The Farmer Girl Gets Rich

Chapter 936: Who is outside

Gu Xiaowan held the purse in her hand, and regardless of Cao Xinlian, who was lying on the ground and crying, she said to Gu Tingting, "Gu Tingting, this is thirty taels of silver. Take Shunxi to the town to find an inn and take a rest. , Buy some rations in the town tomorrow and go back!"

Gu Xiaowan's words were so clear. Gu Tingting's big eyes flashed, there was anger and pity in her eyes. When she heard Gu Xiaowan gave her thirty taels of silver, her eyes immediately brightened.

Cao Xinlian, who was lying on the ground wailing, stopped howling, and immediately looked at this side secretly.

Thirty taels, that's a year's harvest!

Cao Xinlian didn't mention how happy she was.

The eyes of the two children were also joyful. They looked at each other, and they both saw greed in each other's eyes.

Gu Xiaowan was so close, she saw the changes of the two children, and without saying a word, directly handed Gu Tingting thirty taels of silver.

Thirty taels of silver is enough for Cao Xinlian to take two children without having to do anything, and she can live frugally for a year.

Gu Xiaowan was holding silver in her hand, and Cao Xinlian, who was no longer crying coldly, said: "Cao Xinlian, I will give you thirty taels of silver, which is enough for you to use for a year. I will give you benevolence and righteousness, and it is moral and righteous not to give you. If you come back next time, don’t blame me for being rude.”

Cao Xinlian was only looking at the thirty taels of silver at the moment, so she could take care of the other things Gu Xiaowan said, so let's take the silver first.

He grabbed the purse from Gu Xiaowan's hand, and smiled without seeing her fangs: "Okay, okay, Xiaowan, my aunt said, you are a good boy! Don't worry, in the future, my aunt will definitely not bother you. !"

But as soon as the voice fell, my heart laughed slyly.

Unexpectedly, this Gu Xiaowan was so cheating that she would cry with her two children when she ran out of silver.

Then Cao Xinlian dragged the two children away again.

Seeing that they were gone, Gu Xiaowan turned and entered the house.

Aunt Zhang did not agree with her approach, and said with some disapproval: "Xiao Wan, you don't know what virtue Cao Xinlian is. You gave it to her once, and she will come next time!"

"She dares!" When Gu Ningping heard it, his eyebrows dangled, and he said fiercely: "If she dares to come again, I will break her leg!"

They didn't have a good impression of Cao Xinlian, and they felt a little uncomfortable seeing that their sister had given such a large sum of money.

After all, Cao Xinlian never pulled them when they were in trouble before.

"No, I don't think she will come again." Gu Xiaowan's eyes were deep, she looked at the dark night, and she was worried.

Then I put all the unhappiness in my heart aside, and went to the table with everyone again, talking and laughing to eat.

Today is the New Year’s Eve, anyway you must be happy.

After eating, Gu Xiaowan walked in the back yard. Aunt Zhang and Gu Fangxi were busy in the kitchen. They talked and laughed, and kept mumbling in the kitchen.

Listening to their happy laughter, Gu Xiaowan was also extremely happy.

However, I always feel that there is something missing in my heart.

A large piece of garlic was planted in the backyard, and now it is long green and sturdy.

Although this garlic is spicy, there are really many people who like it. Gu Xiaoyi is still a child, but he also likes to eat this kind of heavy taste. I ate a lot of rice all night because of the garlic fried bacon. At this moment, because he had eaten too much, he was also in the kitchen, following Gu Fangxi.

Gu Ningan was reading in the room, and Gu Ningping and Ahmad were punching in the front yard.

It seems that everyone has something to do. She is the only one who is left empty, and the longer the time, the harder it will be in this heart.

Seeing that the night was getting late, Gu Xiaowan looked at the pitch black outside, always feeling as if she was expecting something.

As the Chinese New Year approaches, the emotions in this heart seem to rise even more.

It seems that I think of last year, I am so looking forward to the arrival and end of the New Year.

After thinking for a long time, there was no result.

Gu Xiaowan sighed and went to sleep.

Sleeping in a daze until the middle of the night, and thirsty for the first time, fortunately there is warm water in the room on weekdays, Gu Xiaowan got up and put on shoes by the light of the red lantern outside.

After drinking water, I suddenly heard the sound of horses hoof outside.

How can there be horses on this mountain in the middle of the night?

Gu Xiaowan laughed mockingly that she must have not slept enough, so she smiled secretly and turned back to the bed.

Just after lying down, there was a faint knock on the window suddenly.

Gu Xiaowan thought it was wind, so she ignored it.

However, there was still a knock on the window, and it seemed that the sound was getting more and more urgent.

Only then did Gu Xiaowan really realize that someone was really knocking on the window.

But in the middle of the night, why did you knock on the window without knocking at the door? This must not be someone at home.

At this moment, everyone is resting, and they are all resting in the room. If someone comes to her, they will naturally knock on the door. Who will go to the backyard and knock on her window?

Gu Xiaowan suddenly became vigilant and tiptoed to the window, and asked in a low voice, "Who is it?"

He also tightly pinched an iron rod that he specially used for self-defense.

Although I know that the person outside cannot enter, this safety measure is still required.

The windows in Gu Xiaowan's house are all made into a style that can only be opened from the inside. Moreover, the windows are all nailed piece by piece of wood, and finally a layer of window paper is pasted on the wood.

At this moment, Gu Xiaowan was vigilant and guarded against the person outside. If it was an unfamiliar voice, she would immediately shout.

Xu was the people outside who heard Gu Xiaowan's precautions, and the voice was quick but still gentle.


When Gu Xiaowan heard the voice, she almost couldn't hold the wooden stick in her hand, and almost fell to the ground.

Fortunately, she held it tightly, if it really fell, she was afraid that everyone in the house would be awakened.

If this thick iron rod hits the bluestone floor, you can figure out how crisp the sound will be.

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