The Female Cannon Fodder Is Highly Poisonous

Chapter 1303 Black Belly Concubine (43)

The assassination case has not been resolved, and the Lingnan Palace was assassinated twice more.

One time, when the Queen of Lingnan King Miansheng came out from the palace, Ruan Lang and Ruan Jie were on their way to pick him up at the gate of the palace. There were many assassins with brutal knives and knives, and they didn't care about life and death.

Another time, it happened in Lingnan Palace.

This time, not only the eldest son Ruan Lang and the second young master Ruan Jie were stabbed, but even Lingnan King himself was "seriously injured" in order to protect the princess.

It was rumored that the emperor could not tolerate kings with different surnames, so he took advantage of this birthday banquet to kill all the kings with different surnames.

The Lingnan Palace hadn't made a move yet, and the other kings with different surnames couldn't stand it anymore. The husband strengthened the defense of their respective mansions, and then entered the palace one after another, asking the emperor to investigate the matter thoroughly.

If the emperor really couldn't tolerate people like the rumors said, then they would leave and never enter Beijing!

A King of Lingnan caused the emperor a lot of headaches. He didn't dare to annoy other people, so he hurriedly comforted everyone, but promised that he would definitely punish the murderer severely.

The evidence of the assassination of Ruan Tang and his two elder brothers has been found out, and the main culprit is Sheng Yushu, and there are people who took the opportunity to frame the concubine Wang Guifei who was so intriguing.

In the next two assassinations, one happened after Lingnan King left the palace, and the second time after the emperor sent Xiang Gonggong to the Lingnan Palace with the best medicinal materials in his private treasury.

Those assassins were all well-trained. After the assassination failed, they directly swallowed poison and committed suicide without leaving anything on their bodies that could represent their identities.

With such a coincidence, the emperor had to suspect that the murderer was the Sheng family and Wang Guifei.

They were afraid that their plot would be revealed and the truth would be found out, so they did nothing but kill the whole family of the King of Lingnan, and finally planted the blame on the Emperor.

Thinking that everyone in the court would be in danger, and the people would call him a fool, the emperor wished to kill those who ruined his hope of "one emperor through the ages".

After Ruan Tang took care of his injuries for half a month, the assassination case of the Lingnan Prince's Mansion finally came to a conclusion.

It was the news brought by Lingnan King from the palace.

Except for the complete evidence of the first assassination, the assassins of the next two assassinations all committed suicide. After half a month of investigation, nothing was found, but all the traces pointed to the Wang family and the Sheng family.

The emperor also firmly believed that it was the Sheng family and Wang's family who had ulterior motives, trying to sow discord between him and the vassal king, so that the vassal kings would stand up against him, so that he, the emperor, would be isolated with no one around him, and finally he could only leave in resentment!

As an emperor, the most intolerable thing is that others covet his throne.

No matter who the opponent is, I can't bear it!

After the case was handed over to Dali Temple, it was found that the person who bought the murder and directly contacted the killer organization was Sheng Yushu, the daughter of the Sheng family, and the younger brother of Wang Guifei's natal family.

What is even more hateful than the daughter of the Sheng family's murder is that the assassin sent by the Wang family turned out to be their family's secret guard.

Raising private soldiers has overturned the emperor's taboo!

The Sheng family and the Wang family were the natal families of the queen and the imperial concubine, and as relatives of the emperor, it was obviously impossible to punish the nine clans, but it was also impossible for the emperor to spare them lightly.

Except for Sheng Yushu, the rest of the Sheng family insisted that they did not know about the assassination.

But how could the emperor believe their words? He directly asked the hidden guards to find out the evidence of other members of the Sheng family committing crimes.

Then a penalty was imposed.

Those who were on duty in the Sheng family were demoted and exiled, and even the old Shangshu who was over seventy years old was "retired and returned to his hometown" in a glorious manner.

Thanks to [Wu Sansui] for the reward 1

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