The Farmer Girl Gets Rich

Chapter 910: Victims

But here in Ruixian, it is safe and sound. No one begged because the crops died and there was no harvest. On the contrary, many victims gathered in this area of ​​Ruixian, which caused other security risks.

When Gu Xiaowan received Master Liu's letter, it was already August, and the weather was getting hotter and hotter. Even the air he sucked in was hot.

When Gu Xiaowan saw Jian Zhu, the entourage next to Master Liu Xian, came over quickly and handed Gu Xiaowan a letter.

After Gu Xiaowan opened it and looked at it, her brows frowned.

Gu Fangxi who was on the side saw this, and quickly followed over to take a look.

"Master Liu wrote, what did you say?"

Gu Xiaowan didn't expect Liu Xian to write to herself, but after reading the letter, she also knew that she would definitely want to check this matter.

It turned out that the number of victims in Ruixian County has suddenly increased in the past few days. After interrogation by the government, they all came from nearby county towns, towns and villages.

Because they all heard that there are no victims in Ruixian County, and there are a lot of food in the ground, as long as they steal it, they will never die of starvation.

Liujiazhen has also discovered such a situation, but because there are not many victims, there has been no large-scale robbery incident.

But Ruixian is different. Almost half of the farmland is planted with sweet potato seedlings. Looking at the past, all are green. Those victims who saw something that could save their lives, who didn’t steal it, who didn’t grab it. .

Moreover, some people even uprooted the roots. Overnight, the small half acre of land was gone, bare, and mud was left.

Whoever has this changed, whoever sees everything in their homes being pulled out, will be uncomfortable.

To make matters worse, the doors of all restaurants in Rui County are now blocked by the victims.

Those victims are also smart. As long as it is a well-business, luxuriously decorated restaurant entrance, there will be many people.

Every day there are dozens of hundreds of people sitting at the entrance of the restaurant, all dirty and smelly, and they can't be driven away.

All the restaurants were surrounded, and the guests, seeing a group of victims blocking the door, naturally did not dare to go in and eat.

It's not that the government hasn't taken care of it, but it was in vain to send an official to rush over.

After blasting off this side, there are more people over there.

Go to the bombing side, and all the people here have gathered here again.

There are only 20 government servants in Ruixian County, but the number of victims is several thousand.

With one enemy and one hundred, it's ridiculous to shake a tree by a scorpion.

"How long has this situation lasted?" Gu Xiaowan thought for a while and asked Jian Zhu. "It has been four or five days, and the number of victims is still increasing sharply. On my way from Ruixian, I saw many victims rushing to Ruixian again!"

If that is the case, then, maybe all the sweet potatoes in Ruixian will be destroyed by this group of victims.

Don't mention the harvest at that time, I'm afraid that this period of time will not pass.

If this situation continues to develop, fighting, looting, wounding and killing, it will definitely happen.

"What does Master Liu say at the moment?" This matter is really anxious. If it is not handled properly, Ruixian may become a Shura field by then.

People can do everything when they are extremely hungry.

In the previous life, there were more than 800 million hungry people in the world. On average, more than 20,000 people died of starvation every day, and nearly half of them were children.

People can only eat chaff, grass roots and leaves. In some places, people are too hungry and they eat the indigestible "Avalokitesvara". Many people suffer from malnutrition and edema. If you eat too much, you will soon "fall down and die"

What is even more unacceptable is that people have eaten people, dogs eat dogs, and mice are hungry.

Gu Xiaowan has never experienced a disaster year, and most of the information she knows comes from the Internet and textbooks.

But seeing the tragic situation described, I also know that if there is no food, the victims will do everything.

Gu Xiaowan knew that this matter was not trivial. Now it cannot be said that it was a rain to solve the drought. Even if it rains, the crops wither and die, it will not help.

"It's not too late, let's go to Ruixian to take a look. Aunt, you go with me to help me pack some clothes. I'm going to Ruixian."

Gu Xiaowan said solemnly.

Gu Fangxi saw her solemn appearance, and knew that this matter must be very important. He was a little worried: "Xiao Wan, let's go together, and then there will be some care."

Gu Xiaowan shook her head: "I only take Ahmad, aunt, you and Aunt Zhang Shitou will stay at home to look after the house. Recently, there are many victims, so don't just go out and stay at home. Brother Shitou goes to the ground every day. Two or three times, if there are victims pulling sweet potato sprouts in the field, those who can be dissuaded will dissuade them, and those who can’t be dissuaded will let them go. Do not conflict. Those victims are also extremely hungry. Stems and leaves, I believe they will listen too!"

Jian Zhu listened to Gu Xiaowan calmly and extremely well arranging work for everyone, and gave a thumbs up in his heart.

He is kind-hearted, calm and unhurried, and he is also extremely measured in dealing with things.

When he first came, he still knew why Mrs. Liu wrote to this girl. Now, he understands everything.

Gu Xiaowan packed up her things, and after bidding farewell to her family, Ahmad drove along with Jian Zhu to Ruixian.

On the way, as Jian Zhu said, the victims in twos and threes were all fleeing to Rui County.

Some victims lie on the ground and don't know what to plan on the ground. After the planing was done, I was ecstatic, and put it in my mouth without washing, and didn't know what I was eating!

Gu Xiaowan was a little worried. Those refugees with yellowish faces and thin skin, described as emaciated, all went to Ruixian County, and Ruixian County was full of disaster victims.

As a result, the entire county town has no such bureaucrats and cannot be controlled. Secondly, if there is a large-scale mass incident, I am afraid that Liu Xian will be to blame!

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