The Farmer Girl Gets Rich

Chapter 927: Kill the pig

So, they personally asked Stone to go to their house to take them there. Tao and Yin saw that Gu Xiaowan was called in person, knowing that if they were not allowed to go, they would not give Gu Xiaowan face.

As a result, these children will go to Gu Yuan every other time, and the relationship is very good.

Tao Da and Liu Dazhuang were very happy to see that the children had a good relationship with Gu Xiaowan, but they still taught them to be respectful when they saw Gu Xiaowan.

Gu Xiaowan's family is different from theirs, but after saying this several times, Gu Xiaowan is so enthusiastic, how many children remember.

Going to Gu Yuan, I always want to have fun and come back.

Seeing this situation, several adults are not talking.

Liu Dazhuang probably rarely saw Gu Ning'an. When he saw Gu Ning'an this time, he took a deep breath. The boss in his family was about the same age as Gu Ning'an, but this discerning person knew who he was. Those who have read books, who are playing in the mud.

Gu Ning'an was dressed in a decent indigo-blue robe with a short jacket of the same color. His stature was slender, and the calm and decent look on that face looked like an eight-year-old doll.

Watching Liu Dazhuang and Dow straightened their mouths, this Gu family not only looks good, but even the overall demeanor is enviable.

If the baby in their own family can have half of Gu Ning'an's charm, they will wake up from dreaming.

Seeing Gu Ning'an, Liu Dazhuang greeted with a smile: "Brother An, I didn't go to school today!"

With a decent smile on the corner of his mouth, Gu Ning'an looked at Liu Dazhuang, and cried respectfully: "Uncle Liu, we have a rest. We will not start until the 16th Lantern Festival!"

Liu Dazhuang didn't know how the school was like this. He thought he was making a fool of himself, so he wiped his hands in embarrassment, "Oh, oh, that's it!"

Gu Ning'an always smiled faintly. Seeing that they didn't mean to make fun of him, on the contrary, he was always respectful and polite. Only then did Liu Dazhuang feel that he was too unreasonable and worrying. He quickly smiled and said, "Go, come in!"

Gu Xiaowan was curious about killing the pig, and followed Liu Dazhuang to the backyard. Suddenly, there was a scream of joy: "Wow, this is so beautiful, so beautiful!"

Gu Xiaowan looked back and found that it was Gu Xiaoyi who brought some embroidered veils and puppets to these children.

The children in the country, seeing the veil and puppets, were about to jump up with joy.

Seeing them so excited, Gu Xiaowan laughed too, and then went on walking inside.

When we arrived in the backyard, we saw an old man Li who took off his quilted jacket and stood there sharpening his knife.

Old man Li hunted in the mountains when he was young. Later, when he was old, he would not be safe to enter the mountains again. Because of his strength when he was young, he was not reconciled at this age.

As a result, I learned the craft of killing pigs.

However, this pig slaughter is not much different from a sheep slaughter in the presence of powerful people.

I saw that Old Man Li was in his fifties, his beard was still blue, his face was red, and he looked a little younger than his actual age.

Old man Li was good at hand. The white knife went in and the red knife came out. The pig squirted blood and died immediately. Therefore, anyone in the family who wants to kill the New Year pig will call him Old Man Li.

And the old man Li is fine at home, killing the New Year pig is also a joy, and he can also eat a good meal of meat, at the very least, rich people will give you a few catties of good meat and a catty of good wine. Enough for a few days.

I heard that Liu Dazhuang's family was going to kill two pigs. Old man Li came over after breakfast at home early.

No, when I first arrived at home, I felt that my knife was not fast enough. I was sharpening it. I saw Gu Xiaowan come in.

Old man Li knew about Gu Xiaowan. Gu Xiaowan let tenant farmers grow sweet potatoes this year and won a good harvest. The tenant farmers living in the same village all praised Gu Xiaowan as the reincarnation of a Bodhisattva, and specially came to give them a good day.

Although Old Man Li did not rent Gu Xiaowan’s land, his relatives planted it. I heard that Gu Xiaowan not only lost 10% of the rent, but also taught them very high-yield crops, and the family’s food quickly increased. After reading, the family will not go hungry.

Just talk about Liu Dazhuang's family, I have never seen Liu Dazhuang's family kill pigs in the past ten years, and this time I killed two pigs.

What does it mean to be able to kill the pig?

It means that Liu Dazhuang has made money in his family this year.

Seeing Gu Xiaowan coming in this time, Old Man Li immediately put down the knife in his hand, greeted him, and said hello with a smile: "The boss is here!"

Gu Xiaowan had also met Old Man Li, and said sweetly, "Uncle Li!"

That respectful appearance does not have the arrogance that other landlords have.

At first glance, it makes people happy.

Old man Li smiled and sighed, and then he sharpened his knife again: "Da Zhuang, do you kill all these two pigs?"

"Well, kill all, one pig belongs to the owner, and the other belongs to mine!" Liu Dazhuang said with a smile.

Gu Xiaowan took a look at the pigsty. Two big fat pigs were arching in the pigsty. It seemed that they hadn't noticed that they were about to become dishes on the table.

When Gu Xiaowan gave Liu Dazhuang a pig, she didn't ask for money. Liu Dazhuang was stunned to wait until the pig was raised to send one back to her.

Gu Xiaowan didn't refuse either. Anyway, she wanted to buy pork during the New Year, which was just right!

Once the knife is sharpened, the pig will be killed.

As soon as the children in the front yard heard that the backyard was about to kill pigs, they all ran to the backyard to see.

Seeing that the pig was **** on all fours to the top of the wide stone table, Liu Dazhuang and Tao Da firmly pressed the big fat pig.

It wasn't until this time that the big fat pig realized the danger was coming, thumping his short feet, and screaming there.

The pig screamed bitterly, but the children clapped and screamed excitedly, because they had never seen a pig kill!

In the family of Liu Dazhuang and Tao Da, let alone they never killed the New Year pig after they got married.

The family is very poor and there is no extra food to feed the pigs.

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