The Farmer Girl Gets Rich

Chapter 971: Go to Qin Yizhi

Sure enough, seeing Liu Tianci's lacklustre eye sockets just now, his expressions rose immediately: "What did you say? Did you see Master Qin? When and where?"

"Just now, in my house!"

"Go, take me quickly!" Liu Tianci wanted Gu Xintao to take her to find someone.

But Qin Yizhi went to find someone, where would she find him!

I had no choice but to say: "Sister Liu, let's go to Gu Yuan and wait for them! I heard that they are looking for someone, but I don't know where they are now!"

"Looking for someone? Who are you looking for?" Liu Tianci looked away, a little dodging in his eyes!

"My sister-in-law, just the one I introduced to you last time, and the one who left with my uncle!" Gu Xintao said to herself, and she didn't notice that Liu Tianci's eyes had changed at all.

Liu Tianci hasn't seen Qin Yizhi for two years.

This time, when Gu Xintao said that Qin Yizhi had appeared, she was a little jogging, thinking about seeing him as soon as possible.

First, I met Qin Mozhi, who hadn't seen each other for two years, and secondly, to let Qin Mozhi see what he was like now.

Isn't Qin Mozhi still unmoved by being so beautiful?

Thinking of this, Liu Tianci blushed unconsciously, a flush of blush flew up on both cheeks, and the corners of his eyes flashed with a charming smile.

If it were an ordinary man, he would really drown in that innocence.

After Gu Xintao and Liu Tianci talked, Liu Tianci left immediately.

Let Xiaotao re-dressed herself again, turned out all her favorite clothes and jewelry that took advantage of her skin tone and temperament, and re-dressed again.

This time, due to his elaborate dress, his appearance at this moment really looked like a concubine coming out of the palace. Apart from the finely carved jade, he didn't have the ethereal spirit just now.

Liu Tianci's dress was exquisite and exquisite, and immediately compared Gu Xintao to a maid almost the same as Xiaotao.

Standing in front of Liu Tianci, Gu Xintao's cautious appearance was different from that of a maid.

Standing at the door of Gu Yuan, seeing Gu Yuan who had locked the door, Liu Tianci was anxious and happy.

"Do you think they will come over later?" Liu Tianci was so excited that he couldn't even say anything. He kept saying whether Qin Yizhi would come over or not.

Seeing Liu Tianci's excitement, Gu Xintao felt a little sad.

She originally liked Qin Yizhi, but now she actually wants to tell others!

However, she would rather give to others what Gu Xintao could not get, and would never let Gu Xiaowan get it.

Thinking of this, Gu Xintao's face flashed fiercely.

Xiaotao has been standing by Liu Tianci's side, and naturally, she also saw Gu Xintao's expression in her eyes.

In my heart, I always felt like there was some conspiracy.

The young lady is already at Jiang's house, and she is already Jiang Yuan's wife.

What does it mean to come to another man’s house at this time?

Gu Xintao would be so good, just to tell the young lady, is Qin Yizhi at home?

Doesn't she mean anything else?

Although Qin Yizhi looks good, his identity is too ordinary. If the young lady really wants to take Qin Yizhi away, I am afraid that there will be some ugly jokes.

Xiao Tao was also very worried, but seeing Liu Tianci's excitement, it was hard to pour cold water at this moment.

I can only follow one place, standing outside Gu Yuan's door and continuing to wait.

Over there, Gu Xiaowan and Qin Yizhi searched for a full day, but still found nothing.

They searched all the places Gu Fangxi could go, but they still didn't find a trace of Gu Fangxi.

Gu Fangxi just thought it had evaporated from the world.

The two have been looking for a day. Gu Xiaowan didn't rest for a day, nor did he eat seriously. She was distressed: "Wan'er, shall we go back to the garden first? Maybe, the aunt might go back?"

The sentence behind this is also what he said to deceive.

If Gu Fangxi really went back, someone at home would have already notified them.

Even if he didn't notify him, Gu Fang was happy to see no one at home, so naturally he would run to the town to find them.

But there is no news. After thinking about it, Gu Fangxi's disappearance is too strange.

On the bright side, they have searched all the places they can find, but they still haven't found them.

If Gu Fangxi hasn't returned, they will look for it in a different way tomorrow.

Qin Yizhi rode a horse, and when Gu Xiaowan returned to Gu Yuan, he saw Liu Tianci standing at the gate of Gu Yuan, craned his neck and waiting for something.

Seeing Arima coming, Liu Tianci greeted him first.

At this time, the sun was slanting to the west, and the red sunset dyed half of the sky.

Qin Yizhi was sitting on a tall horse, with a slender figure like a bamboo, standing proudly against the wind.

And the handsome facial features like a knife cut, long narrow eyebrows, straight nose, thin lips, and the side face like a blade, let people immediately forget the hardship and anxiety of waiting this day. .

"Big Brother Qin" Liu Tianci was stunned and murmured a word.

Qin Yizhi's brows furrowed tightly, he didn't even raise his eyebrows at all, didn't even glance at her, and got off the horse straight away.

On the way here, Gu Xiaowan fell asleep, always nestled in his arms.

Qin Mozhi carefully wrapped Gu Xiaowan in his large cloak and stood tightly in front of his chest.

This time, he got off his horse and held Gu Xiaowan intimately in his arms, as pious as a Buddhist.

When I saw Qin Mozhi holding Gu Xiaowan in his arms intimately, Liu Tianci's face was extremely ugly.

Only when facing Gu Xiaowan, Qin Mozhi was alive and full of flesh and blood.

"Big Brother Qin" Liu Tianci saw Qin Mozhi ignored her, thinking he hadn't heard him, and shouted again.

Qin Yizhi still ignored her, gently hugging Gu Xiaowan and walked inside.

When passing in front of Gu Xintao, Gu Xintao's face was already blushing into pig liver color, and she hurriedly assumed her most charming posture, hoping that Qin Yizhi could look at her.

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