The Farmer Girl Gets Rich

Chapter 947: Many benefits

Just when Liu Tianci secretly scolded this girl for being unreliable at all, Gu Xintao went to talk to Gu Fangxi.

"Aunt, what I said was the truth just now, so please persuade Xiaowan, the place where money will be spent in the future is not a girl’s house that can be supported by such a small amount of land. Besides, the family still Raising so many irrelevant people, how much more rice do you have to eat every day!" Gu Xintao looked at Aunt Zhang and Shishi, whose faces were suddenly repetitive, and pointed at Sang Huai mockingly.

Gu Fangxi knows that Gu Xintao's words are reasonable, but who can prevent this girl from being evil!

Moreover, she also knew that Gu Xiaowan was a thoughtful person. The thing she decided was that she couldn't bring back ten cows.

What's more, she felt that Gu Xiaowan was right!

I would rather be poor than do business in partnership with such arrogant people.

So, Gu Fangxi didn't even think about it, and left without a trace. Gu Xintao shook her hand: "Xintao, this family has always been in charge of Xiaowan, and everyone listens to what she says!"

The meaning is obvious. Gu Xiaowan's meaning is all of them. There is no need to change Gu Xiaowan's meaning through their group of people!

Gu Xintao became very hot when she heard it.

"Auntie, your brain was broken by Liu Qingshan. Why are you going crazy like Gu Xiaowan? You don't do such a good thing. Are you crazy?" Gu Xin said nothing, like a cannon. All this has been said.

"We are not crazy, it's none of your business, if you want to do it, you can cooperate with Miss Liu!" Gu Xiaowan said rudely.

"You" Gu Xintao was choked. She didn't want to cooperate, but she didn't know how to be a female worker.

Even the embroidered veil can't be put on the table, let alone making the puppet.

She listened to Liu Tianci's words, this puppet, the key is the shape, the usual embroiderer can't make the cute shape of the puppet at all.

Moreover, they can't draw such a style. If a puppet is always made, everyone will not feel new and will not buy it again.

So, in addition to superb techniques, you also need a flexible head!

Only people from the Gu family can come up with such a cute look!

Only with these two factors can this puppet shop be opened!

Gu Xinbeat couldn't say a word of Gu Xiaowan's annoyance, her apricot eyes widened, looking at Gu Xiaowan, her head became angry.

Liu Tianci was also angry this time, just stood up and looked at Gu Xiaowan, who had no interest at all, and knew that he had failed again this time.

This Gu Xiaowan is just a stone, so oil and salt don't get in.

She said everything nicely, she just didn't nod her head.

The temptation was not enough, and even moved out of relatives to lobby, still not working, is this Gu Xiaowan determined not to cooperate with her?

"Miss Gu, what kind of conditions do you have to offer before you agree to cooperate with me?" Liu Tianci must cooperate with Gu Xiaowan, not only because this puppet shop makes money, but also, in the future, he will use this puppet to communicate with people in Beijing. Those ladies are also very convenient to deal with!

Thinking of this time, I took so many cute puppets and veils to the capital. Even the eldest daughter of a wealthy family who does not look at her on weekdays also posts to her and asks her to play at home. .

Also introduce her to other prostitutes.

The biggest regret Liu Tianci has in his entire life is that he didn't find a good belly when he was reborn!

If she was reborn in Madam’s belly, would she have to stay away from the capital and run to this place where the birds don’t **** to watch Jiang’s family?

As a concubine, that is not on the stage!

However, fortunately, Liu's family did not have a prostitute. If there was a prostitute, her situation would not be known how tragic!

She has been following his wife and attending all kinds of banquets with her, but when people heard that she was the concubine of the Liu family, if they didn't know that the Liu family had a daughter, they might have rolled her eyes.

The Liu family is just such a daughter, so let's treat it as a prostitute!

Although the wife later named her under her own name, she was not a pure concubine after all. When others saw her, they would still say that this person was born to a concubine. If it weren’t because the Liu family had a daughter, she wouldn’t want it. This kind of concubine was raised under the name of a real wife!

Liu Tianci hated to crush a silver tooth.

She had had enough of all kinds of cynicism, all kinds of cold eyes.

Even if she hangs up under the name of the wife, none of her prostitutes are willing to invite her to the banquet.

She tried to squeeze into this circle, but this circle was too harsh on her.

Moreover, Mrs. Liu saw that she had taken the child to show her face so many times, and she still didn't have a well-known protagonist who posted a post to her, and her expression was not very good.

Insulting her is a dog meat mat that can't be on the table.

Sneer outside and scold Sang Huai at home.

Liu Tianci is willing to come to Liujia Town, where the birds do not shit, in large part because the decent circle in the capital cannot tolerate her.

No, you can't say that. She Liu Tianci has never melted into it. I've always been looking forward to it outside. How high she jumps, how high the wall is, and how much effort she puts on it, will not help.

But when I came to Liujia Town, it was different. The people here coaxed and supported her. She is the eldest lady from the capital. Who doesn't tremble, who doesn't bow her head to ears?

Even the lady of the Jiang family is submissive in front of her!

Liu Tianci was extremely happy, but found the prestige and sense of existence in Liujia Town.

This stay lasted for more than a year. If it weren't for such a good news from the capital, I am afraid she would stay here!

However, because of the good news and the puppets and handkerchiefs that I brought home, the door of Miss Noble Family's circle in Beijing was opened for her.

Liu Tianci never thought that one or two puppets, one or two handkerchiefs would capture these self-proclaimed and noble ladies.

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