The Farmer Girl Gets Rich

Chapter 956: Xu family is here

Gu Xiaowan thought glumly.

Seeing that I wore the same clothes I wore today, I wanted to change it, but I thought it was funny that Qin Yuzhi had spent so much time persuading him not to wear red clothes.

Thinking about it, I still didn't change it back.

It was only when the Xu family came.

Gu Xiaowan went to the door to greet them, and saw Mr. Xu and his wife standing in front of the carriage with Xu Chengze, and the small road behind him was happily standing behind with something in his hand.

Seeing the visitor, Gu Xiaowan smiled all over her face: "Sir, Madam, Brother Chengze, Happy New Year, good luck!"

Xu Xianlin and the others also said things like Gong Xi Fa Cai, and followed Gu Xiaowan into the house. Qin Yizhi and the others went to exercise, but they haven't come back yet.

Gu Xiaowan took them into the lobby. Gu Fangxi heard that they had arrived and had already made tea in the kitchen. After everyone was seated, Gu Fangxi served it to the guests.

It was the first time Mrs. Xu saw Gu Fangxi, her face was respectful, and she liked it very much.

She also heard Gu Ning'an say that he has a little aunt who is now at home and lives with them.

Looking at this person's age, I'm afraid it is the little aunt Gu Ningan said.

"Is this Xiao Wan's aunt?" Madam Xu asked.

Gu Fangxi smiled and nodded: "Hello Mrs. Xu!"

Mrs. Xu knows that Gu Fangxi and her husband have left. Looking at Gu Fangxi, her color and appearance are not bad, and she looks gentle and humble, courteous and courteous. She wants to be a person who lives at home.

I was thinking about finding a good person for her some day, or having a companion!

Xu Chengze was on the side, talking with Gu Ning'an, but his eyes always glanced at Gu Xiaowan's side from time to time.

Last time, when Gu Ning'an said it was not suitable to propose a marriage, Xu Chengze was also a little flustered.

He has always been worried that if he is rejected by Gu Xiaowan, he is afraid that even his friends will not do it in the future.

He is not young anymore, twenty one.

At this age, there is no marriage in Liujia Town, and it is already a strange thing amongst strange flowers.

Gu Xiaowan was busy inviting them to sit down and chatted with them after sitting down.

"Xiao Wan, I haven't seen each other for some days, and I don't know to go to Yushulou to accompany me to chat with me!" Mrs. Xu said a little bit irritably after she took her seat.

It's not that Gu Xiaowan went few, but Gu Xiaowan really went a lot.

It takes at least one to one and a half months for her to go to Yushulou. Not only does she look at Gu Ning’an and understand Gu Ning’an’s schoolwork, the key is that Mrs. Xu often tells her that she is bored at home alone, her husband My son and my son have to deal with the students every day, and there are all boys around me, so I don't have a chance to find a girl to talk to. Seeing that what Mrs. Xu said was correct, Gu Xiaowan would go there once in a while, chatting with Mrs. Xu, and talking, Mrs. Xu was also happy.

It happens that Mrs. Xu is also the wife of the scholarly family, and she knows a lot about it. Gu Xiaowan often chats with her, she can also get a lot of information and gain a lot of knowledge.

Now seeing Mrs. Xu saying that she has gone too few, Gu Xiaowan smiled wryly: "Madam, is this blaming Xiaowan for less going? I'm here every month, so I'm afraid that Madam will find me annoying! "

As soon as Mrs. Xu heard it, she immediately took her hand and smiled and said, "Why would I be annoying you? I want you to go! Don't say Yueyue, I would be happier if I go every day!"

Going here every day, isn't that just living in Yushulou!

How could Gu Xiaowan not understand the meaning of Mrs. Xu's words, so she thought she hadn't heard: "Master is busy every day, so how can I disturb Master!"

Mrs. Xu watched Xu Xianlin and Uncle Zhang talking and laughing, and what they were talking about, Xu Chengze was also discussing something with Gu Ning'an, and she wanted to say a few words with Gu Xiaowan alone.

She said with some expectation: "Xiaowan, it's boring to sit here. Why don't you go to your boudoir to see what books you are reading recently? Can you finish reading the travel notebook I recommended to you last time?"

When it comes to reading, Gu Xiaowan really has a lot to say.

When I went back to Yushulou and chatted with Mrs. Xu, Mrs. Xu recommended several travel notes to her.

Gu Xiaowan doesn't like to see those dry and boring people, and she also learned a little bit of fur in the previous life, anyway, if you can get past it, she likes to see some great mountains and rivers that describe the mountains and rivers of the Qing Dynasty and the whole territory.

Looking at the person who wrote the book, using words to appreciate the beautiful mountains and rivers, it was like taking Gu Xiaowan to the scene.

Gu Xiaowan took Madam Xu to the backyard and into the room.

Gu Xiaowan's boudoir is quite large. The outer compartment is a place for reading or talking on weekdays. There is a curtain in the middle and the inside is a place to rest.

As soon as I entered Gu Xiaowan's boudoir, I was attracted by the elegance and refinement inside.

The decoration inside is not necessarily so magnificent, but the decoration is pleasing to the eye, fresh and elegant.

It also fits Gu Xiaowan's temperament.

Gu Xiaowan took out the travel notes from Yushulou last time and discussed with Mrs. Xu.

Mrs. Xu can be regarded as a person who has seen the world. When she was young, she had traveled with Xu Xianlin in various places, and she knew a little about the customs of some places.

When Gu Xiaowan was discussing with her, she could also answer questions from Mrs. Xu's words. In this era of no computers and lack of knowledge sources, someone pointing me to the question is also a great way to obtain knowledge.

"Madam, you know so much!" Gu Xiaowan exclaimed sincerely.

She was a little envious.

This ancient woman has always been the door to the door, from the father to the brother, and from the husband to the son in the boudoir. After a short life, she was haunted by men.

But Mrs. Xu is different.

When she was still in the boudoir, her father was an enlightened person, and would take her around for fun. After getting married, Xu Xianlin is also a person who loves her like a pearl. As long as he travels outside, after consulting Mrs. Xu, he will take Mrs. Xu around and take a look around.

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