Ruan Tang has always been very gentle towards 477. After all, such a cute and considerate little system is rare, especially since 477 is still obsessed with her, so she is even more reluctant to say anything serious.

So, when she got a little more serious, 477 was taken aback.

He quickly argued: "Boss, before you realize it, everything about Fengyan is a mystery, otherwise I would have told you from the beginning that he is the big boss."

His authority is higher than his, his origin is stronger than him, everything is more mysterious than him, it is simply the existence of this system that crushes him.

As a system, he is really stressed!

"So, he was really reborn?" Ruan Tang affirmed.

477 nodded heavily, and said with a guilty conscience: "This is his third life."

Just the third world of this world.

As for other worlds, he couldn't get any news at all.

"The third life?" Ruan Tang's voice was raised a little, she suddenly looked at the man who had been quiet for a long time, and her heart twitched suddenly.

She doesn't know what it's like to reincarnate three times in one world.

How did Fengyan live in her previous two lives, without her?

"What's wrong?" Feng Yan thought Ruan Tang was just in a daze, but she was startled when she saw it, "Why are your eyes red?"

Ruan Tang murmured, and said a very false lie: "The wind hurts my eyes."

There is wind, but it's not so bad that it hurts people's eyes.

How could Fengyan believe an excuse that Ruan Tang himself didn't believe.

He immediately grabbed Ruan Tang's hand and stared at her carefully, trying to see something from her face: "What's wrong? What's wrong? Or have you been wronged?"

Fengyan thought a lot in her mind.

"It's just a sudden pain in my heart." Ruan Tang was really heartbroken.

Feng Yan's face tightened, he didn't know what he thought of, and his face became even more frightening.

He directly hugged Ruan Tang horizontally, and said worriedly: "Come here, tell the imperial physician."

After speaking, he hurriedly ran to Chaoyang Palace.

Ruan Tang's forehead was buried in Feng Yan's neck, and he leaned against Feng Yan's neck tightly. After a while, he asked 477 to pass on the plots of the previous two lives to her.

In the first life, Fengyan was just a ray of consciousness at first, and when he arrived here, the timeline was many years behind.

At that time, Beiling was also attacked by Xia Guo, but the situation was not as bad as it is now, but for the so-called stability, He Lianzhen still took the initiative to ask for a marriage.

Princess An Le and Qin Xia Guo, who were much loved at that time, were finally humiliated to death by the former prince in every possible way.

Ruan Yi got her wish and married the prince He Lianzhen, whom she liked and thought she could sit on the throne of emperor, but she was not favored all her life. In the end, after Ruan Yu, Lan Ling and others launched reforms, the prince was imprisoned and stabbed to death. , she survived as a member of the Ruan family, but she had no ambitions in her life.

The original owner was married to her fiancé, Lan Ling, who had been engaged since she was a child, and became the most beloved concubine of the Duke of Anguo's mansion.

After Lan Ling and Ruan Yu succeeded in their reforms and replaced the new emperor, both of them became ministers, and their status was raised again and again. Even the new empress had no airs in front of her, and became the king of the Beiling Kingdom. The most honorable woman.

And when Fengyan arrived, it was already after their successful reform.

He worked hard and finally found "Ruan Tang", but it was not the Ruan Tang he was looking for.

And he doesn't even have a body at all, so he can only wander around, watching the changes of dynasties in various countries, and watching the whole continent divide and reconcile.

Until, people like "Ruan Tang" and Ruan Yu passed away.

It wasn't until a long time later that he finally cultivated his soul body, and he had to see the guidance of an eminent monk with his extraordinary background, and then he would reincarnate again.

Continue the long search journey.

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