The Female Cannon Fodder Is Highly Poisonous

Chapter 1264 Black Belly Concubine (4)

The longer he hugged Ruan Tang, the colder Lingnan King felt.

As soon as he raised his head, he happened to meet Xia Houqin's eyes that were calm and self-imposing. The coldness in his eyes made him tremble a little even for a person who had experienced many battles.

But when he looked again, Xia Houqin turned into a normal child again.

It was as if the coldness never existed before!

Switch seamlessly between demons and angels.

Ruan Tang was also coaxing his uncle with good words, when he found himself put on the ground: "Uncle?"

The King of Lingnan would never admit that he didn't want to meet the eyes of King Qin's son. He coughed and said, "Tangtang, uncle still has some business to attend to. Go obediently and play with your brother, okay?"

"Okay." Ruan Tang hugged Lingnan King's leg again, and then quickly ran back to Xia Houqin's side.

Xia Houqin also reached out to catch her immediately.

Lingnan King: "...Go, go."

My little ancestor loves to look at beauties. Although the prince of the pre-Qin Dynasty has a devilish temper, who made him look good?


"Uncle, see you at noon." After Ruan Tang finished speaking, Xia Houqin carried her out.

King of Lingnan: "..."

This little heartless!

It hurts for nothing!

"My lord, today's letter." As soon as Ruan Tang and Xia Houqin left, there was one more person in the study.

The King of Lingnan received the letter, and after reading it, he frowned and his eyes were filled with chills: "I tell you, whoever dares to spread the news of the princess will be killed!"

"Also in the palace, keep an eye on that woman, if she wants to be a queen, help her, and let her know what it feels like to fall from a high place!"

The dark guard took the order to leave, but Lingnan King sneered again.

If he wanted to kill his younger sister or inquire about the news of his little ancestor, he had to see if he had that fate!

The younger sister stayed in the palace for the sake of her little ancestor, but it doesn't mean that all the grievances she suffered are gone. He can remember all the grievances and grievances before!


"Why did you come?" After hugging for a while, Ruan Tang was afraid that Xia Houqin would be tired, so he told him to put himself down.

She is indeed young now, but the white and fat dumpling is obviously not light in weight!

Xia Houqin can hug her, but it doesn't mean he can hold her forever.

"I want to see you, so I'm here." Since the first meeting two years ago, Xia Houqin has been so straightforward.

On Ruan Tang's fourth birthday, she came here once.

On his fifth birthday, Xia Houqin was absent, because he was too closely watched by the palace man and couldn't get away, so he had to send someone to deliver gifts.

"Then you will be okay?" Ruan Tang was young and knew a lot.

King Xianqin is the younger brother of today, and also the most beloved son of Emperor Xianqin. There are rumors that the crown prince favored by Emperor Xianqin is King Xianqin. Unfortunately, King Xianqin and his wife both died in battle and never had a chance to come back.

Of course, there is also a folk saying that there is something strange about the death of the pre-Qin king and his wife!

All the evidence points to the present emperor.

The same is true.

The current emperor murdered the first emperor, and designed to kill the lineage of the pre-Qin king.

Xia Houqin was the only bloodline of the pre-Qin king. The current emperor didn't want to kill him, but he couldn't.

After all, King Pre-Qin's prestige in Sheng Xi far surpassed him as an "emperor". After the death of King Pre-Qin and his concubine, there were some speculations that were very unfavorable to his rule, both in the court and among the people!

Suspected that he was seeking power and usurping the throne, suspected that he was cruel and heartless, and suspected that he was not tolerant of others.

If something happened to Xia Houqin, then the ministers and the common people would only become more suspicious of him!

Therefore, not only could the royal family not kill Xia Houqin, but they had to desperately protect his safety.

But protection is also a kind of surveillance.

Xia Houqin's freedom was also restricted!

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