The Farmer Girl Gets Rich

Chapter 916: Minister of Relief

Moreover, on weekdays, seeing Mr. Fang is the same as seeing the emperor. Mr. Fang has never dealt with these people. They just want to be close to Mr. Fang, so they must be able to see people!

Now, Mr. Fang actually wants to see them in person. This is a good opportunity for the pie falling from the sky to show his face in front of Mr. Fang.

Such a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, anyone who wants to miss it, came non-stop.

Some people who Liu Xian hadn't notified also came after hearing this message.

The presidency of Ruixian County, a small county, was crowded with people wearing silk and silk. Some people who came to the back were waiting outside because they couldn't get in, hoping to see Mr. Fang.

Gu Xiaowan was also in the room at the moment, dressed up as a small servant, following Ahmad and standing behind Liu Xian.

Because Mr. Fang came forward this time, the rich people who came here knew what was going on with the Yamen.

So, when Liu Xian told the story, all the people present said it was OK. The rich take money, and those with grain take grain.

The more donated, the louder the shouting, as if for fear that Mr. Fang would not hear it.

Looking at so many people donating money, Mr. Fang was moved in front of everyone. He arched his hands and said to everyone present: "The people of Ruixian County and the victims are lucky to be able to help them. Here, Fang represents these people and victims. , Thank you all!"

On this day alone, I donated 20,000 taels of silver, even more food, various kinds of rice, noodles, sorghum, etc., more than 10,000 stones.

According to this, as long as the palace can send people to the disaster relief as soon as possible, it should not be a problem to resist it for half a month.

The money and food have all arrived.

In order to resettle these victims, the government also spent money to repair the two ruined temples in the east and west of the city, purchased some essential items and medicinal materials, and paid dozens of people to maintain order in the two places.

Because there is food and housing, and doctors see a doctor when they are sick, the victims do not go to the fields to steal sweet potato seedlings from farmers. They were all in the ruined temple, waiting for the disaster to pass with peace of mind.

From the imperial palace, Song Renjie, a minister of imperial envoy, went down south with silver and grain, and in order of number, he arrived at Ruixian.

When I first went outside the city, I saw people wearing uniform clothes, in groups of five or six, patrolling the fields.

Looking at the green and oily crops in the fields of Narui County, it seems that Ruei County should not have been affected!

However, I also heard that Rui County has not rained for several months!

Other things in Herui County were not all the same. All the way, all the crops died in the fields.

But this time it looked okay.

Song Renjie had some doubts at first. After arriving in Ruixian, looking at the prosperity of Ruixian, it had nothing to do with the drought.

The people still live and work in peace.

Song Renjie was even more strange, wondering how the emperor sent him to such a fat place, where it seemed that there was a drought.

We visited the city by private visit, and found a large number of victims in the east and west of the city. They all had bowls in their hands, and they lined up in long queues, eating porridge there!

One person has a bowl of porridge, and each person has a steamed bun.

Song Renjie randomly asked a disaster victim to ask, and the disaster victim said that he had fled from another place. When he arrived in Ruixian, he had food and shelter, and if he was ill, he still had a doctor to see a doctor, so he stayed and did not leave.

The more I listened, the more curious I became, and I became more curious about Liu Xian in Rui County.

Herui County is also located in other southern counties, and almost the whole city is wiped out. There is still some food in the family, so I didn't go out to beg.

But almost all the families came out to beg.

I asked the victims, most of them came to Ruixian from other places.

"Do you have any natives in Ruixian?" Song Renjie was a little unconvinced. Why did he ask so many people, not even a local disaster victim.

The victim groaned and said, "There are no local people here. We are all from other places. No, you go in front of the county office, where food is distributed, all local people!"

When Song Renjie heard this, he immediately followed the victim's gesture to the gate of the county office, just in time to see someone distributing food.

I saw that everyone was holding a special iron plate in his hand. As long as the iron plate was shown, the rice distributed at the door would be distributed to the people in accordance with the amount.

Song Renjie was curious and stayed at the door for a long time.

All the people who come to receive the rice are really local people. Everyone is either holding a pot or a bag to hold the rice.

And only the victims in other places, everyone took a bowl and went to drink ready-made rice porridge.

This orderliness and the contented smile on the people's faces are completely invisible in other places.

During this period of time, he was used to seeing the howling of ghosts and wolves and his face full of food. When he arrived in Ruixian, it was quiet and peaceful, but he was a little uncomfortable.

"Master, this Ruixian is logically also the place affected by the disaster, but now it seems that Ruixian has not been affected at all, and it has also arranged the external victims in an orderly manner. There is neither dead nor dead. There is a situation of beating, smashing and looting!" A guard-like person on the side said.

Song Renjie nodded, stroked his beard and said approvingly: "It seems that Liu Xian from Ruixian is a good man! Get ready, let's go into the city!"

Originally, Song Renjie came here in plain clothes this time, and when he saw what he wanted to see, after entering the city, he was full of praise for Liu Xian.

The emperor sent a minister of disaster relief, which caused a sensation throughout Ruixian.

When Gu Xiaowan learned that a minister of imperial envoys was instructing disaster relief in Ruixian County, she happened to be watching the situation of sweet potatoes in the field.

He patted the soil on his hands and said with a smile: "Okay, I can relax a little bit! Master Liu can also breathe a sigh of relief!"

The imperial minister was in Ruixian and stayed for half a month.

In the past half month, I heard the people praise Liu Xian for his two-sleeved breeze, wise and martial arts, and love for the people. I heard everywhere.

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