Song Dalang has been reading for several years, and it is not difficult for him to write a letter.

Jiang narrowed his eyes and showed a greedy look: "This bitch Su Wan has become difficult to deal with. You ask Mi Xue to bring some money. With money in hand, we can work harder for her."

Song Dalang finally had a smile on his face, and he asked Su Mixue to get him an official position, a fat job with less work and plenty of money.

After finishing writing the letter, Jiang read it carefully and didn't recognize a few of the characters. But thinking that the letter would bring her benefits, her face was filled with smiles. She put it in the envelope, stuffed it into Song Dalang's arms, and took it out. Give him a few copper coins.

"You take it to the inn in town."


Song Dalang left happily.


Su Wan put the money into her sleeve pocket and returned to the house, feeling that the atmosphere was a little strange.

Two little guys were cleaning the yard with brooms.

Gu Huaizhi was sitting in the side room chopping firewood.

Gu's mother was sorting out the things Su Wan bought from the town.

Su Wan came into the house and helped clean it up.

"Why are you wasting money on buying so many clothes, girl?" Mother Gu said, with a smile on her fierce face, obviously very happy: "Why didn't you buy a few clothes for yourself? "

Su Wan took out the clothes given to Gu's mother, gesticulated on her body, and said with a smile: "Dark clothes are suitable for working, and the material is more wear-resistant. Bright clothes match you very well, you look much better, and you are particularly energetic. I wear it when I’m not working.”

"I don't need it. I still have a few clothes to wear. You can use them to get new clothes for yourself." Mother Gu did not violate Su Wan's wishes and pushed the bright-colored dress into Su Wan's arms. "I'll keep a dark-colored dress." That’s fine, I’ve received your message.”

Su Wan really forgot to buy it for herself. She put the clothes into Gu's mother's hand and said softly: "Didn't Mr. Zhao bring some cloth yesterday? Can you make me some clothes with your own hands?"

Gu's mother could hear the intimacy in Su Wan's tone, and she looked particularly excited. She nodded repeatedly and said, "Okay! I'll go to the clothing store in town tomorrow to see what fashionable styles are available, and then make some clothes for you. "

Su Wan's heart felt hot, and she stretched out her arms to hug Mother Gu, placing her cheek against her neck: "Thank you for being so tolerant of me."

Her words made Gu's mother almost burst into tears, and she said with moist eyes: "You are my parents' darling. You grew up doted on by thousands of people. You married into our family and lived a hard life. Apart from giving you my sincerity, I have nothing else to do." Other things cannot make you feel wronged.”

Su Wan felt that traveling through time was not a bad thing.

She let go of Gu's mother, her eyes were misty, and her eyebrows showed a bit of softness: "You do odd jobs in the town, washing dirty clothes?"

"No, no, no, if you don't let me wash it, I won't wash it." Gu's mother looked nervous, afraid that Su Wan would be angry.

Seeing that Gu's mother cared so much about her mood, Su Wan felt sour and filled her heart: "Don't do it. If you can't stay idle, go to a restaurant and work as a cook? You are good at cooking. You used to make banquet noodles for people, so you have experience."

Gu's mother looked lonely, twitching the corners of her mouth and said, "The restaurant doesn't want it at my age."

"Yes! Zuixianglou wants it!" Su Wan touched Gu's mother's white hair, with a sweet smile on her face: "If you want to go, you can go to Zuixianglou tomorrow."

Gu's mother couldn't believe it and agreed hesitantly.

A big stone fell in Su Wan's heart. Gu's mother worked odd jobs for others, which was hard and tiring, and she couldn't make much money. Going to a restaurant would make it easier and make more money.

She packed her things and went to her room. His eyes paused and fell on a floral bundle on the bed. She vaguely remembered that when she came back from hiring a carriage, Gu Huaizhi was carrying this colorful baggage?

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