Was Rong Yan's resistance successful?

of course not.

At present, his father has the final say on the affairs of the family.

Why didn't Ruan Tang decide?

Of course it's because Rong Jinmo is Ruan Tang's mouthpiece!

The nickname "Baby", even when Rong Yan was eighteen, twenty-eight, or thirty-eight, Ruan Tang and Rong Jinmo would still call it in private.

But when the child grows up, he also needs to save face outside, so he can either call him son, or call him by his name, or jokingly say "our young master".


In Rong Yan's memory, his parents have always had a very good relationship since he could remember.

It's enviable, it's so good that it makes people jealous, even uncles and uncles say that nothing else can affect the feelings of parents!

Fortunately, he is their son.

From childhood to adulthood, he has been their treasure.

Mother's feelings have always been straightforward and gentle, making people addicted to it and unwilling to leave or wake up.

And dad, is a large arrogant body.

When I was a child, I was always afraid that he would be abducted by uncles and uncles. Every time he was taken away for a long time, I would rush to find him and take him home.

After waiting for a few years, I found that he was smarter than they imagined. When he was a little older, he wanted to cling to his parents like he was when he was a child, but he was afraid of being said that he would not grow up, so he deliberately maintained a cold personality. The father who sees through everything always I like to deliberately tease him and bully him.

As soon as he gets angry, he will subconsciously look for his mother, and then he can confidently lean on his mother's side, letting his father's boring and cumbersome accusations fall into his ears.

Dad thought he didn't know his motives, and he just pretended that he didn't see through anything, and then he played this game willingly, even though he has grown up, married and had children, it's still the same as before!

None of them told their mother this secret.

But it seems that my mother already knew everything, so after the game starts, my mother will join in very cooperatively, coaxing him to enlighten him, and at the same time educating my father with righteous words, let him read more books and see the world, and have a good time Learn to be a dad.

His parents are such gentle and strong people.

They gave him the most complete and only love, indulged his willfulness, tolerated his childishness, and expected him to grow into what he expected.

Rong Yan knew very well that what he wanted to be was his parents.

Hope to be like my parents too.

Strong and gentle.


The young master Rong Yan learned astronomy first in college, and the elders of the Rong family rushed to give him various instruments needed for observing the starry sky. Naturally, Ruan Tang and Rong Jinmo would not give him gifts.

The first asteroid he discovered when he was eighteen was directly named the "Tang Mo" star.

People on the Internet think that this has something to do with the country's traditional history, and it is named after the dynasty and the famous calligraphy of that dynasty or the Mohist school.

But fans who follow Rong Yan know that "Tang Mo" has nothing to do with ancient traditions at all, but the names of Rong Yan's parents, Ruan Tang and Rong Jinmo!

In the subsequent press conference, what Rong Yan said in front of the global media and live broadcast audience also proved this point.

Rong Yan said: "My parents, Mr. Rong Jinmo and Ms. Ruan Tang, they love me, accompany me, and protect me when I grow up... They are my stars, my light, my sky, and my deepest love. Beloved person."

At this time, Young Master Rong Yan's "Starlight" was watching the press conference repeatedly with all his family members, waiting for their Young Master to appear at the coming-of-age ceremony that everyone racked their brains to hold for him.

Thanks to [Qiqiqiqiqiqiqiqi] and [Gongzi Thirteen] [Zuimengge Yezi] and other little fairies for their rewards!

Good night~\\(≧▽≦)/~

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