The Female Cannon Fodder Is Highly Poisonous

Chapter 1246 Love and love with the bully in the Chronicle (68)

Ruan Tang listened to the whole process expressionlessly, but Zhou Zhou was already on the verge of breaking out.

Since Ruan Tang defended her, she regarded Ruan Tang as her own sister.

Later, Ruan Tang took her back to Tang's house and gave her half of her mother and grandparents, allowing her to enjoy the affection and warmth that she had never had since her mother left.

Everything that happened after arriving in the capital made her want to give her all to repay all the people who were kind to her.

Hearing others belittle Ruan Tang like this, how could she bear it!

Zhou Zhou, who was usually the coldest and gentlest, kicked the door of the dormitory hard.


The people outside were shocked, and the people inside were also dumbfounded!

"Tangtang takes it." Zhou Zhou handed the lunch box and books to Ruan Tang.

At this time, the door of the dormitory was already opened, and the person who opened the door carefully glanced at Ruan Tang and Zhou Zhou, with guilt and blush on his face.

Talking about people behind their backs is disgraceful!

Although the words were all spoken by Han Sisi, what's the difference between those who agree with them and Han Sisi?

After opening the door, the girl didn't speak anymore, but stepped aside, looking inside with some helplessness.

"Who said that just now? Stand up!" Zhou Zhou put his hands on his waist, his voice was cold and harsh, "If you have the ability to talk about people behind your back, don't you have the ability to admit it?"

When she said this, the five people in Ruan Tang's dormitory and the four people in the dormitory who didn't know which dormitory they were in had some unnatural flashes on their faces, and some of them even lowered their heads as if wishing they didn't exist.

It can be seen that it is also about saving face.

"Does that mean I have to go back to the aunt in the dormitory and find out the gossiping people behind them one by one to report criticism, apologize and admit their mistakes before admitting?" Zhou Zhou's words are not unfounded.

Previously, there was a girl in their profession who was rumored to have a child out of wedlock or something. That girl didn't know who spread the rumor, so she reported everyone who was there at the time.

In the first year when the exam was resumed, the country attached great importance to college students. This girl said that if the school didn't pay attention to this matter, she would use her own methods to make such rumor-mongers famous throughout the country.

Naturally, the school will resolve this matter quickly.

The person who spread the rumor was found out, not only publicly apologized and admitted his mistake, but was also punished. In this era, the punishment on the file may affect a person's life.

Lessons are not serious!

After Zhou Zhou finished speaking, the expressions of everyone inside changed suddenly.

A few of them even looked at Han Sisi, moved their feet, and moved away from Han Sisi calmly.

When Zhou Zhou and Ruan Tang saw it, they both smiled ironically.

This plastic love.

Han Sisi, who suddenly turned into a one-man camp, turned very ugly in an instant.

She looked down on Ruan Tang, but she was jealous of Ruan Tang's beauty.

She said that Ruan Tang was a waste of admission qualifications because of his ignorance, but she was envious of Ruan Tang's association with so many famous people in the school.

She despises Huo Shu who runs a small business, but after listening to Zhou Zhou and Ruan Tang's description, she envies that Ruan Tang has such an object who dotes on her and is obedient to her.

What's more, it's enough to have the most beautiful and arrogant person in a dormitory.

We already have her, why should there be an extra Ruan Tang?

It has been three months since the school started, but in fact, there is very little interaction between her and Ruan Tang.

Ruan Tang is usually very indifferent to anyone other than Zhou Zhou, but it is Ruan Tang who left the deepest impression on everyone.

Even the teachers praised Ruan Tang who didn't come to class often.

How could she bear it!

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