The Female Cannon Fodder Is Highly Poisonous

Chapter 1082 Misplaced life is not to be cannon fodder (22)

Usually, as long as Qin Ge walked to the door, someone would immediately rush over to pick up the bag, pick up the clothes, help change the shoes, ask for his health...

But this time, as soon as she stepped into the gate, she noticed something was wrong.

Downstairs in the living room, the usual people she was familiar with disappeared, only Mr. Qin who should have gone back to the nursing home, the old housekeeper Uncle Mo, and Qin San who was not here.

Qin Ge's heart suddenly skipped a beat.

Ever since she knew her life experience, she has been worrying day and night that the Qin family will not want her. She has tried her best to please her parents and brothers, because she knows that as long as they still love her, the Qin family will always love her. has her place.

But now...

She walked in the quiet living room, and no one came up to ask her if she was enjoying herself, if she slept well, what she had for breakfast, if she wanted to take a good bath and sleep, and so on.

"Grandpa, Uncle Mo." Qin Ge wisely didn't ask Mr. Qin why he didn't go back to the nursing home, but asked Uncle Mo, "Where are Mom and Dad..."

Before she finished speaking, she heard a harsh sound, like an electric drill or some grinding machine.

After listening carefully, he found that the sound came from upstairs, Qin Ge's mind suddenly went blank as if dead.

Sounds from upstairs, something broken at home needs to be repaired, or...

She didn't dare to think about it at all.

Before Uncle Mo could answer, a strange servant came over to make tea for Mr. Qin, and when he passed by Qin Ge, he said, "I'll wait for you in the room."

Qin Ge didn't react at all.

What does it mean to wait for her in the room? When did she come home without her mother and brothers waiting for her downstairs?

Qin Ge wanted to ask, but she didn't ignore Old Master Qin's dark complexion and Uncle Mo's indifference, so she forced a calm smile, talked to them, and went upstairs.

But the room, which room is it?

They all lived on the third floor. As soon as they went up, Qin Ge saw a worker coming out of her room wearing clothing with the name of a certain decoration company on it. Her heart twitched, and she staggered and fell directly into the corridor.

No, impossible!

Her room was only renovated last year. After Ruan Tang came, she could not sleep peacefully all night, fearing that Ruan Tang would rob her room. To comfort her, her mother and brothers promised that Ruan Tang was hers, It is impossible for Ruan Tang to take away the room, and let her design it by herself and modify it according to her mind.


Suddenly it was dismantled?

The decorator saw her fall and wanted to help her, but Qin Ge ran away as if he had seen a ghost, cursing that she was too dirty not to touch her, and staggered to Qin Zhengrong and his wife's bedroom.


Downstairs, Lao Mo said to Mr. Qin, "Qin Ge's thoughts are not simple."

Few children who grew up in a big family can't read people's words, but there are not many people like Qin Ge who can read people's faces and know what to do intelligently.

Old Master Qin snorted coldly: "You don't need to have crooked thoughts."

While talking, Qin Ge upstairs already knew what happened yesterday, and she never expected that earth-shaking changes would happen overnight.

Thinking that my surname will be Ruan in the future, I will no longer be from the Qin family, and I will not be qualified to live in the villa of the Qin family. Even the friends around who have a good time with her will laugh at her like they laughed at Ruan Tang before and leave her. She felt as if she was going to die.


Qin Ge closed his eyes and passed out.

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