The Female Cannon Fodder Is Highly Poisonous

Chapter 1486 Starlight shines because of you (38)

But some people just forget to eat but not fight.

From the moment Rong Jinmo returned home, he wanted to beat up all those who missed his precious son, and now his wish has been fulfilled.

But apparently to no avail.

The young masters of the three generations of the Rong family said that if they could get the chance to play with the little baby in exchange for being beaten, or even abduct the little baby to play for a day, they would have lined up to be beaten with their heads up!

After dinner, people like Mrs. Rong who had to go back to their posts the next day to kill everyone left after a while.

Those young people were unwilling to leave one by one, and no one cared if they were scolded for not doing their jobs properly.

"It's already late today, why don't you just stay at home? Jinmo's previous room is a bit small now, and our young master Ayan also wants a separate room. I can't prepare in time for these two days, so I can only wrong you for the time being." Madam Rong said.

The home has been prepared since receiving Rong Jinxing's call, but it is obviously impossible to complete the decoration within a few days.

Ruan Tang was very surprised. Looking at Mrs. Rong's appearance, she didn't expect that she would say these words.

But she quite likes this kind of cold-faced and warm-hearted person!

She smiled and didn't care at all: "Mom, the house is not small anymore. In the past few years, I have encountered many wonderful things outside, and I have seen many people and things... One time I went to the island to play with other people, and there were not enough tents. The three of us huddled in a small tent. The baby liked it so much that he couldn't sleep when he was so happy. He even said that it was his favorite trip..."

Unknowingly, Ruan Tang said a lot.

Madam Rong didn't interrupt her either. Her eyes lit up slightly after hearing this, she was both moved and distressed.

After listening to it, he said angrily: "That kid is out of shape. When he took you and baby and thought he was alone, he went to the island without bringing anyone. It's just nonsense."

Ruan Tang saw that Mrs. Rong was only worried and distressed, as well as curious about what they had experienced in the past few years, so she took out the things she brought when she came to Rong's house.

"Mom, this is a book of photos of the baby from the beginning of pregnancy to the present, and this book is all the photos of me and Jinmo since we got married..."

Before she finished speaking, Mrs. Rong showed a moved expression on her face: "Hey, this is good. Your dad and I will have a look, and grandparents will also watch..."

Ruan Tang also kindly reminded: "I have to go to work tomorrow, Mom, you should go to bed early."

Mrs. Rong responded several times, and walked out with two thick photo albums in her arms. When she reached the door, she met Rong Jinmo and his son. She said a few words to the child lovingly, and then left.

"Tangtang, Mom took the photo album away?" Rong Jinmo asked casually, and the kid Rong Yan became anxious, "No, I can't show it to others..."

Rong Yan is young, but very smart, he can remember everything he has heard and seen.

There are many photos of him when he was a baby in the album. He didn't even have clothes, so he would be shy and want to save face!

"That's your grandma, not someone else." Rong Jinmo liked to bully his son at this time, but Ruan Tang protected his shortcomings, and went to the side to enlighten the child after hugging him, and didn't let Rong Jinmo get close at all.

Depressed, Rong Jinmo first went to fill the bath water, and then closed the window. After seeing a few brothers and sisters in the yard downstairs drinking tea and playing cards, he moved his fist again.

Perhaps, he has developed a very good emotional relief method!

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