The Female Cannon Fodder Is Highly Poisonous

Chapter 1727 I am a fake daughter of cannon fodder (79)

Before the original owner's life experience was discovered, Ruan's mother didn't have any big black spots except that she pretended to be high, true, hypocritical, flattering the high, stepping on the low, and helping the vampire's natal family.

But after the two children came back, she was full of stains.

The servants talked about how Ruan's mother they saw in Ruan's house favored her adopted daughter and let her own daughter live in a second-class room, and how she belittled and insulted her with words like "trash" all day long. Ruan Tang took the opportunity to praise her adopted daughter Ke Yan and show her own superiority and how he favored his niece, which caused Ruan Tang to have a car accident, and took his niece to go shopping when his daughter was not out of danger, etc. Everything they knew, they spread.

Ruan's mother finally tasted her long-cherished wish for many years, and finally became the focus of everyone's attention and became a celebrity.

But this way of being famous, the angle of attention, etc. are not what she wants!

Being ridiculed by her peers, ridiculed by people in the community, questioned and accused by those who once praised her as a good mother, no matter how strong Ruan's mother was, she couldn't bear it.

If Ruan Tang was here, her anger would definitely be vented on Ruan Tang.

However, she couldn't even find Ruan Tang's shadow.

I can only call Lu Yuanyuan, scold her for being undisciplined, scold her for being shameless, and warn her to be quiet and stop being a monster, otherwise her behavior of helping Lu Yuanyuan in private will stop immediately.

At that time, Lu Yuanyuan will have to live a miserable life with the negligible living expenses like the other children of the Lu family.

Lu Yuanyuan fell in love with Ruan's mother, but she had to rely on the pocket money that Ruan's mother secretly gave her to buy clothes, pack bags and invest in herself.

I can only grit my teeth and bear it.

one day...

Ever since Ruan Tang came, the Ke family and the Ruan family have not gone smoothly for even a moment.

There were many conflicts in their family, mutual doubts and complaints, and mutual hatred. When the chickens were flying around, Ruan Tang and her good friends who were forced to study by her also entered the school.

She was sent here by Wen Yu, and Wen Yu told her what to pay attention to at school along the way, almost turning into an old lady.

But, in all fairness, Wen Yu was really nice to her!

So Ruan Tang was also willing to listen to him say a few words.

But more, not enough.

After finally getting rid of Wen Yu, who was almost tearful, he was surrounded by people as soon as he entered the school.

Several of their classes belong to the class with poor grades.

I don't know if it's easier for the scumbags to develop relationships together. The relationship between the students in their scumbag class is much stronger and more reliable.

One vacation is enough for them to know about Ruan Tang and Ke Yan's background.

These days I got more gossip, and I became more concerned and sympathetic towards Ruan Tang. It was really unlucky to meet a family like the Ruan family.

He also said that the Ke family was too shameless, that the child had nothing to do with Ruan Tang, and that they treated Ruan Tang like that, it was simply cold-blooded and ruthless.

The most important thing is to complain about Lu Yuanyuan and Ke Yan.

To Lu Yuanyuan, it's completely contemptuous. If you want to rely on men, then do it openly, but don't pick those men with "family", they have no bottom line and no morals!

As for Ke Yan, they couldn't keep up in terms of grades, but they also had something to say in terms of character.

These people, although their grades are not good, and they don't like to study, but at least they must have their own bottom line of principles.

Unlike Ke Yan, who obviously has a new family, but still dominates Ruan Tang's biological parents.

She should be the only one who co-authored anything good?

What made them most angry and speechless was when someone asked about Ruan Tang at a banquet not long ago when Ke Yan insinuated that Ruan Tang was living with a man much older than her.

One person occupies the love and love of two families, but still slanders Ruan Tang, why doesn't she go to heaven!

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