The Female Cannon Fodder Is Highly Poisonous

Chapter 1960 The bosses are all vying to be my dad (22)

Xie Xi, Shao Mingzheng, Mi Ying and the others are all professional actors. They have filmed in all kinds of dramas since their debut and have learned a lot through scripts.

When the pile of things on the table came into view, they were almost sure at a glance that it was for the funeral of the dead.

Although Qiu Hao and Yan Yun are not actors, they have also attended the funeral, and they also clearly know what the white or yellow paper and red handwriting represent.

Candles, incense, tin foil and paper are the most common and commonly used in mourning, while those small pennants are used to lure the spirits of the dead.

However, most remote villages use this kind of thing, and most of what they see are wreaths.

"There are still peach trees here?" Shao Mingzheng's voice brought everyone who was too frightened and lost their minds back to reality, making them have to face this question.

The photography teacher at the back heard it, and said: "In my hometown, peach trees, willow branches and mulberry branches are used to suppress ghosts. It is said that only those who die in peace..."

As soon as these words came out, Qiu Hao and Mi Ying, who hadn't recovered from the great fear and fright, turned pale like Ruan Yao, and their whole body was a little out of control.

Now everyone understands Ruan Yao's fear.

Mi Ying and Qiu Hao held Ruan Yao's hands and arms tightly, because they were not sure if they would collapse to the ground once they let go.

"Everyone go out." Xie Xi said.

He inadvertently glanced at Ruan Yao, his expression suddenly paused, he was frightened by the deep hatred in Ruan Yao's eyes.

Who is Ruan Yao's hatred for?

The show is still...

"Xie Yingdi is right. Sister Mi, you ladies go out first. Let's see if there is anything else here. After you go out, first coax the children. We have been in for a long time, and they should be in a hurry. Remember not to Let the children come closer." Shao Mingzheng quickly regained his composure and arranged things in an orderly manner.

What Shao Ming was thinking of, Xie Xi, Qiu Haomi Ying and others also thought of it.

Everyone's face was very ugly, and there was a kind of paleness caused by excessive shock.

Everyone is a person who believes in science, but it is really unlucky to encounter this kind of thing on the first day when you are away from home.

Such remote villages generally have various customs that belong to the locals themselves. Even if they know those evil spirits, curses, and strange rules, they will not affect themselves, but those meanings alone are enough to make people shudder.

Furthermore, when I think about the death in this house not long ago, and there were two people, one big and one small, there may be no funeral for some reason, or even because the children are too young to be buried in the ground because they are afraid of all kinds of terrible conjectures. Not to mention the rumors that the souls of those who committed suicide could not leave the place, not to mention the timid women, even the big men were extremely disturbed.

But the program team arranged for Ruan Yao and her daughter to live in such a house.

At this point, they really couldn't believe that the program group was unintentional, ignorant, and innocent!

If Ruan Yao didn't discover all this while cleaning carefully, wouldn't she never know that she lived in such a place for a week?

Or, let the child accidentally hit the table and expose these things, what should I do if I scare the child?

What's more frightening, if the recording of the show is over, and you have to leave to find out about this, who can save the fear and fear of walking on the edge of life and death?

If they deliberately avoid Ruan Yao's mother and daughter and don't have any contact with them because of the rumors on the Internet, and don't help their mother and daughter, then will a single mother and five-year-old baby have to face all this horror alone?

Too cruel, too vicious!

The foreshadowing is almost over, let's abuse the scum, scum, and scum!

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