Jiu Ge had this thing in his hand before, and he would give it to her yesterday.

Something must have happened after she left.

But that's a good thing.

"I'll ask Master Mingjue. If it can be cured, I will collect medicine for you to cure your amnesia." Su Wan couldn't help but look at Qi Min again, who knew nothing about the past. However, after learning that she was her daughter, although she didn't know how to get along with her, she tried her best to be nice to her and wanted to fulfill her responsibilities as a mother.

Loving children is a mother's nature.

Su Wan looked at the gentle and kind smile on Qi Min's face and couldn't help but reach out and hug her: "I hope you can find your past self as soon as possible."

Qi Min froze, surprised by Su Wan's initiative, and hugged her back: "Zhao'er, I'm sorry."

"It's not your fault." Su Wan let go of Qi Min, sincerely hoping that she would remember everything and rebuild the old relationship with Ji Xuan: "When I first met my father, he was seriously ill and lost the will to live. It was because By chance, I found out that I was his daughter, and my desire to live was aroused. I heard that you were seriously ill in Xiliang, so I came all the way just to see you, even if I knew that you were married and had two children. It doesn’t matter to him if you’re a child, as long as you live.”

"Later I found out that you were seriously ill, and I wanted to treat you. When I proposed to remove the mother-in-law poison first, he refused, and became determined to go to hell with you."

"You are more important than anything else in his life. Time has not diluted his feelings for you."

"If you remember everything and don't change your feelings for him, if you want to stay in Xiliang Kingdom, Huaizhi and I will carry everything for you in Dazhou. If you want to return to Dazhou, we will fight for you."

Qi Min suddenly felt sour in her heart and was deeply moved: "Silly boy, we are your parents and your backers, how can we let you bear the consequences of our choices?"

Su Wan smiled.

"Just do what you want to do. We will take care of the aftermath for you. Don't have this kind of thought today again." Qi Min touched Su Wan's head and said, "Be obedient."

Su Wan felt uncomfortable in her heart and nodded.

Qi Min looked at such a grown-up child. There were many things she wanted to say, but they were all stuck in her throat. She couldn't say anything and became arrogant.

"I heard from the regent that he wanted you to return to Zhou Dynasty earlier. What do you think?" Qi Min wanted to keep Su Wan for a few more days, even until she regained her memory.

Su Wan thought for a moment and glanced at the prescription in her hand: "After Master Mingjue confirms it, this prescription can cure your amnesia. I will cure your amnesia and then return to Dazhou."

"Okay." Qi Min said with a smile in her eyes, "Will you come back after the new year?"

Su Wan accepted this date: "Okay."

The mother and daughter chatted for a while longer and then dispersed.

Su Wan came to Qi Shiliu and asked, "Did you notice anything strange when you sent Jiuge to the city gate?"

"No." Qi Shiliu said immediately: "I arranged for someone to secretly escort the brothers and sisters to Jade City."

Su Wan frowned and couldn't figure it out, so she stopped thinking about it. If there was anything strange, the person who protected Jiu Ge would definitely pass on the news.

She asked Qi Shiliu to escort her to Baima Temple to find Master Mingjue in person.

The carriage stopped at the foot of the mountain. Su Wan climbed up the mountain and went straight to the Main Hall. He saw Master Mingjue and a noble lady thanking him.

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