The Female Cannon Fodder Is Highly Poisonous

Chapter 1235 Love and love with the bully in the chronicle (57)

Especially when she heard that Huo Shu supported Ruan Tang to go to college, Tang Yushu was shocked!

In this era, after all, the old and the new cultures have been replaced, the concept of equality between men and women has long been put forward, but it cannot be truly developed because of the deep-rooted traditions and vulgar customs.

Some people talk about equality on the surface, but in fact they wish that all women would wash, cook and have children at home. However, men who are selfish and have no vision will never let their other half take the college entrance examination.

They are afraid that when women go to college, read books, and meet educated and thoughtful people, they will find their vulgarity, choose better people and abandon them, or climb on top of them and challenge their habits patriarchal masculinity.

But Huo Shu is different.

Tangtang has been plotted and persecuted by that girl named Han Jingwen in the countryside. It is Huo Shu who is helping her and protecting her. Before they confirm their relationship, they don't want others to find out that he is helping Tangtang.

Ruan Tang didn't say anything, but Tang Yushu knew very well that Huo Shu was protecting Tangtang's reputation, for fear that she would be gossiped about.

After that, it was Huo Shu's credit that he was able to save himself from danger many times!

But this time, that vicious woman was even more sociating, trying to make Tangtang lose the chance to take the college entrance examination.

If Huo Shu was as impulsive and brainless as the men Tangtang said in the villages who locked up or beat up female educated youths, had no sense of morality, and were just as easy to be bewitched by others, then those who are locked up or beaten to death now , maybe Tangtang...

Thinking of this, Tang Yushu broke into a cold sweat.

Fortunately, her daughter met Huo Shu.

Ruan Tang took out the gifts that Huo Shu specially bought from Shenzhen Market, and the ones for Tang Yushu were bought after learning about his preferences from Ruan Tang.

Coats, cheongsams, silk scarves, perfumes, hats, scarves... and supplements like bird's nest, etc.

Tang Yushu is someone who has seen the world, so she can tell at a glance whether something is good or not.

The gift Huo Shu gave was exactly what she liked the most before.

The Tang family has a good family background. Several generations have been educated, status and status people. She also lived abroad with her parents when she was a child. After returning to the capital, she is still the eldest lady.

Everywhere in life is not exquisite.

When she first married Ruan Guogang, although her mother-in-law was picky and her sisters-in-law were jealous and ridiculed, she had a dowry, a job, and could buy whatever she wanted for as long as she wanted, so she lived a life of freedom.

Later, when the parents were reported and the Tang family had an accident, after the Ruan family showed their true colors, those people began to speak ill of their mother and daughter outside. Used for household expenses.

He even tried to take away Tangtang's pocket money and give it to his nephew, saying why a little girl spends so much on movies, his nephew wants face at school and so on.

But from then on, she couldn't be as dedicated to the Ruan family as before.

The family can't spend that much, so where does the money go? Obviously, the old lady had an affair with the eldest family.

So she thought of many ways, pretending that she was robbed when she went to withdraw the money, but actually deposited the money elsewhere.

The money for buying vegetables at home is given every day, no more, no less, which is the amount she has calculated.

If the Ruan family wanted to save money, they could only save it from their own pockets, and she didn't care.

Anyway, she eats it in the cafeteria, her daughter eats it at school, and she will take Tangtang out to eat after school.

When Tang Yushu said this, Ruan Tang was shocked.

Older gingers are more spicy.

Awesome my mom!

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