Jiang was very afraid of death and afraid that Zhao Wei would blame them. The corners of her lips were trembling as she explained tremblingly: "Noble... Noble, we didn't know that Su Wan brought you down from the mountain. When we found you, you were lying on the vegetable bed. In the shed, I am worried that wild animals will come down the mountain to look for food and bring you home. "

Song Manfu echoed: "Yes, you have been bandaged. It was too dark, so we didn't ask for the doctor."

Zhao Wei's cold eyes swept across their faces, he took out an ingot of five taels of silver from his pocket, and threw it into Jiang's arms: "The kindness is clear."

Jiang's face turned pale and his whole body was shaking like chaff.

Song Manfu broke out in cold sweat on his forehead and his calves trembled, fearing that Zhao Wei would seek justice for Su Wan.

Zhao Wei left the Song family with steady steps.

Jiang and Song Manfu took a big breath and felt exhausted.

"Mother-in-law, are you okay?" Ms. Hu hurried over to help her.


Mrs. Jiang raised her hand and slapped Mrs. Hu on the face. Her face was distorted and she gritted her teeth and said, "Bitch, who asked you to give the money to Su Wan? If you don't pay for these few taels of silver, pack your things and go back." Go to my parents’ house.”

Mrs. Hu covered her cheeks, tears gathering in her eyes, not daring to fall.

"Cry, cry, cry, I'm not dead yet, let's just sit down and mourn!" Jiang was so angry that she couldn't vent her anger. She put one hand on Hu's shoulder and pinched the soft flesh of her body hard.

Mrs. Hu was shaking all over in pain, and she opened her mouth to cry out. Ms. Jiang cursed even more fiercely. She bit her lip tightly, trying hard to force back the tears.

"I spent money to marry you, a loser. You are too lazy to do anything. You didn't give me a grandson. If you give birth to a loser, I will eat you inside and out. I will skin you!" Mrs. Jiang looked fierce and pushed Ms. Hu hard. .

With a "bang", Mr. Hu's head hit the wall and fell to the ground. He held his head in his hands and shed tears silently.

"What? Lie down on the floor and wait for me to serve you?" Mrs. Jiang put her hands on her hips, kicked Hu in the waist, and said angrily: "Go and make breakfast!"

Hu gasped with pain in her back and hit her head against the wall. She saw a black shadow in front of her eyes and her whole body was numb. She touched the wall, gritted her teeth and climbed up, forcing herself to go to the kitchen.

Seeing her limping appearance as an eyesore, Mrs. Jiang pointed at her back and cursed angrily: "When the old man succeeds, I will divorce you sooner or later!"

Mrs. Hu burst into tears, felt aggrieved, clenched her fists tightly, and felt a surge of hatred in her chest.


Su Wan didn't brush her teeth or wash her face. When she returned to Gu's house, she immediately went to the kitchen, took out a soaked willow branch, bit it open and brushed her teeth.

Gu Huaizhi came in against the light from outside.

Su Wan was brushing her teeth while staring at him with a pair of bony eyes.

Gu Huaizhi wore a blue gown, which was elegant and elegant, exuding a gentle and scholarly atmosphere. If you look closely, you can see that there is a cold and sick air between his eyebrows and his temperament is slightly gloomy.

He picked up the gourd and ladle, poured water into the basin, and prepared to take it out.

Su Wan grabbed his wrist, took his pulse calmly, and said unreasonably: "I'll use this basin to wash my face first."

Gu Huaizhi suddenly broke away from Su Wan's hand, stared at her coldly with a gloomy face.

Su Wan waved her hand and said impatiently: "Forget it, you can use it first." Then she muttered again, "How big of a deal is it? As for showing off?"

She turned around, her expression darkening.

Gu Huaizhi was not sick, he was poisoned.

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