The Farmer Girl Gets Rich

Chapter 919: Refuse to cooperate

Gu Xiaowan coldly snorted, Liu Tianci didn't go to the Palace of the Three Treasures without incident. This way of doing business seemed to be Gu Xiaowan taking advantage of it.

However, people who have been embroidered women know that making a veil is just like the veil they embroider in their daily life. The raw material of a veil is only about fifty copper plates. It takes about half a day to sell. If you can sell one or two silver, that's a thousand copper plates.

Liu Tianci's algorithm completely treats Gu Xiaowan's labor as cheap labor.

Moreover, Gu Xiaowan's training of Gu Xiaoyi is not for her to be an ordinary embroiderer for a lifetime.

She wants Gu Xiaoyi to be alone in the future, and she can open a shop by herself. Being an embroiderer is not good for her eyes, and she won't let Gu Xiaoyi embroider forever.

At a certain time, Gu Xiaoyi only needs to be the boss's wife behind.

Moreover, Gu Xiaowan now has money. If she wants to open a shop in Beijing, she will open it herself, so she doesn't need to partner with this woman.

Gu Xiaowan had already seen clearly who Liu Tianci was.

She will not cooperate with Liu Tianci with whom she cooperates!

Thinking of this, Gu Xiaowan said coldly: "Miss Liu, I am afraid that you will be troubled. I have no plans to be an embroiderer!"

Seeing Gu Xiaowan's cold refusal, Liu Tianci hadn't spoken yet, Xiao Tao's expression was not very good: "Gu Xiaowan, don't shame you, my lady is so kind, I want to take you to the capital, not let you spend a copper plate. Just let you get 40%. Such a good business is hard to find with a lantern. You are not happy yet."

Xiao Tao's tone is very bad.

Gu Xiaowan gave her a cold look, and the cold light in her eyes surprised Xiao Tao.

After two years of absence, this girl has become more fierce, even her eyes are so fierce.

Xiao Tao clenched her fists and stood behind Liu Tianci without speaking.

Through the corner of his eye, Liu Tianci saw the dissatisfaction that Gu Xiaowan had just made.

She was also very angry in her heart. She was in the capital, but now she was the guests of the ladies' homes, and everyone was eager to see what else she liked in her inventory.

Liu Tianci suddenly returned to Beijing this time, there was also a very urgent matter.

But after a busy year, in the end, it was nothing but joy.

Liu Tianci was furious, but dared not to speak, so he had to put this thought on the dolls that Gu Xiaowan had embroidered.

The empty glove white wolf earned a lot of silver. Seeing that there was nothing wrong with her at home, she regained her thoughts and said to Liu Congran, and ran back to Liujiazhen.

These novel and fun puppets and kerchiefs are very popular in the capital, and they can be bought at any price.

Liu Tianci was not stupid, so he had an idea to open a fabric shop in Beijing. specializes in these puppets, handkerchiefs and the like.

It's easy to open a store, but it's not so easy to find an embroiderer who can make these things.

I found some embroiders, but I didn’t even know how to draw a gourd, or I couldn’t do it at all.

Not to mention innovation, even 30% of ready-made puppets can't be made.

Liu Tianci saw that there was no embroiderer, this fabric shop would never open.

So, I rushed to Gu Xiaowan specially.

But who knows, she had lost money, but Gu Xiaowan disagreed.

Liu Tianci's face was also ugly, and he said displeasedly: "Girl Gu, don't miss such a good deal."

Liu Tianci is afraid, she can't do it, Gu Xiaowan can do it.

If Gu Xiaowan opened this store at that time, wouldn't her idea be lost.

Before she came, she told some sisters about this matter. If she couldn't open it by then, wouldn't it be a shame in front of the sisters!

Gu Xiaowan smiled and said, neither humble nor overbearing: "Ms. Liu has such a good thing to think about Xiaowan, Xiaowan is grateful, but we do this puppet, it is just that we are familiar with doing nothing on weekdays. Really let us be this embroiderer, we are absolutely incapable of doing it. Ms. Liu shows her love so much, so let's find another job!"

Gu Xiaowan was telling the truth, but the truth is not so pleasant to Liu Tianci's ears.

Through the effort of drinking tea, her eyes darkened, but she muttered in her heart that Gu Xiaowan was really toasting and not eating fine wine.

"Miss Gu, you should also know that although my Liu family is not a wealthy family in the capital, it is also the current emperor, and my father also wants to go to court. The emperor, have you met? I am afraid it will be in this life. You can't even see it from afar!"

Liu Tian smiled compassionately: "This Liujia Town is just a small place. Compared with the capital, it is not even worthy to carry shoes for the capital. Have you seen the prosperity of the capital? The best restaurant in Liujia Town is in the capital. That’s just the lowest place. The capital is full of gold. Nowadays, Miss Gu has such a good craft, it’s a shame not to use it. This time I came to Liujiazhen on purpose, just to make things happen. Discuss with you, should Miss Gu think about it? I don't need Miss Gu to answer now. Two days later, I will wait for Miss Gu at Jinfulou!"

After finishing speaking, without waiting for Gu Xiaowan to speak, she took the two maids and left.

Before leaving, Xiao Tao gave Gu Xiaowan a fierce look, snorted coldly, followed Liu Tianci, and walked away arrogantly.

Seeing Liu Tianci was gone, the face was as dark as the bottom of the pot before leaving. Aunt Zhang and Gu Fangxi felt that this must be difficult to deal with, so they hurriedly approached Gu Xiaowan and asked what to do.

"Xiaowan, what should I do? It seems that Miss Liu will not let her go if she fails to achieve her goal." Gu Fangxi said anxiously.

I knew I shouldn't embroider that puppet and veil at that time, but I didn't expect to get involved in such a thing.

This Liu Tianci was just throwing a bait to Gu Xiaowan now.

To be able to spend such a large amount of money to recruit Gu Xiaowan and the others to become embroiders, there must be other plans.

I was afraid that after the other embroiderers learned how to embroider, they immediately blasted Gu Xiaowan out.

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