The Female Cannon Fodder Is Highly Poisonous

Chapter 1306 Black Belly Concubine (46)

King Ming didn't leave, neither did the crown prince, and the other ministers didn't dare to move.

After standing at the gate of the city for half an hour, the emperor sent someone to come, and the crown prince asked King Ming when he was leaving, but he still got a very cold look from King Ming.

Prince: "..."

He glanced at King Ming, whose eyes had been on the official path, wondering what he was thinking, and a sense of uneasiness suddenly arose in his heart.

He had a hunch that something was out of control.


He has to go back to the palace to look for his concubine mother, King Ming will not disobey what concubine mother says!

After the crown prince and others left, King Ming stood there for half an hour before leaving.

He wanted to see what secret the little princess of the Lingnan Prince's Mansion had that could make Han Jian, who put him first in everything, "betray" him!


After returning to Lingnan, Ruan Tang and his concubine sat in the carriage, while the King of Lingnan and his eldest son Ruan Lang and Ruan Jie rode horses. As soon as they entered the city, they were welcomed by the whole city.

Through a car curtain, listening to the excited voice outside, one can imagine the prestige of Lingnan King in Lingnan, and the support and trust of the people in the city for Lingnan King!

Ruan Tang listened for a long time, and when he passed the city center, he couldn't help but lift the curtains.

All over the street, restaurants and restaurants are full of people. The hawkers on the street and the common people who stopped to watch the motorcade and small things are very harmonious. The whole environment exudes a thriving atmosphere.

The princess followed Ruan Tang's line of sight and looked over with satisfaction on her face.

When people outside saw the nobleman in the car lift the curtain, they couldn't help gasping. Some people who guessed the identities of Ruan Tang and the princess even knelt down after the two of them looked over.

The concubine nodded to those people, and the people outside kowtowed excitedly, saying that they had seen the concubine and the princess, and said some blessings.

"Mother and Concubine, you see, it's better for us in Lingnan." Ruan Tang said.

Compared with the capital city, she still prefers Lingnan.

From the King of Lingnan down, the officials are all capable and skilled. Taking Lingnan as the world, they sit on top of the sky and let the people live and work in peace and contentment. On the basis of a stable life, there is also a sense of happiness that cannot be calculated by numbers!

The common people also know how to repay their kindness and keep themselves safe. They are also very respectful to the decision-makers such as the King of Lingnan who have brought them a happy life!

The princess was afraid that Ruan Tang would catch cold, so she put down the curtain, touched Ruan Tang's head again, and said softly: "Before you were born, when I first married your father, Lingnan was not what it is today."

The former Lingnan king favored his concubines and killed his wives, all his thoughts were on the women in the back house.

Beginning with the former King of Lingnan, the people in the Lingnan area were corrupted, accepted bribes, and failed to understand government affairs, making some areas in Lingnan even more like hell than they were during the war.

After Ruan E inherited the title of Lingnan King, the first thing he did was to deal with the problems left by the former Lingnan King!

On the second day after the concubine got married, Ruan E took people to quell the rebellion and rescue the people. This happened for several consecutive years, and Lingnan got better a little bit.

Ruan Tang was even breathing shallowly.

Although the concubine said it calmly, she could imagine how serious the situation was when she closed her eyes!

In order to change the old and decadent Lingnan, what efforts and changes have the Lingnan King and all the people with lofty ideals made!

But when the King of Lingnan and many young people who were not in office were working hard to create a brand new Lingnan, the man in the capital was thinking about how to kill the late emperor and King Qin, how to tamper with the imperial decree to win people's hearts and sit on the throne!

Such a strong contrast has naturally created the current situation where Lingnan and the capital are far apart!

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