After sending Ruan Tang off, the director came back, and all he saw was the heroine's expression of disbelief and unwillingness.

There is no real idiot in this circle.

But those who think that they have some acting skills and background, and they are above the top and don't put everyone in their eyes, it is impossible for them to last for a long time.

Ji Xin still didn't know that before her, there was a man named Jin Zhuzhu who was much better at wrist and acting skills than her, and also had the young boss of the Shen family as his backer, but what happened in the end?

Didn't he lose his reputation and quietly disappear from the public's sight!

And his benefactor, who was also hit hard, used to say that if there was no Rong family, the Shen family would be the number one family, but after that time, everyone knew that a hundred Shen families would not be able to compare. Shangrong's house.

Now that this person can't see the situation clearly and is self-righteous, how can it last for a long time?

The director shook his head. The script is halfway through filming, and the cost of a temporary replacement is too high. I can only pray for mercy from this guy, and don't make too much of it before the TV series is finished!


"Mom." At the age of twelve, Rong Yan's height is already over 1.7 meters, much taller than Ruan Tang standing.

Now his facial features have grown, he is no longer the cute baby face when he was a child, his facial features follow his parents, all the lines are just right and beautiful, coupled with the temperament that he has cultivated since he was a child, the whole person is like a little girl Like a prince.

Although his father and uncles who knew him all knew that the young master was treacherous since he was a child, and he was even darker when he grew up, and he would plot against them all if he was not careful.

Ruan Tang got into the car, first hugged the young master, saw that he was holding a book in his hand, and hurriedly said: "Don't read books in the car, it's a waste of your eyes..."

Before he finished speaking, he saw a photo in the book. It was a photo taken when his family of three went on a trip at the beginning of the year. On it, he looked much younger than now.

"What kind of photo is this? A Yan... Okay, you, you didn't even show your little aunt, saying, how many photos do you have hidden?" Rong Jinshu took the photos, and followed Yan Zhi who was sitting in front looked up.

Rong Yan was always gentle in front of his family, saying that he only hid this one.

Unfortunately, no one believed it.

"Are you still used to it at school?" Ruan Tang was a little worried. Rong Yan didn't like to go to school when he was a child. It's because he signed up for the school now and then taught at home. From kindergarten to elementary school, he basically only took the exam twice. Then skipped a grade to junior high.

After entering junior high school, I somehow became willing to sit in the classroom again.

It's just that Rong Yan skipped a grade, and Ruan Tang was afraid that he wouldn't get used to it and that he wouldn't be able to make friends because of his young age.

At this time, Rong Yan said calmly: "Mom, I miss high school!"

Ruan Tang: "..."

The age difference is bigger, isn't it?

Rong Jinmo: "..."

When he was studying, he skipped grades all the way, and this kid followed the trajectory of his schooling. He studied for three months, and this kid could finish it in one or two months.

He studied in junior high school for half a year, but he didn't want to go to high school anymore, so he skipped to high school. After studying for a year, he directly took the college entrance examination, and the same was true for the university and doctorate.

Rong Yan only went to junior high school for one semester, and now he has to skip a grade again.

This brat is trying his best to make things difficult for his old father!

"Tangtang, let him read if he wants to. If he stumbles, he will know how precious being down-to-earth is!" Rong Jinmo said with gusto.

As soon as he finished speaking, he was scolded by two girls.

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