The Farmer Girl Gets Rich

Chapter 982: Substitute things for people

"Miss Gu, it's a shame to sell my wife. Ms. Liu has become like this. If you still stay outside by then, what happens, but you and I can't afford it!"

After speaking, taking advantage of Gu Xiaowan's dazed effort, Xiao Tao helped Liu Tianci and ran into Jiang's house.

When Liu Tianci returned to the house, he woke up quietly, "Where am I?"

Xiaotao's eyes reddened from crying: "Miss, you finally woke up. This is the Jiang family. In the courtyard where we live, you are safe now!"

"Where is Gu Xiaowan?" Liu Tianci asked weakly with a cough.

"Miss, Madam Jiang is outside, she will be fair to Miss!" Xiao Tao said sadly.

Looking at Liu Tianci's dusty face, I felt that my lady was pitiful: "Miss, let's let Gu Fangxi go. Gu Xiaowan said just now that she would never be a puppet!"

"Release? Why do you want to release it? If you can't do it, I have to tie it too!" Liu Tianci sneered, where there is still the weakness just now, only a fierce one: "Gu Xiaowan, that treacherous dead girl, maybe this is her cunning. Where. Gu Fangxi has been by her side for so long, no matter who knows how to make puppets, you will always learn something with your ears and eyes!"

Liu Tianci's words immediately awakened Xiao Tao: "Miss, you are right! But, what if our embroiderer has learned it? The capital has already opened a Yueyue Pavilion."

"Hmph, if we learn to open a puppet shop in the capital, do you say that others will buy things in the store where I am a fifth-grade official daughter, or they will go to the wild girl shop in the countryside with no power and power? "Liu Tianci is not worried about sales at all, the key is that someone can do it.

But Xiaotao, thinking of Gu Xiaowan's unstoppable look just now, she was a little flustered: "Miss, let's take people captive. Gu Xiaowan said so confidently that Gu Fangxi is in our hands, I'm afraid we have already found it. Liu Qingshan is here. At that time, if Gu Xiaowan goes to sue the official, I am afraid I will face you, Miss."

"What are you afraid of!" Liu Tianci sneered when Xiaotao was worried about these things: "It's just a vulgar woman who believes. I killed her. Who dares to say nothing! Gu Xiaowan, that wild girl, Xiang Is it possible to fly into the sky if you come down!"

"That's right, the master is in the capital, but there are too many contacts! Say hello to anyone at that time, it will be enough for the dead girl to drink a pot!" Xiao Tao was not worried when she saw Liu Tianci, and she was relieved.

Liu Tianci was proud of himself at home, but he did not expect that the door of Jiang's Mansion was already tense.

"Miss Gu, I would advise you to find your aunt through other channels. Miss Liu said that your aunt is not in her hands, so naturally she must not be in her hands!" Persuade me, but I have no patience.

How could Gu Xiaowan be a dead-headed person, a brain-minded channel?

With so many people here, she has already given her face so much. If someone knows something, she will immediately climb down the pole.

If it weren't for Gu Xiaowan's good reputation, Madam Jiang would really swear.

Zen Master Huiyuan said that she is the destiny of being rich and noble. Such a person cannot afford to offend!

"Ms. Jiang, I will say it again, my aunt, in Liu Tianci's hands! Give me an explanation for life or death!" Gu Xiaowan held her head high, fearless!

"You" Madam Jiang ran out of patience, took a look at Mother Leng, and said displeased: "Mother Leng, I'll leave it to you here!"

After speaking, he turned and left.

Before leaving, she said something softly in Mother Leng's ear, and she saw Mother Leng nodding her head. Then a maid ran away.

Gu Xiaowan stood at the door of Jiang's house, watching the two stone lions sitting on both sides of the door, standing majestic.

Suddenly, there was a sense of frustration that called Tian Tian's reluctance and the ground not working.

Xu was an aunt, and she felt it now.

Gu Xiaowan straightened her waist and looked at Mother Leng. She was just a mother and told her that she had no effect at all.

Today Liu Tianci will definitely not come out again, and she will not say where Gu Fangxi is.

Gu Xiaowan was unwilling to continue to consume it, turned around, glanced at the lintel of the Jiang family coldly, gave a cold snort, and led everyone away!

Mother Leng didn't expect that Gu Xiaowan would leave so easily. She was a little shocked, but it would be a good thing if she broke up, so she cajoled: "Okay, okay, everyone, go home!"

This group of people is really afraid that the world will not be afraid, I am afraid that tomorrow's teahouse and restaurant will have another piece of information from the Jiang family.

"Xiaowan, what should we do next?" Aunt Zhang was a little anxious. Gu Fangxi had been taken away by Liu Tianci for so many days. She didn't know what the situation was like now, and asked anxiously.

"Go back and find Liu Qingshan again!" Gu Xiaowan said in a deep voice.

Liu Tianci never admitted that he had arrested Gu Fangxi, but Liu Qingshan personally admitted that he carried Gu Fangxi into Liu Tianci's carriage. Only he could correct Liu Tianci.

"Xiao Wan, Liu Tianci always refuses to tell the whereabouts of her aunt. First, she is afraid that it is hidden deep, and she is not afraid that we can find it. Second, she thinks we have no basis, as long as she denies it. There is nothing to do with her!" Aunt Zhang analyzed.

If this is the case, then Liu Tianci is likely to give Gu Fangxi to Tibet forever!

Currently, Liu Tianci is like this.

Simply come to deny it, anyway, you have not found anyone, what can you do with me!

Qin Mozhi's brows were also frowned.

Looking at Ahmad, Ahmad understood.

After Gu Xiaowan went back, she locked herself in the room and came out for a long time.

After she came out, she held the manuscript paper in her hand, all in the style of the puppet she had drawn before.

"Wan'er" Qin Mozhi glanced at Gu Xiaowan, her eyes were red, and Xu Ye had cried fiercely just now.

"I'll take this to Liu Tianci and let her put my aunt back!" Gu Xiaowan said with a cry.

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