The Female Cannon Fodder Is Highly Poisonous

Chapter 1631 The Empress' Vicious Dog Factory (83)

The case of the Ji family was uncovered in this way.

Everyone's eyes were fixed on the emperor and the Wen family, plus Ji Xuanyin deliberately played down his sense of existence, except for Wei Wuyan, no one noticed anything wrong with his identity.

until today.

The emperor didn't want to admit that his decision-making was wrong, and he didn't want to admit that he had the intention to execute all those whose reputation and prestige surpassed that of the royal family, and he didn't show up until the end.

But there are others later than him.

This person is Ji Xuanyin.

Seeing Ji Xuanyin walking into the hall frankly, everyone's eyes were on him.

In the past, this person followed the Princess Taiping, and everyone's eyes were fixed on Her Highness the Princess Taiping. The people around her would naturally weaken their sense of existence.

The same is true for Ji Xuanyin who was once Xiao Xuanzi.

He didn't want anyone to steal the glory of his highness, including himself.

But now, he just wants to stand beside His Highness in an open and aboveboard manner, and become the only person who can stand shoulder to shoulder with her!

When you no longer hide your aura and demeanor, even if you don't say or do anything, you can become an existence that everyone respects and looks up to.

The people in Dongchang saw that Ji Xuanyin could only hopelessly and surrender in his heart, so the courtiers and family members in the main hall were only left with shock and fear.

Shocked by his bold actions.

At the same time, he was also frightened by the overwhelming aura on his body, and didn't even dare to look at him directly.

After seeing Ji Xuanyin, the emperor was startled for a moment, and looked at Wei Wuyan and Ruan Tang in disbelief, what was going on?

Wei Wuyan was still shocked, as if she didn't expect Ji Xuanyin to do this, she looked at the emperor innocently, expressing that he didn't know anything!

And Ruan Tang looked at him in astonishment, with surprise and disbelief written in her eyes, her people always followed the rules, so how could she go to the palace at this time.


One is Xiao Xuanzi's former master, and the other is the current master. Is it possible that neither of these two people noticed anything wrong with this person?

At this moment, a censor who had a good relationship with the Ji family stepped forward, first pleaded guilty for disturbing the palace banquet, and then asked the emperor to thoroughly investigate the case of the Ji family and return the Ji family justice!

With the first, there will be the second, and the third...

In the end, even King Yan and the Mu family stood up.

Who can guarantee that the end of the Ji family will not be their future? After all, they have a His Majesty the Emperor who is so small that even Qingliu officials who have no sense of power can tolerate it!

The emperor's face was ashen at this moment, looking around, the entire hall was covered in darkness, and almost everyone knelt down.

Ruan Tang sat at the head, watching everything with cold eyes.

From an angle that others didn't pay attention to, he exchanged a glance with Ji Xuanyin, reassuring him.

If he wants to restore his identity, the best time is now, in front of the royal family and court ministers, as long as his identity as the young master of the Ji family is revealed, the emperor can no longer treat the only remaining blood of the Ji family badly!

"Your Highness."

Ji Xuanyin's lips moved silently.

No one saw clearly what he said, but Ruan Tang knew that he was calling her.

I don't know what's wrong, but Ji Xuanyin just likes to call her that, over and over again, as if this is the only way to make him feel at ease!

Ruan Tang seemed to be scalded by the scorching heat and pampering in his eyes, and looked away calmly.

Then he said something that made the emperor vomit blood.

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