The Female Cannon Fodder Is Highly Poisonous

Chapter 1608 The Empress’ Vicious Dog Factory (60)

In the quiet and beautiful small courtyard, several plants of Phoenix trees are in full bloom like flames. In the opposite pavilion, a woman in plain clothes is sitting leaning against the railing. There are exquisite scissors and needles and threads beside her. The woman is staring intently at the hand. The red clothes in the house.

From a distance, it looks like a wedding dress.


Hearing the familiar sweet voice, the woman froze for a moment, then lowered her head again, but she could no longer concentrate as before, and would sigh twice from time to time.

It has been five years since she left the palace. When she was conscious, she always regretted it.

Why did she agree to her request because of her strategy, wit, and composure? Why did she do things so carelessly that even the eyeliner of the emperor would be discovered by her daughter? Why did she only think of death instead of other solutions...

Only after I survived did I realize my fear.

If she really died at that time, then the person who caused her has got her wish, but what about her daughter?

She was dead, but she wanted her parents to be sent by white-haired people to black-haired people, and her young daughter to suffer the pain of losing her mother. She was isolated and helpless in the palace, and fought with the group of demons who ate people and didn't spit out their bones...

She was wrong, she shouldn't be cowardly thinking only of death, she shouldn't be so selfish, she shouldn't!


Another sound.

She thought she had hallucinations to hear her daughter calling her, but the voice seemed to be right next to her ears...

"Mother, you are still as beautiful as you were five years ago, but your daughter has grown up, so you don't know this person anymore?"

The warm breath hit her ears, and the queen could no longer lie to herself that it was an illusion.

She raised her head, just in time to meet a bright and charming face.

"Tangtang?" She raised her hand in disbelief, but she didn't dare to touch the familiar yet unfamiliar face in front of her, for fear of accidentally breaking the dream.

However, at this moment, a pair of small hands held hers, and the warmth from the palms directly reached her heart, telling her that this was not a dream.

"Tangtang? Is it my little Tangtang?" When Mu Rongshu called out her daughter's nickname, tears fell instantly. She didn't even notice that the clothes and needlework in her hand fell to the ground, but tightly Hugged Ruan Tang.

Ruan Tang also called the queen mother a few times.

Seeing the queen, many memories will be born in her mind, as if the emotions of the original owner are still in her body, and she can't control the excitement and aggrieved emotions when seeing the closest person!

"Show my mother, my little Tangtang has grown up, so beautiful..."

"I'll stay here for a day, mother, you can watch slowly, don't worry!"


Lan Jingxing sent away all the people in the courtyard, leaving behind only the maidservant from the Mu family who had been serving her since she was a child, looking at the mother and daughter hugging each other tightly, she was crying.

"Mr. Xuan, this way please." Lan Jingxing didn't admit that he, a big man, was moved by the scene in front of him, he was afraid that he would really do something embarrassing if he stayed longer.

He knew Xiao Xuanzi's identity, but seeing that Xiao Xuanzi was dressed in brocade clothes and looked extraordinary, and he was one of Ruan Tang's confidantes, so he called him Mr. Xuan.

Xiao Xuanzi hummed, and followed Lan Jingxing out, "Thank you, Master Lan, for your generous help all these years!"

Sure enough, Mr. Xuan sounds much better than Mr. Xuan and Mr. Xuan.

Your Highness should also want to hear "Mr. Xuan", right?

He wanted to guard His Highness every step of the way, and also wanted to stand upright by His Highness's side, to be the only one worthy of her!

You can't have both, so you have to make a trade-off.

After returning, we must leave!

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