The Father of American Comics Superheroes

Chapter 413 Do you need a stepmother?

Mike calls the world he lives in Earth 1, and the future world he lives in is Earth 2.

After talking with Gwen, he knew where the two worlds forked.

Twilight Wolf World.

Gwen of Earth 2 did not go to Twilight Wolf World, but it was Gwen of Earth 1 who went to Twilight Wolf World with Mike.

At the moment when Mike went to the Twilight Wolf World, this parallel world appeared.

In other words, this parallel world appeared because Mike traveled through the world.

Mike looked helpless.

He really didn't expect such a thing to happen.

Then, the father and daughter talked about the world and Gwen's story.

After Mike disappeared, Gwen and Clark lived together, and then the four siblings searched for Mike.

Unfortunately, before Mike could be found, Stellaris began to attack the X-Men and the Avengers.

They know these superheroes are going to be their stumbling block.

Therefore, most of the superheroes were solved by means of frame-ups, assassinations, and even using the clones of Qunxing to fight them by pretending to be super criminals.

At the age of eighteen, Gwen organized the Star Destroyer Organization and began to fight against the Stars Corporation.

"Thanks a lot."

Mike touched Gwen's head distressedly.

Gwen smiled, a very indifferent smile.

After so many things, she has become strong enough.

"Where's Thor? Didn't he show up when the Avengers were in danger?"

"He didn't come, but Loki came," Gwen recalled. "He said that Thor was looking for some Infinity Stones. It's been a long time since there was news."

After a pause, she said, "If it wasn't for Loki, Bruce wouldn't be able to escape, and Loki helped us a lot in the back, otherwise we wouldn't be able to hold on to it at all."

If it wasn't for Loki, the Star Destroyer Organization would have been wiped out by the Qunxing Corporation at the very beginning of its establishment.

"I didn't expect this guy to be quite reliable at critical moments."

Mike whispered.

At this moment, Gwen whispered and said, "I forgot Mila!"


"Our other companion."

"We've sent her the coordinates and she's on her way here now."

Harry poked his head out of the door, reported to Gwen, and shrank back.

Apparently these people have been eavesdropping outside.

Isn't that the ugly appearance of crying just now, and their father's coquettish words have been heard by them?

Gwen blushed and shouted angrily, "Do you want to die?"

The three of Peter shouted in unison: "We didn't hear anything!"


Gwen barked angrily, and rushed out like an irritated big cat, and Sanyan, who had been lying quietly beside him, also rushed out with Gwen.

There was a screeching noise outside.


New York.

The destruction of Qunxing's headquarters in the morning, after just a few hours of fermentation,

It has become world-wide news.

Qunxing Company, a company that mainly operates the superhero business, has its headquarters destroyed?

When this news appeared, most people thought it was fake news, but as more and more videos of the battle appeared on the Internet, people were shocked and began to doubt it.

But an hour ago, after Stellaris officially announced that the news was true, the world boiled over.

A mysterious enemy appeared, and not only killed a large number of superheroes at the headquarters of Qunxing, but also destroyed the headquarters of Qunxing!

In an instant, this mysterious enemy became the most powerful enemy in the history of the Qunxing Company, arousing the curiosity of countless people.

In the face of this mysterious enemy, Qunxing began to call superheroes, expressing that this huge threat will be solved.

The Heroes of Stellaris Called!

But when people saw this disappear, their blood boiled.

This is a summoning order that only appears when encountering an enemy that a single or even multiple superheroes cannot solve.

This means that there will be an epic battle!

For a time, people began to look forward to it, and their blood began to boil!

Jason Stryker gave a satisfied smile as he watched the rising attention of the company.

This is exactly the effect he wants to see.

However, what he didn't expect was that the mysterious man would actually help revenge Spider-Man.

Recalling the battle scene from the small town of Chamonix, France, Jason Stryker's face was a little solemn.

The mysterious man was more difficult to deal with than he thought.

"Is it psychic ability?"

He whispered, and a cold light flashed in his eyes.

If that's the case, he'll have to send out stronger clones.


Kent Farm.

Although so many years have passed, Bob and his wife, whom Mike hired, are still taking care of the farm. Although they can no longer do it themselves, their son has taken over their work.

In addition to taking care of the farm, Bob and his wife also clean and repair the house every year, so even if the house has not been lived in for so many years, except for a bit of ash, the house and its contents are well preserved.

After determining the location of Gwen's companion, Mike opened the portal to pick up the other party while arranging for Gwen to clean up.

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The portal opened and Harry walked through it.

A few seconds later, a woman with a charming face, golden glasses and a braided braid walked out behind Harry.

She looked at the surroundings curiously, and when she saw Gwen, her eyes lit up, she stretched her arms and ran to Gwen, hugged Gwen in her arms, pinched Gwen's butt, and shouted : "Dear Gwen, I haven't seen you for three hours."

Gwen pushed the other party away with a speechless expression, pointed to Mike beside him and introduced, "Mira, this is my dad, Mike Kent."

"You... Dad!!"

Mila's voice rose sharply, stretched her arms to Mike, and when she was about to give Mike a hug, Gwen stood between the two, gritted her teeth and whispered, "I warn you, don't mess around!"

"Crap! How could it be? Your father is my father!"

Mira looked serious.

Gwen looked suspiciously at his companion, turned slightly to his side, and gave way to Mike behind him.

Mira stretched out her hand to Mike and said, "Hello, Mr. Kent!"


Mike shook hands with each other.

Mira pushed her eyes and suddenly used her own power perspective.

The next second, she called out loudly.

"Wow! So happy! So beautiful, that thing..."

"Shut up!"

Gwen covered Mira's mouth with a blushing face, and shouted angrily: "If you dare to say one more word, I will tear your mouth apart!"

Mira nodded and said vaguely, "I promise not to say."

Gwen let go of his hand angrily.

Mila rubbed her mouth and suddenly asked Gwen, "Do you need a stepmother?"

"go to hell!"


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