The Female Cannon Fodder Is Highly Poisonous

Chapter 1332 Black Belly Concubine (72)

It didn't take long for the news that King Ming was addicted to treasure hunting to spread.

When the rumors spread to the emperor, it became the news that King Ming got a treasure map from no one knows where, and now he is wholeheartedly looking for treasures, so blatantly accumulating money is probably not for rebellion!

King Ming: "..."

He just doesn't want to be compared to a son-in-law who has become the richest man without compromising!

How did it become a wanton collection of money with the intention of rebellion?

Ling Guang, Han Jian, and the old housekeeper of the Ming Palace couldn't help but feel wronged for Ming Wang. Someone must have deliberately framed them, and they always had bad intentions!

But King Ming himself didn't care, the emperor feared that he wanted to get rid of him.

After so many years, he has long been used to it.

Therefore, King Ming was not at all surprised when he heard the decree to call him into the palace.

In the Lingnan palace, the princess looked at the Lingnan king who was in a good mood early in the morning and hummed a ditty, and suddenly said: "My lord, the one who revealed to the emperor that the king has rebellious intentions, wouldn't it be you?"

Like a cat whose tail has been pulled, the King of Lingnan said innocently, "Ma'am, why do you think so, is your husband the one who doesn't see good friends?"

The concubine was a little surprised by the righteous expression on his face. Could it be that he is not their prince?

The King of Lingnan put on a dignified look: "Although I don't want to see King Ming, he is also our Tangtang's biological father. For Tangtang's sake, I won't really do anything to him."

He really wouldn't do anything to King Ming.

It would just make Prince Ming troublesome.

Previously, there was an ambiguous relationship with the Lingnan Prince's Mansion, the son of King Qin who had a special identity and was rumored to have rebellious intentions, and now there is another King Ming who has a prominent position and military exploits and a high prestige in the court.

Comparing the two, the possibility of the rebellion of King Qin's son is much lower, and the danger is far less than that of King Ming's rebellion.

Under such a big contrast, the emperor naturally focused more on King Ming who was once his rival in love.

To monitor King Ming's every move and control his whereabouts, the manpower required was far beyond what the emperor could have imagined.

How could he devote his mind to dealing with Xia Houqin?

Where the concubine could not see, King Lingnan secretly laughed.

Although he doesn't want to see that brat abduct his precious daughter, but he won't let the emperor bully his chosen son-in-law either!

Didn't King Ming want to make up for Tangtang's mother and daughter?

He is so considerate, how can he not give him a chance!

King Ming, who was still being interrogated by the old emperor in the hall, sneezed suddenly.

It seems that Ling Guang's guess is correct, as expected, a villain framed him!


"Father Wang's trick of diverting disasters to the east is really beautiful, and now King Ming has a headache." Ruan Tang thought it was funny when he thought about that scene.

Xia Houqin stared blankly at the side, and when he came back to his senses, his face became hot and he said hoarsely: "Tangtang, King Ming is your biological father."

Ruan Tang opened his eyes slightly, confidently: "Then you are still my fiance!"

One is that she has not known her existence for fifteen years, and has never been close to her biological father.

One is her childhood sweetheart who has been with her since she was a child, even if she is thousands of miles away, she has tried every means to cross thousands of mountains and rivers just to see her once.

Her heart is naturally biased toward her fiancé!

Xia Houqin was startled when he heard the words, his heart seemed to be scalded by the most sincere heart, and the blood all over his body boiled.

This is the girl he loves!

Ten thousand more achieved!

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