could put an egg into it, and looked at the fairy-like person in front of him in disbelief.

This person’s simple monk’s robe is added to his body, but his whole body is the wisdom that has seen through the world and the sentiment of universal sentient beings. It has spread to the bones and blood. The open-mindedness of the whole body is even more than that of a false monk like Tao Xin. !

The crowd of onlookers was quiet, as long as a needle dropped on the ground could be heard. But then, there was an uproar in the crowd.

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