The Female Cannon Fodder Is Highly Poisonous

Chapter 1356 Black Belly Concubine (96)

During a mid-autumn palace banquet, the queen and princess Xia Houxi were placed under house arrest again, and the prince was scolded by the emperor in public. Everyone knew in their hearts that it was not far from abolishing the queen and abolishing the prince.

The ministers of the Lingnan Prince's Mansion and the Major General were engaged to the Lin family and the Zhou family, and the court ministers and nobles in Beijing already knew about it.

Although it was a pity that their son was not able to marry the daughter of Lin Zhou's family, and their daughter was not able to marry the eldest son and major general of the Lingnan Palace, but they naturally had a blessing attitude towards the marriage that had been established.

After all, they have no ability to break up these two marriages!

Although the news of Xia Houqin and Ruan Tang's engagement was made public for the first time, everyone with daughters in the family knew that Prince Qin's attitude towards the little princess was extraordinary, and everyone knew it in their hearts.

It was the emperor who was afraid that the strong marriage would cause danger to his throne, so he obstructed it and instigated the concubines to murder the little princess.

This behavior not only damaged the majesty and reputation of the emperor, but also left a story for history.

You can imagine how the history books record this incident and how future generations evaluate it!

In the end, King Ming's behavior was puzzling, but not unacceptable.

King Ming has been in love with the queen for many years, but he has fed the dog with sincerity. The queen only uses and plots against King Ming. Recently, it was rumored that the queen killed a very important person around King Ming, so she turned against him five years ago!

The talent, morality and foresight of the young princess of the Lingnan Palace can be seen from the reforms she initiated in Lingnan.

In less than three months, she captured the hearts of all the daughters in the capital, and made them follow her willingly. Naturally, she has something extraordinary that ordinary people can't match!

Such a strange woman, not to mention that the king wants to adopt a foster daughter, even the daughters and wives of their family like it very much. If their status is not high enough, they would also want to recognize a foster daughter!

King Ming's attitude is warm and his attitude is very low, and the Lingnan Palace is just like the legend, arrogant and unattainable.

But everyone present here who has negotiated with the King of Lingnan and the Major General Shizi knows that they have difficulties in their chests, and that their arrogance and arrogance are just their appearances!

It's not true.

Although the attitude of the Lingnan Palace was very cold, but for some reason, they agreed to King Ming's request in the end!

Why? Of course it was to cruelly abuse the emperor!

It was only after watching a show about recognizing relatives that everyone remembered that their emperor seemed to have disappeared.

Eunuch Xiang was as anxious as an ant on a hot pan.

As the chief eunuch, accompanying the emperor, his political consciousness is many levels higher than that of ordinary people!

The actions of everyone in this Mid-Autumn Palace Banquet conveyed too many messages, and he had a hunch that the sky of Sheng Xi would soon change.

And the owner of this palace will also change!

Therefore, after weighing the pros and cons, he chose to sit idly by and wait for the real master to issue orders.

Several princes, the crown prince and the third prince were worn out by the emperor. The second prince was obsessed with calligraphy, indifferent to court affairs, and had a cold attitude towards the emperor, so he left in the middle of the palace banquet.

The rest of the royal family, after seeing the Qin Palace, the Lingnan Palace, the Ming Palace, and the ministers of the court and China, all stood together, no matter how stupid they were, they realized that something was wrong.

They are worried about the future of their identity and situation, but no one is willing to stand up and refute the current situation!

After Xia Houqin took over the token jade pendant from King Ming's heir in Ruan Tang, he had an expected smile on his face, and then stood up to advocate for the overall situation!

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