The Female Cannon Fodder Is Highly Poisonous

Chapter 1354 Black Belly Concubine (94)

After Ruan Lang's marriage was settled, the princess began to worry about Ruan Jie again.

It turns out that their son, who likes to go straight to his head, started to secretly buy women's beads, hairpins, bracelets, rouge and gouache.

Ruan Jie thought that no one knew about him, and every time he dragged a friend who was related to the Zhou family to help deliver things, but in fact, everyone in the palace knew his every move.

Just looking at his happy face, he didn't want to expose it.

The lifelong affairs of the two sons were resolved at once, and the candidates for the daughter-in-law were all his favorites. The princess and Ruan Fu were also very happy.

The King of Lingnan didn't worry about his son's marriage, but only worried about Ruan Tang's future, so he stopped being lazy, and started planning for Xia Houqin just like King Ming who was deliberately enslaved by them to do coolies to wear down the emperor's power.

During the Mid-Autumn Festival, there is a banquet in the palace.

The emperor finally showed mercy and released the queen and Xia Houxi, but the maids and eunuchs who were accompanying him were all sent by him.

After catching King Ming for so long, the emperor had no choice but to focus on the empress.

With King Ming's concern for the Queen, and the Queen's dependence on King Ming, there is such a great opportunity to meet, and they will definitely seize the opportunity at all costs!

As long as he catches the evidence of the affair between King Ming and the Empress, he can seize the opportunity to kill King Ming and the Empress!

The emperor thought so, and the empress naturally had fantasies, wanting to meet King Ming at all costs, impressing him with past affection, even if she could not regain her former glory, she must get her out of the current predicament!

However, all calculations were in vain the moment he saw the appearance of the little princess of the Lingnan Palace.

King Ming has a close relationship with her, and has sent people to protect her many times. She also knows one or two of the hidden guards around King Ming, and Nineteen is even more impressive to her, not only because Nineteen has an enviable appearance, but also because King Ming has unreserved trust in Nineteen, Han Jian and others!

Seeing Ruan Tang was like seeing Nineteen years ago.

The emperor was still congratulating her, but the empress acted like she had seen a ghost. Not to mention she was disrespectful in the palace, she even knocked over the drinks and snacks on the table and let out a shrill cry.

Seeing this, everyone was shocked, no wonder the queen was placed under house arrest, it turned out that she was insane!

It is indeed an insult to the royal family and the country's prestige that the empress of a country suffers from such a disease. If it is spread, what will people from other countries think of them?

Immediately, a minister stepped forward, calling the imperial doctor to diagnose and treat the empress, if the empress was really ill, it would be better for her not to leave the palace, so as not to damage the royal reputation and majesty!


His plan has not been implemented yet, what does the queen mean?

Could it be that King Ming had already seen through his scheme, so he purposely made the Queen pretend to be crazy and act stupid to lower his defenses?

The more the emperor thought about it, the more he felt that it was possible. He didn't believe that the queen was really crazy, so he called the imperial doctor directly.

Seeing the imperial doctor, Xia Houxi, who had been imprisoned for a few months to learn etiquette, also yelled. When he saw the people in the imperial hospital, he yelled and hid behind the chair, obviously he had been greatly stimulated and was terrified!

The emperor suddenly lost all face.

When he asked people to let the two of them out, they all promised him that they would behave in a good manner. Is this what they think is honest?

Under the riot of the queen and Xia Houxi, the whole hall was in chaos for a while.

An incomparably grand Mid-Autumn Palace Banquet has turned into a royal scandal of "whoever is still sick needs to see the imperial doctor"!

Xia Houxi and the queen were also placed under house arrest again.

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