The Farmer Girl Gets Rich

Chapter 993: Apologize

Gu Xiaowan didn't want to be held accountable, her aunt had suffered a lot these days and she is still lying in bed!

Also being slandered and eloped!

What a shame!

"Mrs. Jiang, if it is your family's relatives who were clearly framed, she would have to frame her reputation and damage her reputation. Do you think this can just pass?" If Gu Xiaowan didn't want Liu Tianci today If you apologize to Gu Fangxi and ask for an explanation for Gu Fangxi, do you want her to take a step back?

That is absolutely impossible!

"Then what do you want?"

Liu Tianci gritted his teeth!

"It's very simple! I don't need to hold you accountable for your kidnapping my aunt. However, if you slander my aunt's innocence, I won't be so simple and pass away! My aunt was married and separated from others. People who have passed, but it was caused by the bad moral character of the man, I can't blame my aunt for complaining. My aunt has already been injured by a man once, and you still sprinkle salt on her wound. She might encounter someone who treats her sincerely in the future. People, if the things at this time reach the ears of the future person, saying that my aunt once eloped with others. This is not a simple elopement problem, and it may even affect my aunt’s reputation and reputation. !"

Gu Xiaowan said righteously.

After Madam Jiang listened, her heart was filled with fire!

It's not that Gu Xiaowan was angry, but that Qi Liu Tianci did too much!

There was already a woman who had been away from her, living quietly, and she had to make up an elopement with a man.

"Hmph, who is your aunt, I think you know better than me! If she didn't mess with this person when she was not out of the cabinet, why would your aunt marry such a rascal?" Liu Tianci snorted coldly, still not repenting!

"Tianci, don't say a few words!" Madam Jiang had no choice but to say something heavy, but seeing Liu Tianci giving her a fierce look, there was unconcealable anger in her eyes.

Madam Jiang felt that she was superfluous!

But Liu Tianci is still in Jiang Mansion now, she must protect her, not let her have a little damage, especially her reputation!

Fame is a good thing! If you don't pay attention, it might be gone.

If this loses its reputation and is a girl again, then this life will be ruined!

Madam Jiang didn't care how Liu Tianci hated herself, so she pulled her behind her and said to Mother Leng, "Help Miss Liu! Don't make Miss Liu tired."

But she winked, which meant that Mother Leng could take care of Liu Tianci.

Mother Leng nodded and supported Liu Tianci with some strength.

Liu Tianci wanted to resist, but Mother Leng said softly, "Miss, if you want to end this matter as soon as possible, just listen to Madam!"

Liu Tian glanced at Gu Xiaowan bitterly, and shut his mouth, rare.

"Girl Gu, let's forgive and forgive!"

"Then Mrs. Jiang, please also give my aunt a way to survive. She is already an abandoned woman, and she was slandered and eloped with a man. You have to know that my aunt has been married before, if you don’t know, Not to mention that my aunt was beaten up by her ex-husband because Hongxing went out of the wall!" Gu Xiaowan didn't let it go.

"You" Madam Jiang breathed, "Then what are you going to do?"

"In front of the people in the town, personally apologize to my aunt."

"How to apologize?"

"In Liujia Town, set up a three-day running water table, invite all the people in the town to come, and personally apologize to my aunt at the banquet!"


The onlookers took a breath!

Put on the running water table for three days and invite everyone in the town to eat!

Gu Xiaowan's battle is really big!

"Miss Gu, don't go too far!" Madam Jiang gritted her teeth!

"I knew so, why bother in the first place! I also taught Miss Liu, don't think that you are a daughter from Beijing and you can do whatever you want and use others' reputation as a trifle!"

"That's good." People around clapped and said good.

Some people have long been unaccustomed to seeing Liu Tianci.

This man rode his horse in the street, behaved arrogantly, and caused miserable people.

Some people who set up stalls were trampled on by horse-drawn carriages, and they had no way of redress.

The people of the government office heard that Liu Tianci was riding the Jiang family's carriage on the street, smashing a lot of things from the small merchants and vendors.

No matter where you dare to control it, you don't dare to control it, and the people who went in and complained were blasted out.

This Liu Tianci's reputation in Liujiazhen is similar to that of a dandy.

It looks soft and weak on the surface, but inside, it's not as good as Jiang Yuan's dude!

It's really a nest of snakes and rats, the old saying does not deceive people!

Madam Jiang saw that everyone around her began to cheer, and turned her head and glanced at Lu Tao.

Lu Tao also had a hard time saying.

It was he who wanted Gu Xiaowan to come and apologize to Liu Tianci, and he also came in person, and set up such a big battle, just to show Liu Tianci's face and show his favor to the Jiang family and the Liu family.

But, in turn, was hacked!

If Liu Tianci comes back to his senses, don't you blame him and Gu Xiaowan for partnering to bully her?

Such a method is good, maybe it can turn the disadvantages into advantages!

Thinking of this, Lu Tao hurriedly stepped forward and pulled Madam Jiang to whisper several times. After hearing this, Madam Jiang's expression was also happy. Although she felt distressed for the silver in her heart, she could only grit her teeth for the sake of Liu Tianci and the Jiang family.

Nodded and agreed: "Okay, I promise you! This also requires us to prepare, starting from the next day, we will put on a three-day water table, invite the fathers and villagers to eat, and apologize to your aunt in public at the banquet!"

Liu Tianci's face went dark when Mrs. Jiang actually agreed.

If this is really at the banquet, and I apologize to Gu Fangxi in front of so many people, how much face will be lost to her, I must refute it!

But Mother Leng immediately gave her a hand: "Miss, stay calm, madam will never let the lady suffer!"

Seeing Mrs. Jiang's promise to Gu Xiaowan, Lu Tao coldly shouted, pretending to be very grateful, and said loudly: "Dear fathers and villagers, starting from the next day, Jiang Fu will have a three-day running water table in the town! Hope you fathers and villagers. Come and join in!"

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