Feng Yan couldn't answer Ruan Tang's question.

But even if his assumptions are all wrong, even if he is really just a bunch of data, he will change his fate against the sky, follow Ruan Tang, and stay with her forever, and be with her.

The empress's body was unwell, and the people from the Imperial Hospital rushed to the Chaoyang Hall without delay after receiving the news.

They checked Ruan Tangjing's body and pleaded guilty one after another, saying that they were stupid. They could see that Ruan Tang had heart palpitations, but they couldn't see the reason.

Fengyan naturally knew the reason, and asked them to continue the inspection just to make sure that Ruan Tang's body was fine. Although he went to meet the bride personally this time, and he didn't suffer any harm on the way, after all, he had experienced the death of the original owner. Also uneasy.

As soon as the imperial doctor left, Fengyan said: "That's all I can tell you about my experience, the rest is not important, anyway, as long as you know, no matter where you are, I will try my best to find you."

As for the waiting time, that was his willingness.

It is also the price he has to pay for getting what he loves.

It's all worth it.

Moreover, Ruan Tang loves him for his persistence, so why doesn't he feel sorry for Ruan Tang!

"If there is only this life, then live this life well, and I will accompany you to the end."

Feng Yan held Ruan Tang's hand tightly, trying to appease her, so that she would stop bothering about these things.

"If there is an afterlife and a chance to meet each other, then I will go all out and never give up any opportunity!"

There was unprecedented seriousness and firmness in his eyes.

Ruan Tang was silent for a while.

"me too."


Since revealing some secrets, the relationship between Ruan Tang and Feng Yan has become better.

Knowing that the unification of the mainland is also one of the things to be accomplished, and if Fengyan does not complete the great cause of unification, and direct fights between countries will kill and injure more people, causing more killings and innocent sacrifices, Ruan Tang will be even more Support him now.

The first time Fengyan brought Ruan Tang into the political hall to participate in the discussion, he was met with counterattack by the eyes of the ministers.

How could a woman, a woman from an enemy country who came here with her relatives, enter the Palace of Political Affairs?

How can he participate in the national affairs of the Xia Kingdom?

What if she is a spy?

The ministers all gave Tanhua Lang Qi Shuyun a hard look in private.

What do you mean by saying that the relationship between His Majesty and the Queen's Empress cannot allow them to intervene? Could it be that they are all blind!

How could an emperor who put state affairs first, bring a woman into the government.

Sure enough, their eyes were right.

The queen is the queen.

You can't think that she is good just because she is no longer a demon!

After all, she just changed the way, from the scourge of the harem to the court.

Because of Ruan Tang's joining, everyone changed the topic in a tacit understanding, from how to call Nanque and the leader of the Di clan to bow their heads and bow down their heads, to eating a few steamed buns and drinking a few bowls of soy juice today and meeting the long-retired So and so went up.

It was a very boring topic, and it also meant to target Ruan Tang deliberately, but Ruan Tang listened for a while, expressed his interest, then grabbed Fengyan's sleeve, and said softly: "Your Majesty, the early court experience of the ministers It’s really rich, listening to what they say is worse than reading for ten years, how about letting them talk like this every day from now on?”

The few ministers who talked the most were taken aback, and their faces turned green when they heard the words.

what does that mean?

Think of them as low class?

However, their wise and mighty majesty has been bewitched.

Ignoring the courtiers' rejection eyes at all, he only spoke two words.


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