The Female Cannon Fodder Is Highly Poisonous

Chapter 1386 Troubled Times (28)

Ruan Xiaoxiao was moved by his affection and wished to marry him immediately, but Ruan Yusheng disagreed, and from then on she began to fight wits and courage with her old father.

He cried, made trouble, hanged himself three times, failed to elope, and started cooking cooked rice again, and even sacrificed the dead Mrs. Ruan to force Ruan Yusheng to nod.

Ruan Yusheng was so angry that he cursed and beat him, what else could he do?

It is possible to kill Luo Chengming without doing anything, but now Ruan Xiaoxiao's heart is on Luo Chengming. If she kills him at this time, Ruan Xiaoxiao may not be able to get out for the rest of her life.

So, in the end, he could only agree to the marriage.

But Ruan Yusheng also has a request, that is, to have a child with his surname Ruan.

Although Luo Chengming was a little reluctant at first, wouldn't outsiders think that he was married into the Ruan family if he let the child take the Yue family name? Think he is a softie?

But how could face be worth the temptation of wealth?

Ruan Yusheng only has one daughter, Ruan Xiaoxiao. Now that their child is named Ruan, doesn't that mean that they want to use their child as the heir?

As long as his child becomes the heir of the Ruan family, why would he need to lie low in front of Ruan Xiaoxiao all day long to please her?

After thinking deeply, Luo Chengming asked Ruan Xiaoxiao to agree to Ruan Yusheng's request, and then quickly held a wedding with Ruan Xiaoxiao, who was found to be pregnant.

But no matter how beautiful the oath is, it is empty words.

When the wind blows, it all disperses.

The child could not be kept.

Luo Chengming angered Ruan Xiaoxiao, blaming her for not taking good care of the child and causing them to lose the child.

More importantly, without a son, how could he get Ruan Yusheng to hand over the Ruan family?

Ruan Xiaoxiao blamed herself unceasingly, the lost child was something she had been looking forward to day and night, and suddenly it disappeared, how could she feel better as a mother?

She was blaming herself, feeling guilty, and reflecting on herself, but Luo Chengming took the opportunity to spend the night outside and had a hot fight with his second aunt.

When the second aunt was too provocative, Ruan Xiaoxiao was still angry. She felt that her husband should stand by her side like her father at this time, and accompany her to commemorate their children.

But Luo Chengming didn't. Instead, he went to find his lover. He didn't return home at night, and he didn't remember this home at all.

She scolded the second aunt, even beat the second aunt with something, and asked those people who followed her to Luo's house to throw the second aunt out.

However, as soon as Luo Chengming returned home, he began to complain.

It is said that he is under so much pressure that others look down on him. It is a shame for a man to become a married man because he relies on his wife to make a fortune. Now he can't even keep a child. Maybe the old man of the Ruan family still doesn't recognize him as a son-in-law , and didn't want Miss Ruan's family to give birth to a child of his blood.

In a word, he felt bitter.

Ruan Xiaoxiao was originally going to ask the teacher to ask the crime, but when she heard Luo Chengming's confession, she suddenly felt so distressed that she couldn't help herself.

It turned out that her lover had been wronged so much in places she didn't know.

So, without Luo Chengming racking his brains for any reason, Ruan Xiaoxiao found an excuse to exonerate Luo Chengming.

He didn't intend to find another woman or betray her on purpose, he just didn't want to see her for the time being, he just wanted to escape from the painful things.

After easily forgiving this incident, Ruan Xiaoxiao went to the Ruan's house dragging her unhealed body.

She questioned Ruan Yusheng with the attitude of interrogating a prisoner, why he couldn't see her well, couldn't see her happiness, why couldn't even tolerate her child, why did he have to treat her so cruelly!

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